Fluvial hydraulics of mountain regions [Libro electrónico] / editors: Aronne Armanini, Giampaolo Di Silvio
Armanini, Aronne [editor] | Di Silvio, Gianpaolo [editor/a].
Tipo de material:
Tipo de ítem | Biblioteca actual | Colección | Signatura | Estado | Fecha de vencimiento | Código de barras |
Libros | Biblioteca Electrónica Recursos en línea (RE) | Acervo General | Recurso digital | ECO40055687541 |
Incluye bibliografía
1. Introduction to the papers.. 2. Flow resistance over a gravel bed: its consequence on initial sediment movement.. 3. Turbulent flow with small relative submergence.. 4. Flow resistance and sediment transportation in streams with step-pool bed morphology.. 5. Modification of transport rate formula for steep channels.. 6. Continuous simulation of sediment transport in the case of a glacierized watershed.. 7. Determination of the critical conditions of incipient notion of bed load in mountain rivers.. 8. Bed-load transport in steep channels.. 9. Flume experiments on alternate bars in unsteady flow.. 10. River bars and non linear dynamics.. 11. Sediment yield and river bed change in mountain rivers.. 12. A general model for intense sediment transport of plane bed.. 13. Model investigations on the sediment transport of a lower alpine river.. 14. Sediment movement on the kurobe alluvial fan.. 15. Simulation of reservoir sedimentation in mountain regions.. 16. Sediment sluicing in mountain reservoirs.. 17. Review of disastrous torrent flood on the vlasina river on June 26, 1988 - including analysis of flood and the obtained results.. 18. Research of fluvial processes in mountains a change of emphasis.. 19. Mechanics and the existence criteria of various types of flows during massive sediment transport.. 20. Numerical analysis of hillslope - channel interaction in first order basins.. 21. Modelling short- and long-term evolution of mountain rivers: an application to the torrent mallero (Italy.. 22. Review of mountain river training procedures in Switzerland.. 23. From the check dam to the development of functional check dams.. 24. Downstream variation of grain size in gravel rivers: abrasion versus selective sorting.. 25. Morphological changes and grain sorting in mountain gravel-bed streams.. 26. Diversion structure for the "valabres" water project on the tinee river-France..
27. Mobile armouring of bed surface in steep slope river with gravel and sand mixture.. 28. Experimental analysis of armouring process.. 29. Bed load transport and hyperconcentrated flow at steep slopes.. 30. Experimental investigations on bed-load and suspended transport in mountain streams.. 31. Variation of bed and transport mean diameters in non-equilibrium conditions.. Bibliography
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These proceedings of the International Workshop of Fluvial Hydraulics of Mountain Region (Trent, October 1989) can be regarded as the state-of-the-art on water flow and sediment transport in mountain rivers. The focus is on: - Hydrodynamics of steep rivers; - Sediment movement and sediment control; - Particular features on sediment transport relevant to non-uniform grain-size. eng
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Subscripción a ELSEVIER 26 de diciembre del 2013