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Geophysical fluid dynamics Libro electrónico Joseph Pedlosky

Por: Tipo de material: TextoTextoIdioma: Inglés Detalles de publicación: New York, New York, United States Springer Verlag c1979Descripción: xii, 624 páginas ilustraciones 24 centímetrosISBN:
  • 0387903682
  • 9780387907451 (Print)
  • 9781468400717 (Online)
Tema(s): Recursos en línea: Formatos físicos adicionales disponibles:
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Contenidos parciales:
1. Preliminaries.. 2. Fundamentals.. 3. Inviscid shallow-water theory.. 4. Friction and viscous flow.. 5. Homogeneous models of the wind-driven oceanic circulation.. 6. Quasigeostrophic motion of a stratified fluid on a sphere.. 7. Instability theory.. 8. Ageostrophic motion.. Index
Resumen: This second edition of the widely acclaimed Geophysical Fluid Dynamics by Joseph Pedlosky offers the reader a high-level, unified treatment of the theory of the dynamics of large-scale motions of the oceans and atmosphere. Revised and updated, it includes expanded discussions of • the fundamentals of geostrophic turbulence • the theory of wave-mean flow interaction • thermocline theory • finite amplitude barocline instability.
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Incluye bibliografía e índice: páginas 605-617

1. Preliminaries.. 2. Fundamentals.. 3. Inviscid shallow-water theory.. 4. Friction and viscous flow.. 5. Homogeneous models of the wind-driven oceanic circulation.. 6. Quasigeostrophic motion of a stratified fluid on a sphere.. 7. Instability theory.. 8. Ageostrophic motion.. Index

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This second edition of the widely acclaimed Geophysical Fluid Dynamics by Joseph Pedlosky offers the reader a high-level, unified treatment of the theory of the dynamics of large-scale motions of the oceans and atmosphere. Revised and updated, it includes expanded discussions of • the fundamentals of geostrophic turbulence • the theory of wave-mean flow interaction • thermocline theory • finite amplitude barocline instability. Inglés

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