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Geodynamics of azores-tunisia Libro electrónico edited by E. Buforn, J. Martín-Dávila, A. Udías

Colaborador(es): Tipo de material: TextoTextoIdioma: Inglés Series Detalles de publicación: Boston, Massachusetts, United States Birkhauser Verlag c2004Descripción: vi, 722 páginas ilustraciones mapas 24 centímetrosISBN:
  • 3764370432
  • 9783764370435 (Print)
  • 9783034878999 (Online)
Tema(s): Recursos en línea: Formatos físicos adicionales disponibles:
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Contenidos parciales:
1. Introduction.. 2. Rapid exhumation in the alpine belt of the betic-rif (W Mediterranean: tectonic extrusion.. 3. The alpine rif belt (morocco: a case of mountain building in a subduction-subduction-transform fault triple junction.. 4. Recent tectonic deformations and stresses in the frontal part of the rif cordillera and the saïss basin (Fes and Rabat regions, morocco.. 5. Recent tectonic structures in a transect of the central betic cordillera.. 6. Neogene through quaternary tectonic reactivation of SW Iberian passive margin.. 7. Geoalgar project: first results on seismicity and fault-plane solutions.. 8. The ain temouchent (Algeria earthquake of December 22nd, 1999.. 9. Seismic sources on the iberia-african plate boundary and their tectonic implications.. 10. Calibration of local magnitude mLin the Azores archipelago based on recent digital recordings.. 11. Geodetic measurements of crustal deformation in the western mediterranean and Europe.. 12. Recent geodetic results in the azores triple junction region.. 13. New palaeomagnetic data from the betic cordillera: constraints on the timing and the geographical distribution of tectonic rotations in southern Spain.. Bibliography
Resumen: The following four papers deal with the seismicity and seismotectonic of the region. Carrilho et al. present the first results of GEOALGAR, a project initiated in 2000 to monitor the seismic activity in the Algarve region (southern Portugal). In this paper results of the relocation of epicenters and determination of fault plane solutions are presented. The new epicentral locations show a more organized spatial distribution which could indicate a possible correlation with some known tectonic features. Fault plane solutions are predominantly of strike-slip motion consistent with a horizontal compression in the NW-SE to NNW-SSE direction. The paper by Yelles-Chaouche et al. presents a detailed study of the 22 December, 1999 earthquake at Ain Temouchent (northwest Algeria) of magnitude 5. 7. The earthquake caused serious damage in the town of Ain Teemouchent with 25 casualties and 25000 people left homeless. Intensity map, surface features and the focal mechanism, based on wave form analysis, are shown. The mechanism corresponds to reverse fault motion with planes striking NNE-SSW resulting from horizontal compression in the NW-SE direction. This corresponds to the general mechanism found for Algeria earthquakes. Buforn et al. present a study of the characteristics of the plate boundary between Africa and Iberia, from west of Cape San Vicente to Algeria, using seismicity and source mechanism data. The region is divided into three areas which manifest different characteristics.
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Incluye bibliografía

1. Introduction.. 2. Rapid exhumation in the alpine belt of the betic-rif (W Mediterranean: tectonic extrusion.. 3. The alpine rif belt (morocco: a case of mountain building in a subduction-subduction-transform fault triple junction.. 4. Recent tectonic deformations and stresses in the frontal part of the rif cordillera and the saïss basin (Fes and Rabat regions, morocco.. 5. Recent tectonic structures in a transect of the central betic cordillera.. 6. Neogene through quaternary tectonic reactivation of SW Iberian passive margin.. 7. Geoalgar project: first results on seismicity and fault-plane solutions.. 8. The ain temouchent (Algeria earthquake of December 22nd, 1999.. 9. Seismic sources on the iberia-african plate boundary and their tectonic implications.. 10. Calibration of local magnitude mLin the Azores archipelago based on recent digital recordings.. 11. Geodetic measurements of crustal deformation in the western mediterranean and Europe.. 12. Recent geodetic results in the azores triple junction region.. 13. New palaeomagnetic data from the betic cordillera: constraints on the timing and the geographical distribution of tectonic rotations in southern Spain.. Bibliography

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The following four papers deal with the seismicity and seismotectonic of the region. Carrilho et al. present the first results of GEOALGAR, a project initiated in 2000 to monitor the seismic activity in the Algarve region (southern Portugal). In this paper results of the relocation of epicenters and determination of fault plane solutions are presented. The new epicentral locations show a more organized spatial distribution which could indicate a possible correlation with some known tectonic features. Fault plane solutions are predominantly of strike-slip motion consistent with a horizontal compression in the NW-SE to NNW-SSE direction. The paper by Yelles-Chaouche et al. presents a detailed study of the 22 December, 1999 earthquake at Ain Temouchent (northwest Algeria) of magnitude 5. 7. The earthquake caused serious damage in the town of Ain Teemouchent with 25 casualties and 25000 people left homeless. Intensity map, surface features and the focal mechanism, based on wave form analysis, are shown. The mechanism corresponds to reverse fault motion with planes striking NNE-SSW resulting from horizontal compression in the NW-SE direction. This corresponds to the general mechanism found for Algeria earthquakes. Buforn et al. present a study of the characteristics of the plate boundary between Africa and Iberia, from west of Cape San Vicente to Algeria, using seismicity and source mechanism data. The region is divided into three areas which manifest different characteristics. Inglés

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