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Carcinogen risk assessment Libro electrónico edited by Curtis C. Travis

Colaborador(es): Tipo de material: TextoTextoIdioma: Inglés Series Detalles de publicación: New York, New York, United States Plenum Press c1988Descripción: viii, 210 páginas ilustraciones 26 centímetrosISBN:
  • 0306428482
  • 9781468454864 (Print)
  • 9781468454840 (Online)
Tema(s): Recursos en línea: Formatos físicos adicionales disponibles:
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Contenidos parciales:
Chapter 1. Overview of risk assessment.. 1. The risk analysis process.. 2. Current views of the biology of cancer.. Chapter 2. The use of scientific data in risk assessment.. 3. Use of short-term test data in risk analysis of chemical carcinogens.. 4. Use of animal bioassay data in carcinogen risk assessment.. Chapter 3. Exposure assessment.. 5. Assessing the extent of human exposure to organics.. 6. Partitioning models.. 7. Pharmacokinetics.. Chapter 4. Special issues in risk assessment.. 8. Biologically-based models to predict cancer risk.. 9. Animal extrapolation and the challenge of human interindividual variation.. 10. Biological markers in risk assessment.. Chapter 5. Risk management.. 11. Managing environmental risks.. 12. Acceptable risk.. 13. Risk perception.. 14. Risk assessment and comparisons.. 15. Risk communication.. Index
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Incluye bibliografía e índice: páginas 209-210

Chapter 1. Overview of risk assessment.. 1. The risk analysis process.. 2. Current views of the biology of cancer.. Chapter 2. The use of scientific data in risk assessment.. 3. Use of short-term test data in risk analysis of chemical carcinogens.. 4. Use of animal bioassay data in carcinogen risk assessment.. Chapter 3. Exposure assessment.. 5. Assessing the extent of human exposure to organics.. 6. Partitioning models.. 7. Pharmacokinetics.. Chapter 4. Special issues in risk assessment.. 8. Biologically-based models to predict cancer risk.. 9. Animal extrapolation and the challenge of human interindividual variation.. 10. Biological markers in risk assessment.. Chapter 5. Risk management.. 11. Managing environmental risks.. 12. Acceptable risk.. 13. Risk perception.. 14. Risk assessment and comparisons.. 15. Risk communication.. Index

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