Value distribution theory for meromorphic maps [Libro electrónico] / autor: Wilhelm Stoll
Por: Stoll, Wilhelm [autor/a].
Tipo de material:
Tipo de ítem | Biblioteca actual | Colección | Signatura | Estado | Fecha de vencimiento | Código de barras |
Libros | Biblioteca Electrónica Recursos en línea (RE) | Acervo General | Recurso digital | ECO400566042060 |
Incluye bibliografía e índice: páginas 334-343
1. Introdution.. 2. Hermitian geometry.. 3. Meromorphic maps on parabolic manifolds.. 4. The first main theorem.. 5. Associated maps.. 6. Frenet frames.. 7. The ahlfors estimates.. 8. General position.. 9. The second main theroem.. 10. Value distribution over a function field.. 11. An example.. 12. The theorem of nevanlinna-mori.. 13. References.. Index
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Value distribution theory studies the behavior of mermorphic maps. Let f: M - N be a merom orphic map between complex manifolds. A target family CI ~ (Ea1aEA of analytic subsets Ea of N is given where A is a connected. compact complex manifold. The behavior of the inverse 1 family ["'(CI) = (f- {E )laEA is investigated. A substantial theory has been a created by many contributors. Usually the targets Ea stay fixed. However we can consider a finite set IJ of meromorphic maps g : M - A and study the incidence f{z) E Eg(z) for z E M and some g E IJ. Here we investigate this situation: M is a parabolic manifold of dimension m and N = lP n is the n-dimensional projective space. The family of hyperplanes in lP n is the target family parameterized by the dual projective space lP* We obtain a Nevanlinna theory consisting of several n First Main Theorems. Second Main Theorems and Defect Relations and extend recent work by B. Shiffman and by S. Mori. We use the Ahlfors-Weyl theory modified by the curvature method of Cowen and Griffiths. The Introduction consists of two parts. In Part A. we sketch the theory for fixed targets to provide background for those who are familar with complex analysis but are not acquainted with value distribution theory. eng
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