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New record of Schizophyllum (Schizophyllaceae) from Mexico and the confirmation of its edibility in the humid tropics

Colaborador(es): Tipo de material: ArtículoArtículoIdioma: Inglés Tema(s): Recursos en línea:
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En: Phytotaxa volumen 413, número 2 (July 2019), páginas 137-148Resumen: The genus Schizophyllum is easily recognized within the order Agaricales. However, at the species level, taxonomic information for identification purposes is limited. The objective of the present study was to confirm the identity of the Schizophyllum species present in Tabasco, Mexico, by means of a detailed taxonomic revision of the macro-and micromorphological characters in more than 90 specimens, as well as phylogenetic analyses inferred from ITS sequence data. In total, three Schizophyllum species are described, of which one constitute a new record for Mexico. Finally, the edibility of S. radiatum is reported for the first time in the humid tropical region.
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The genus Schizophyllum is easily recognized within the order Agaricales. However, at the species level, taxonomic information for identification purposes is limited. The objective of the present study was to confirm the identity of the Schizophyllum species present in Tabasco, Mexico, by means of a detailed taxonomic revision of the macro-and micromorphological characters in more than 90 specimens, as well as phylogenetic analyses inferred from ITS sequence data. In total, three Schizophyllum species are described, of which one constitute a new record for Mexico. Finally, the edibility of S. radiatum is reported for the first time in the humid tropical region. Inglés

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