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Basin formation, ridge crest processes, and metallogenesis in the north fiji basin Libro electrónico editores: Loren W. Kroenke, James V. Eade

Colaborador(es): Tipo de material: TextoTextoIdioma: Inglés Series Detalles de publicación: New York, New York, United States Springer-Verlag c1994Descripción: xii, 170 páginas ilustraciones mapas 28 centímetrosISBN:
  • 3540573720
  • 0387573720
  • 9783540573722 (Print)
  • 9783642850431 (Online)
Tema(s): Recursos en línea: Formatos físicos adicionales disponibles:
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Contenidos parciales:
1. Overview and principal results of the second leg of the first Joint CCOP/SOPAC-tripartite cruise of the R/V kana keoki: North Fiji basin survey (KK820316 Leg 03.. 2. Morphology and structure of the seafloor in the northern part of the north Fiji basin.. 3. Shallow seismicity in the north Fiji basin.. 4. Deep seismicity in the north Fiji basin.. 5. Gravity field of the north Fiji basin.. 6. Magnetic and tectonic fabric of the north Fiji basin and Lau basin.. 7. Sediment distribution in the north-central north Fiji basin.. 8. Sediments of the north Fiji basin.. 9. Lithified sediments dredged from the central north Fiji basin.. 10. Fission track dates of basalts from the north Fiji basin.. 11. Petrology and geochemistry of submarine lavas from the Lau and north Fiji back-arc basins.. 12. Geochemistry of north central north Fiji basin sediments.. Index
Resumen: The Earth Science Series of the Circum-Pacific Funding for ship time was made available through Council for Energy and Mineral Resources (CPCEMR) the U. S. Agency for International Development, the is designed to convey the results of geologie research in USGS, the U. S. Office of Naval Research (for HIG's and around the Pacific Basin. Topies of interest include 1982 work), the Australian Development Assistance framework geology, petroleum geology, hard minerals, Bureau, the Australian Bureau of Mineral Resources geothermal energy, environmental geology, volcanology, (BMR), the New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs, oceanography, tectonics, geophysies, geochemistry, and the New Zealand Departrnent of Scientific and Industrial applications of renewable energy. The CPCEMR sup­ Research (DSIR), the New Zealand Geological Survey, ports and publishes results of scientific research that will and the New Zealand Oceanographic Institute (NZOI). advance the knowledge of energy and mineral resource Coordination of the program was provided by the U. S. potential in the circum-Pacific region. The Earth Sci­ Departrnent of State and the South Pacific Applied Geo­ ence Series is specifically designed to publish papers that science Commission (SOPAC, formerly the United include new data and new maps, report on CPCEMR­ Nations-sponsored Committee for the Coordination of sponsored symposia and workshops, and describe the Joint Prospecting for Mineral Resources in South Pacific results of onshore and marine geological and geophysieal Offshore Areas CCOP/SOP AC) in Fiji. Over 150 scien­ explorations.
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1. Overview and principal results of the second leg of the first Joint CCOP/SOPAC-tripartite cruise of the R/V kana keoki: North Fiji basin survey (KK820316 Leg 03.. 2. Morphology and structure of the seafloor in the northern part of the north Fiji basin.. 3. Shallow seismicity in the north Fiji basin.. 4. Deep seismicity in the north Fiji basin.. 5. Gravity field of the north Fiji basin.. 6. Magnetic and tectonic fabric of the north Fiji basin and Lau basin.. 7. Sediment distribution in the north-central north Fiji basin.. 8. Sediments of the north Fiji basin.. 9. Lithified sediments dredged from the central north Fiji basin.. 10. Fission track dates of basalts from the north Fiji basin.. 11. Petrology and geochemistry of submarine lavas from the Lau and north Fiji back-arc basins.. 12. Geochemistry of north central north Fiji basin sediments.. Index

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The Earth Science Series of the Circum-Pacific Funding for ship time was made available through Council for Energy and Mineral Resources (CPCEMR) the U. S. Agency for International Development, the is designed to convey the results of geologie research in USGS, the U. S. Office of Naval Research (for HIG's and around the Pacific Basin. Topies of interest include 1982 work), the Australian Development Assistance framework geology, petroleum geology, hard minerals, Bureau, the Australian Bureau of Mineral Resources geothermal energy, environmental geology, volcanology, (BMR), the New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs, oceanography, tectonics, geophysies, geochemistry, and the New Zealand Departrnent of Scientific and Industrial applications of renewable energy. The CPCEMR sup­ Research (DSIR), the New Zealand Geological Survey, ports and publishes results of scientific research that will and the New Zealand Oceanographic Institute (NZOI). advance the knowledge of energy and mineral resource Coordination of the program was provided by the U. S. potential in the circum-Pacific region. The Earth Sci­ Departrnent of State and the South Pacific Applied Geo­ ence Series is specifically designed to publish papers that science Commission (SOPAC, formerly the United include new data and new maps, report on CPCEMR­ Nations-sponsored Committee for the Coordination of sponsored symposia and workshops, and describe the Joint Prospecting for Mineral Resources in South Pacific results of onshore and marine geological and geophysieal Offshore Areas CCOP/SOP AC) in Fiji. Over 150 scien­ explorations. Inglés

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