Analysing ecological data / Alain F. Zuur, Elena N. Ieno, Graham M. Smith
Por: Zuur, Alain F [autor/a].
Ieno, Elena N [autor/a] | Smith, Graham M [autor/a].
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Biblioteca Villahermosa
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Biblioteca Tapachula
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Incluye bibliografía: páginas 649-666 e índice: páginas 667-672
Contributors.. 1 Introduction.. 1.1 Part 1: Applied statistical theory.. 1.2 Part 2: The case studies.. 1.3 Data, software and flowcharts.. 2 Data management and software.. 2.1 Introduction.. 2.2 Data management.. 2.3 Data preparation.. 2.4 Statistical software.. 3 Advice for teachers.. 3.1 Introduction.. 4 Exploration.. 4.1 The first steps.. 4.2 Outliers, transformations and standardisations.. 4.3 A final thought on data exploration.. 5 Linear regression.. 5.1 Bivariate linear regression.. 5.2 Multiple linear regression.. 5.3 Partial linear regression.. 6 Generalised linear modelling.. 6.1 Poisson regression.. 6.2 Logistic regression.. 7 Additive and generalised additive modelling.. 7.1 Introduction.. 7.2 The additive model.. 7.3 Example of an additive model.. 7.4 Estimate the smoother and amount of smoothing.. 7.5 Additive models with multiple explanatory variables.. 7.6 Choosing the amount of smoothing.. 7.7 Model selection and validation.. 7.8 Generalised additive modelling.. 7.9 Where to go from here.. 8 Introduction to mixed modelling.. 8.1 Introduction.. 8.2 The random intercept and slope model.. 8.3 Model selection and validation.. 8.4 A bit of theory.. 8.5 Another mixed modelling example.. 8.6 Additive mixed modelling.. 9 Univariate tree models.. 9.1 Introduction.. 9.2 Pruning the tree.. 9.3 Classification trees.. 9.4 A detailed example: Ditch data.. 10 Measures of association.. 10.1 Introduction.. 10.2 Association between sites: Q analysis.. 10.3 Association among species: R analysis.. 10.4 Q and R analysis: concluding remarks.. 10.5 Hypothesis testing with measures of association.. 11 Ordination - First encounter.. 11.1 Bray-Curtis ordination.. 12 Principal component analysis and redundancy analysis.. 12.1 The underlying principle of PCA.. 12.2 PCA: Two easy explanations.. 12.3 PCA: Two technical explanations.. 12.4 Example of PCA.. 12.5 The biplot.. 12.6 General remarks
12.7 Chord and Hellinger transformations.. 12.8 Explanatory variables.. 12.9 Redundancy analysis.. 12.10 Partial RDA and variance partitioning.. 12.11 PCA regression to deal with collinearity.. 13 Correspondence analysis and canonical correspondence analysis.. 13.1 Gaussian regression and extensions.. 13.2 Three rationales for correspondence analysis.. 13.3 From RGR to CCA.. 13.4 Understanding the CCA triplot.. 13.5 When to use PCA, CA, RDA or CCA.. 13.6 Problems with CA and CCA.. 14 Introduction to discriminant analysis.. 14.1 Introduction.. 14.2 Assumptions.. 14.3 Example.. 14.4 The mathematics.. 14.5 The numerical output for the sparrow data.. 15 Principal coordinate analysis and non-metric multidimensional scaling.. 15.1 Principal coordinate analysis.. 15.2 Non-metric multidimensional scaling.. 16 Time series analysis - Introduction.. 16.1 Using what we have already seen before.. 16.2 Auto-regressive integrated moving average models with exogenous variables.. 17 Common trends and sudden changes.. 17.1 Repeated LOESS smoothing.. 17.2 Identifying the seasonal component.. 17.3 Common trends: MAFA.. 17.4 Common trends: Dynamic factor analysis.. 17.5 Sudden changes: Chronological clustering.. 18 Analysis and modelling of lattice data.. 18.1 Lattice data.. 18.2 Numerical representation of the lattice structure.. 18.3 Spatial correlation.. 18.4 Modelling lattice data.. 18.5 More exotic models.. 18.6 Summary.. 19 Spatially continuous data analysis and modelling.. 19.1 Spatially continuous data.. 19.2 Geostatistical functions and assumptions.. 19.3 Exploratory variography analysis.. 19.4 Geostatistical modelling: Kriging.. 19.5 A full spatial analysis of the bird radar data.. 20 Univariate methods to analyse abundance of decapod larvae.. 20.1 Introduction.. 20.2 The data.. 20.3 Data exploration.. 20.4 Linear regression results.. 20.5 Additive modelling results.. 20.6 How many samples to take?.. 20.7 Discussion
