Profitability and marketing options for small-scale honey producers in Campeche, Mexico
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Establishment of food safety and quality standards for honey produced by small-scale beekeepers in nations of the global South has provoked changes in production and marketing. This study evaluates profitability of conventional and organic honey produced by small-scale beekeepers of the Mexican State of Campeche for national and international markets. The study discusses restrictions and potential for beekeepers' to access these markets. Information was obtained through questionnaires, community-wide workshops and interviews with key actors. Results show that profitability of conventional honey for the domestic market is 23% greater than for exported organic honey and 32% greater than for exported conventional honey. Nevertheless, the domestic market is characterized by a low level of honey consumption as well as insufficient control over quality and food safety. One option for developing this market is to strengthen small-scale self-managed beekeeper's organizations. Inglés
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