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Fixin' fish a guide to handling, buying, preserving, and preparing fish Libro electrónico Jeffrey Gunderson

Por: Tipo de material: TextoTextoIdioma: Inglés Detalles de publicación: Minneapolis University of Minnesota Press for the University of Minnesota Sea Grant Extension Program c1984Edición: Segunda ediciónDescripción: 56 páginas ilustraciones 21 centímetrosISBN:
  • 0816613303
  • 0816613338
  • 9780816655298
Tema(s): Recursos en línea: Formatos físicos adicionales disponibles:
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Resumen: Whether you catch it yourself or buy it, fish can be a delicious, nutritious meal or an experience you'd rather forget. Because fish are delicate and perishable, preserving their fresh-caught flavor requires careful handling. Fixin' Fish provides anglers and fish buyers with helpful techniques, not covered in most cookbooks, for handling, cleaning, preserving, preparing, and buying fish of all kinds. Topics covered include: maintaining the quality of fresh fish, building a smokehouse, smoking, canning, pickling, making fish jerky and caviar, and checking fish for parasites. Sport fishermen will find the section on field dressing and packing especially useful. Minnesota and neighboring states have an abundance of fish that are usually overlooked as a food source. These underutilized fish, which include suckers, eelpout (burbot), carp, bullheads, herring, and freshwater drum, can be delicious if handled and prepared properly. The special techniques described in this book will help anyone make good use of this inexpensive and tasty source of protein. Fixin' Fish is published by the University of Minnesota Sea Grant Extension Program. This new edition updates the text and adds information on parasites that can be found on freshwater fish in the Minnesota region.
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Bibliografía: páginas 55-56

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Whether you catch it yourself or buy it, fish can be a delicious, nutritious meal or an experience you'd rather forget. Because fish are delicate and perishable, preserving their fresh-caught flavor requires careful handling. Fixin' Fish provides anglers and fish buyers with helpful techniques, not covered in most cookbooks, for handling, cleaning, preserving, preparing, and buying fish of all kinds. Topics covered include: maintaining the quality of fresh fish, building a smokehouse, smoking, canning, pickling, making fish jerky and caviar, and checking fish for parasites. Sport fishermen will find the section on field dressing and packing especially useful. Minnesota and neighboring states have an abundance of fish that are usually overlooked as a food source. These underutilized fish, which include suckers, eelpout (burbot), carp, bullheads, herring, and freshwater drum, can be delicious if handled and prepared properly. The special techniques described in this book will help anyone make good use of this inexpensive and tasty source of protein. Fixin' Fish is published by the University of Minnesota Sea Grant Extension Program. This new edition updates the text and adds information on parasites that can be found on freshwater fish in the Minnesota region. Inglés

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