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Life history evolution Derek A. Roff

Por: Tipo de material: TextoTextoIdioma: Inglés Detalles de publicación: Sunderland, Massachusetts Sinauer Associattes c2002Descripción: vii, 527 páginas ilustraciones 23 centímetrosISBN:
  • 0878937560
  • 9780878937561
Tema(s): Clasificación CDD:
  • 576.54 R6
Contenidos parciales:
Preface.. Chapter 1 Overview.. Chapter 2 A Framework for Analysis.. Chapter 3 Trade-offs.. Chapter 4 Evolution in Constant Environments.. Chapter 5 Evolution in Stochastic Environments.. Chapter 6 Evolution in Predictable Environments.. Chapter 7 Topics for Future Study.. References.. Index
Resumen: Life History Evolution represents a synthetic approach to the understanding of the evolution of life history variation using the three types of environment (constant, stochastic, predictable) as the focus under which the theory is developed and tested. First, the author outlines a general framework for the study and analysis of life history variation, bringing together the approaches of quantitative genetic modeling and optimality analysis. Using this framework, he then discusses how life histories evolve in the three different types of environments, each of which presents unique characteristics. The theme of the book is that an understanding of evolutionary change requires analysis at both the genetic and phenotypic levels, and that the environment plays a central role in such analyses. Intended for graduate students and researchers, the book's emphasis is on assumptions and testing of models. Mathematical processes are described, but mathematical derivations are kept to a minimum. Each chapter includes a summary, and boxes provide supplementary material.
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Tipo de ítem Biblioteca actual Colección Signatura topográfica Estado Código de barras
Libros Biblioteca Tapachula Acervo General (AG) Acervo General 576.54 R6 Disponible ECO020012995

Incluye bibliografía: páginas 467-516 e índice: páginas 517-527

Preface.. Chapter 1 Overview.. Chapter 2 A Framework for Analysis.. Chapter 3 Trade-offs.. Chapter 4 Evolution in Constant Environments.. Chapter 5 Evolution in Stochastic Environments.. Chapter 6 Evolution in Predictable Environments.. Chapter 7 Topics for Future Study.. References.. Index

Life History Evolution represents a synthetic approach to the understanding of the evolution of life history variation using the three types of environment (constant, stochastic, predictable) as the focus under which the theory is developed and tested. First, the author outlines a general framework for the study and analysis of life history variation, bringing together the approaches of quantitative genetic modeling and optimality analysis. Using this framework, he then discusses how life histories evolve in the three different types of environments, each of which presents unique characteristics. The theme of the book is that an understanding of evolutionary change requires analysis at both the genetic and phenotypic levels, and that the environment plays a central role in such analyses. Intended for graduate students and researchers, the book's emphasis is on assumptions and testing of models. Mathematical processes are described, but mathematical derivations are kept to a minimum. Each chapter includes a summary, and boxes provide supplementary material. Inglés