Amphibians and reptiles af Baja California including its pacific islands and the islands in the sea of Cortés L. Lee Grismer ; with a foreword by Harry W. Greene
Tipo de material:
- 0520224175
- 9780520224179
- 597.809722 G7
Incluye bibliografía: páginas 367-389 e índice: páginas 391-399
Glosario: páginas 355-365
Foreword.. Preface.. Acknowledgments.. General Introduction.. Exploration and Research.. The Environment.. Paleoenvironmental History.. Physical Characteristics.. Climate.. Phytogeographic Provinces.. The Herpetofauna.. Herpetological Research.. Biogeography.. Conservation and Commercialization.. Species Accounts.. Introduction.. Arrangement and Use of Species Accounts.. Taxonomy.. Taxonomic Keys.. Salamanders.. Frogs and Toads.. Turtles and Tortoises.. Lizards.. Snakes and Worm Lizards.. 1. Salamanders.. Plethodontidae: Lungless Salamanders.. Aneides.. Batrachoseps.. Ensatina.. 2. Frogs and Toads.. Bufonidae: True Toads.. Bufo.. Hylidae: Treefrogs.. Hyla.. Ranidae: True Frogs.. Rana.. Pelobatidae: Spadefoot Toads.. Scaphiopus.. Spea.. 3. Turtles and Tortoises.. Emydidae: Pond Turtles and Sliders.. Clemmys.. Trachemys.. Testudinidae: Land Tortoises.. Gopherus.. Cheloniidae: Sea Turtles.. Caretta.. Chelonia.. Eretmochelys.. Lepidochelys.. Dermochelyidae: Leatherback Sea Turtles.. Dermochelys.. Trionychidae: Soft-Shell Turtles.. Apalone.. 4. Lizards.. Crotaphytidae: Collared and Leopard Lizards.. Crotaphytus.. Gambelia.. Iguanidae: Iguanas and Chuckwallas.. Ctenosaura.. Dipsosaurus... Sauromalus.. Phrynosomatidae: Sand, Rock, Horned, Spiny, Fringe-Toed, Brush, and Side-Blotched Lizards.. Callisaurus.. Petrosaurus.. Phrynosoma.. Sceloporus.. Uma.. Urosaurus.. Uta.. Eublepharidae: Eyelidded Geckos.. Coleonyx.. Gekkonidae: Geckos.. Gehyra.. Hemidactylus.. Pbyllodactylus.. Teiidae: Whiptails.. Cnemidophorus.. Xantusiidae: Night Lizards.. Xantusia.. Scincidae: Skinks.. Eumeces.. Anguidae: Legless and Alligator Lizards.. Anniella.. Elgaria.. 5. Worm Lizards.. Bipedidae: Two-Footed Worm Lizards.. Bipes.. 6. Snakes.. Leptotyphlopidae: Blind Snakes.. Leptotyphlops.. Boidae: Boas and Pythons.. Lichanura.. Colubridae: Colubrid Snakes
Arizona.. Bogertophis..Chilomeniscus.. Chionactis.. Diadophis.. Eridiphas.. Hypsiglena.. Lampropeltis.. Masticophis.. Phyllorhynchus.. Pituophis..Rhinocheilus.. Salvadora.. Sonora.. Tantilla.. Thamnophis.. Trimorphodon.. Elapidae: Coral Snakes and Sea Snakes.. Micruroides.. Pelamis.. Viperidae: Vipers and Pit Vipers.. Crotalus.. Appendix A. Insular Species Checklist.. Appendix B. Claves Taxonómicas.. Glossary.. Literature Cited.. Index
The Baja California peninsula is home to many forms of life found nowhere else on earth. This, combined with the peninsula's rugged and inaccessible terrain, has made the area one of the last true biological frontiers of North America. L. Lee Grismer is not only the foremost authority on the amphibians and reptiles of Baja California, but also an outstanding photographer. He has produced the most comprehensive work on the herpetofauna of the peninsula and its islands ever published. With its stunning color images, detailed accounts of many little-known species, and descriptions of the region's diverse environment, this is the definitive guide to the amphibians and reptiles of a fascinating and remote region. The culmination of Grismer's quarter century of fieldwork on the Baja peninsula and his exploration of more than one hundred of its islands in the Pacific Ocean and the Sea of Cortés, this book gives information on the identification, distribution, natural history, and taxonomy of each species of amphibian and reptile found there. Preliminary accounts of the life history of many of the salamanders, frogs, toads, turtles, lizards, and snakes are reported here for the first time, and several species that were almost unknown to science are illustrated in full color. The book also contains new data on species distribution and on the effect of the isolated landscape of the peninsula and its islands on the evolutionary process. Much of the information gathered here is presented in biogeographical overviews that consider the extremely varied environments of Baja California in both a contemporary and a historical framework. An original and important contribution to science, this book will generate further research for years to come as it becomes a benchmark reference for both professionals and amateurs. Inglés