Stock identification methods: applications in fishery science / edited by Steven X. Cadrin, Lisa A. Kerr, Stefano Mariani
Cadrin, Steven X [editor] | Kerr, Lisa [editora] | Mariani, Stefano [editor].
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Incluye bibliografía e índice: páginas 553-566
List of Contributors.. Foreword.. Introduction.. 1. Stock Identification Methods: An Overview.. Glossary.. Acknowledgments.. Glossary.. 2. The Unit Stock Concept: Bounded Fish and Fisheries.. 2.1 The Unit Stock Imperative.. 2.2 Operational Definitions of Unit Stock.. 2.3 Fishing across Boundaries.. 2.4 Mixed and Shifting Stocks.. 2.5 Complex Life Cycles.. 2.6 Stocks as Closed Populations.. 2.7 Natal Homing Mechanisms.. 2.8 “Self-Recruitment” in Reef Fishes.. 2.9 Open Populations.. 2.10 Between Closed and Open Populations: Connectivity.. 2.11 What Do We Need to Know to Track Fish Stocks?.. References.. Further Reading.. 3. Fishery Management Strategies for Addressing Complex Spatial Structure in Marine Fish Stocks.. 3.1 Introduction.. 3.2 Quota Setting.. 3.3 Spatial Management Strategies.. 3.4 Summary and Conclusions.. Acknowledgments.. References.. 4. Quantitative Traits.. Scope of the Chapter.. 4.1 Introduction.. 4.2 Nature of Variation in Quantitative Traits.. 4.3 Disentangling Sources of Phenotypic Variation.. 4.4 Conclusions.. Acknowledgments.. References.. 5. The continuing role of life history parameters to identify stock structure.. Abbreviations.. 5.1 Introduction.. 5.2 Distribution and Abundance.. 5.3 Size and Age.. 5.4 Reproduction and Recruitment.. 5.5 Conclusions.. Acknowledgments.. References.. 6. Morphometric Landmarks.. 6.1 Introduction.. 6.2 Methodological Protocols.. 6.3 Interpretation of Morphometric Differences.. 6.4 Discussion.. Acknowledgments.. References.. 7. Morphometric Outlines.. 7.1 Introduction.. 7.2 Methods.. 7.3 Interpretation.. 7.4 Case Studies in Stock Identification.. 7.5 Discussion.. Acknowledgments.. References.. 8. Analysis of growth marks in calcified structures: insights into stock structure and migration pathways.. 8.1 Introduction.. 8.2 Methodology.. 8.3 Conclusions and Future Directions.. References.. 9. Meristics.. 9.1 Introduction.. 9.2 Methodology.. 9.3 Case Studies in Stock Identification.. 9.4 Conclusions.. Acknowledgments.. References.. 10. Parasites as Biological Tags.. 10.1 Introduction.. 10.2 Selection of Parasites for Use as Tags.. 10.3 Methodology.. 10.4 Collection of Hosts and Parasites.. 10.5 Interpretation of Results.. 10.6 Example Case Studies.. References.. 11. Chemical Composition of Fish Hard Parts as a Natural Marker of Fish Stocks.. 11.1 Principles of Chemistry Applications to Fish Hard Parts.. 11.2 Methodology.. 11.3 Case Studies.. 11.4 Conclusion.. References.. 12. Fatty Acid Profiles as Natural Marks for Stock Identification.. 12.1 Introduction.. 12.2 Methodology.. 12.3 Case Histories.. 12.4 Discussion.. References.. 13. Application of Mitochondrial DNA in Stock Identification.. Abbreviations.. Scope of the Chapter.. 13.1 Introduction.. 13.2 Methods for the Analysis of mtDNA.. 13.3 Fish Stock Identification: Insights from mtDNA Data Analysis.. 13.4 Conclusions.. Glossary.. References.. 14. The Nuclear Genome: Neutral and Adaptive Markers in Fisheries Science.. Abbreviations.. 14.1 Introduction.. 14.2 Methodology—The Nuclear “Tool Kit” for Stock Identification.. 14.3 Matching Each Question with the Right Tool.. 14.4 Conclusions.. Acknowledgments.. References..
