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The mechanism of induced seismicity Libro electrónico edited by Cezar I. Trifu

Colaborador(es): Tipo de material: TextoTextoIdioma: Inglés Series Detalles de publicación: Boston, Massachusetts, United States Birkhauser c2002Descripción: vi, 617 páginas ilustraciones mapas 24 centímetrosISBN:
  • 0817666532
  • 3764366532
  • 9783764366537 (Print)
  • 9783034881791 (Online)
Tema(s): Recursos en línea: Formatos físicos adicionales disponibles:
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Contenidos parciales:
1. Introduction.. 2. Seasonal seismicity of northern California before the great 1906 earthquake.. 3. Post-seismic effects of an m 7.2 earthquake and microseismicity in an abandoned, flooded, deep mine.. 4. Microseismicity induced by heavy rainfall around flooded vertical ore veins.. 5. Moment tensor inversion of regional phases: application to a mine collapse.. 6. Source time function of seismic events at rudna copper mine, Poland.. 7. Reliability of seismic moment tensor inversions for induced microseismicity at kidd mine, Ontario.. 8. Effect of the rock properties on mining-induced seismicity around the ventersdorp contact reef, witwatersrand basin, south Africa.. 9. The assessment of damage around critical engineering structures using induced seismicity and ultrasonic techniques.. 10. High-resolution mechanics of a microearthquake sequence.. 11. Simulation of unstable fault slip in granite using a bonded-particle model.. 12. Modelling seismic waves around underground openings in fractured rock.. 13. Tomographic imaging of thermally induced fractures in granite using Bayesian inversion.. 14. A simple analogue experiment to account for power-law and exponential decays of earthquake sequences.. 15. Induced microearthquake patterns in hydrocarbon and geothermal reservoirs: six case studies.. 16. Seismological studies of a fluid injection in sedimentary rocks, east Texas.. 17. Production-induced normal faulting in the Valhalla and ekofisk oil fields.. 18. An application of induced seismicity data analysis for detection of spatial structures and temporal regimes of deformation processes in hydrocarbon fields.. 19. Application of kalman filtering techniques for microseismic event detection.. 20. Near-surface microearthquakes at the geysers geothermal field, California..
21. Determination of stress state from focal mechanisms of microseismic events induced during hydraulic injection at the hijiori hot dry rock site.. 22. Detailed fracture system of the soultz-sous-forêts hdr field evaluated using microseismic multiplet analysis.. 23. Evaluation of subsurface structure at soultz hot dry rock site by the AE reflection method in time-frequency domain.. 24. Using automated, high-precision repicking to improve delineation of microseismic structures at the soultz geothermal reservoir.. 25. Reservoir-induced seismicity in brazil.. Bibliography
Resumen: This volume covers a wide range of studies, from mining induced seismicity to geotechnical applications, from the monitoring of petroleum resevoirs to that of fluid injections in geothermal areas, and to seismicity associated with water reservoirs.
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1. Introduction.. 2. Seasonal seismicity of northern California before the great 1906 earthquake.. 3. Post-seismic effects of an m 7.2 earthquake and microseismicity in an abandoned, flooded, deep mine.. 4. Microseismicity induced by heavy rainfall around flooded vertical ore veins.. 5. Moment tensor inversion of regional phases: application to a mine collapse.. 6. Source time function of seismic events at rudna copper mine, Poland.. 7. Reliability of seismic moment tensor inversions for induced microseismicity at kidd mine, Ontario.. 8. Effect of the rock properties on mining-induced seismicity around the ventersdorp contact reef, witwatersrand basin, south Africa.. 9. The assessment of damage around critical engineering structures using induced seismicity and ultrasonic techniques.. 10. High-resolution mechanics of a microearthquake sequence.. 11. Simulation of unstable fault slip in granite using a bonded-particle model.. 12. Modelling seismic waves around underground openings in fractured rock.. 13. Tomographic imaging of thermally induced fractures in granite using Bayesian inversion.. 14. A simple analogue experiment to account for power-law and exponential decays of earthquake sequences.. 15. Induced microearthquake patterns in hydrocarbon and geothermal reservoirs: six case studies.. 16. Seismological studies of a fluid injection in sedimentary rocks, east Texas.. 17. Production-induced normal faulting in the Valhalla and ekofisk oil fields.. 18. An application of induced seismicity data analysis for detection of spatial structures and temporal regimes of deformation processes in hydrocarbon fields.. 19. Application of kalman filtering techniques for microseismic event detection.. 20. Near-surface microearthquakes at the geysers geothermal field, California..

21. Determination of stress state from focal mechanisms of microseismic events induced during hydraulic injection at the hijiori hot dry rock site.. 22. Detailed fracture system of the soultz-sous-forêts hdr field evaluated using microseismic multiplet analysis.. 23. Evaluation of subsurface structure at soultz hot dry rock site by the AE reflection method in time-frequency domain.. 24. Using automated, high-precision repicking to improve delineation of microseismic structures at the soultz geothermal reservoir.. 25. Reservoir-induced seismicity in brazil.. Bibliography

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This volume covers a wide range of studies, from mining induced seismicity to geotechnical applications, from the monitoring of petroleum resevoirs to that of fluid injections in geothermal areas, and to seismicity associated with water reservoirs. Inglés

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