15. The use of early life stages in stock identification studies.. 15.1 Stock Definitions.. 15.2 Role of Early Life Stage Information in the Stock Concept.. 15.3 Use of Early Life Stages in Stock Identification.. 15.4 Examples of Early Life Stage Information in the Definition of Stocks.. 15.5 Future Directions and Conclusions.. Acknowledgments.. References.. 16. Conventional and Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) tags.. 16.1 A History of Tagging and Its Use in Stock Identification Studies.. 16.2 External Tag Types.. 16.3 Internal Tag Types.. 16.4 Choosing the Appropriate Tag.. 16.5 Tagging Methods.. 16.6 Fish Movement Pattern and Connectivity Tagging Studies.. 16.7 Tagging Data Analysis for Movement Pattern Studies.. 16.8 Conclusions.. Acknowledgments.. References.. Further Reading.. 17. Acoustic and Radio Telemetry.. 17.1 Introduction.. 17.2 Technology.. 17.3 Advantages and Disadvantages of Acoustic Telemetry.. 17.4 Considerations for Study Design.. 17.5 Data Analysis.. 17.6 Case Studies.. 17.7 Discussion.. Acknowledgments.. References.. Further Reading.. 18. Estimation of Movement from Tagging Data.. 18.1 Introduction.. 18.2 Discrete Time/Discrete Stock Models.. 18.3 Continuous Time/Space Models.. 18.4 Summary and Challenges.. References.. 19. Telemetry Analysis of Highly Migratory Species.. 19.1 Introduction.. 19.2 Tagging Study Road Map.. 19.3 Satellite Linked Radio Transmitters: A Tool for All Scales but Not All Creatures.. 19.4 Archival Tags: There Are Many Fish in the Sea.. 19.5 Geolocation: Where Did My Fish Go?.. 19.6 Light Based Geolocation.. 19.7 Beyond Light.. 19.8 Improving Geolocation: Algorithmic Approach.. 19.9 The Statistical Approach: State-Space Models and the Kalman Filter.. 19.10 Behavior Modes.. 19.11 Bayesian Inference.. 19.12 Defining Stock Boundaries: Home Range and Utilization Distribution.. 19.13 Hidden Markov Models.. 19.14 Depth: The Third Dimension.. 19.15 Synthesis: From Observation to Inference and Application.. 19.16 Conclusions.. Acknowledgments.. References.. 20. Sampling for Interdisiplinary Analysis.. 20.1 Introduction.. 20.2 Basic Aspects.. 20.3 Sampling in Space.. 20.4 Sampling in Time.. 20.5 Sampling in the Spawning Area and Spawning Time.. 20.6 Sample Size.. 20.7 Applying All the Approaches to the Same Specimen.. 20.8 Logistics, Operation, and Organization of the Sampling Process.. 20.9 Exploratory Data Analysis.. 20.10 Conclusions.. References.. 21. Simulation Modeling as a Tool for Synthesis of Stock Identification Information.. 21.1 Introduction.. 21.2 Simulation Modeling to Test Hypotheses Regarding Stock Structure and Movement of Fish.. 21.3 Incorporating Spatial Structure and Connectivity in Population Dynamics Models.. 21.4 Case Studies.. 21.5 Opportunities and Limitations.. 21.6 Conclusions.. Acknowledgments.. References.. 22. Interdisciplinary Evaluation of Spatial Population Structure for Definition of Fishery Management Units.. 22.1 Introduction.. 22.2 A Process for Interdisciplinary Stock Identification.. 22.3 Case Studies.. 22.4 Conclusions.. Acknowledgments.. References.. Index
Disponible para usuarios de ECOSUR con su clave de acceso
Stock Identification Methods, 2e, continues to provide a comprehensive review of the various disciplines used to study the population structure of fishery resources. It represents the worldwide experience and perspectives of experts on each method, assembled through a working group of the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea. The book is organized to foster interdisciplinary analyses and conclusions about stock structure, a crucial topic for fishery science and management. Technological advances have promoted the development of stock identification methods in many directions, resulting in a confusing variety of approaches. Based on central tenets of population biology and management needs, this valuable resource offers a unified framework for understanding stock structure by promoting an understanding of the relative merits and sensitivities of each approach. *Describes 18 distinct approaches to stock identification grouped into sections on life history traits, environmental signals, genetic analyses, and applied marks. *Features experts reviews of benchmark case studies, general protocols, and the strengths and weaknesses of each identification method. *Reviews statistical techniques for exploring stock patterns, testing for differences among putative stocks, stock discrimination, and stock composition analysis. *Focuses on the challenges of interpreting data and managing mixed-stock fisheries. eng
Subscripción a ELSEVIER 26 de diciembre del 2013