21 Analysing presence and absence data for flatfish distribution in the Tagus estuary, Portugal.. 21.1 Introduction.. 21.2 Data and materials.. 21.3 Data exploration.. 21.4 Classification trees.. 21.5 Generalised additive modelling.. 21.6 Generalised linear modelling.. 21.7 Discussion.. 22 Crop pollination by honeybees in Argentina using additive mixed modelling.. 22.1 Introduction.. 22.2 Experimental setup.. 22.3 Abstracting the information.. 22.4 First steps of the analyses: Data exploration.. 22.5 Additive mixed modelling.. 22.6 Discussion and conclusions.. 23 Investigating the effects of rice farming on aquatic birds with mixed modelling.. 23.1 Introduction.. 23.2 The data.. 23.3 Getting familiar with the data: Exploration.. 23.4 Building a mixed model.. 23.5 The optimal model in terms of random components.. 23.6 Validating the optimal linear mixed model.. 23.7 More numerical output for the optimal model.. 23.8 Discussion.. 24 Classification trees and radar detection of birds for North Sea wind farms.. 24.1 Introduction.. 24.2 From radars to data.. 24.3 Classification trees.. 24.4 A tree for the birds.. 24.5 A tree for birds, clutter and more clutter.. 24.6 Discussion and conclusions.. 25 Fish stock identification through neural network analysis of parasite fauna.. 25.1 Introduction.. 25.2 Horse mackerel in the northeast Atlantic.. 25.3 Neural networks.. 25.4 Collection of data.. 25.5 Data exploration.. 25.6 Neural network results.. 25.7 Discussion.. 26 Monitoring for change: Using generalised least squares, non-metric multidimensional scaling, and the Mantel test on western Montana grasslands.. 26.1 Introduction.. 26.2 The data.. 26.3 Data exploration.. 26.4 Linear regression results.. 26.5 Generalised least squares results.. 26.6 Multivariate analysis results.. 26.7 Discussion.. 27 Univariate and multivariate analysis applied on a Dutch sandy beach community.. 27.1 Introduction.. 27.2 The variables
27.3 Analysing the data using univariate methods.. 27.4 Analysing the data using multivariate methods.. 27.5 Discussion and conclusions.. 28 Multivariate analyses of South-American zoobenthic species - spoilt for choice.. 28.1 Introduction and the underlying questions.. 28.2 Study site and sample collection.. 28.3 Data exploration.. 28.4 The Mantel test approach.. 28.5 The transformation plus RDA approach.. 28.6 Discussion and conclusions.. 29 Principal component analysis applied to harbour porpoise fatty acid data.. 29.1 Introduction.. 29.2 The data.. 29.3 Principal component analysis.. 29.4 Data exploration.. 29.5 Principal component analysis results.. 29.6 Simpler alternatives to PCA.. 29.7 Discussion.. 30 Multivariate analyses of morphometric turtle data - size and shape.. 30.1 Introduction.. 30.2 The turtle data.. 30.4 Overview of classic approaches related to PCA.. 30.5 Applying PCA to the original turtle data.. 30.6 Classic morphometric data analysis approaches.. 30.7 A geometric morphometric approach.. 31 Redundancy analysis and additive modelling applied on savanna tree data.. 31.1 Introduction.. . 31.2 Study area.. 31.3 Methods.. 31.4 Results.. 31.5 Discussion.. 32 Canonical correspondence analysis of lowland pasture vegetation in the humid tropics of Mexico.. 32.1 Introduction.. 32.2 The study area.. 32.3 The data.. 32.4 Data exploration.. 32.5 Canonical correspondence analysis results.. 32.6 African star grass.. 32.7 Discussion and conclusion.. 33 Estimating common trends in Portuguese fisheries landings.. 33.1 Introduction.. 33.2 The time series data.. 33.3 MAFA and DFA.. 33.4 MAFA results.. 33.5 DFA results.. 33.6 Discussion.. 34 Common trends in demersal communities on the Newfoundland-Labrador Shelf.. 34.1 Introduction.. 34.2 Data.. 34.3 Time series analysis.. 34.4 Discussion.. 35 Sea level change and salt marshes in the Wadden Sea: A time series analysis
35.1 Interaction between hydrodynamical and biological factors.. 35.2 The data.. 35.3 Data exploration.. 35.4 Additive mixed modelling.. 35.5 Additive mixed modelling results.. 35.6 Discussion.. 36 Time series analysis of Hawaiian waterbirds.. Introduction.. 36.2 Endangered Hawaiian waterbirds.. 36.3 Data exploration.. 36.4 Three ways to estimate trends.. 36.5 Additive mixed modelling.. 36.6 Sudden breakpoints.. 36.7 Discussion.. 37 Spatial modelling of forest community features in the Volzhsko-Kamsky reserve.. 37.1 Introduction.. 37.2 Study area.. 37.3 Data exploration.. 37.4 Models of boreality without spatial auto-correlation.. 37.5 Models of boreality with spatial auto-correlation.. 37.6 Conclusion.. References.. Index
The first part of the book gives a largely non-mathematical introduction to data exploration, univariate methods (including GAM and mixed modelling techniques), multivariate analysis, time series analysis (e.g. common trends) and spatial statistics. The second part provides 17 case studies, mainly written together with biologists who attended courses given by the first authors. The case studies include topics ranging from terrestrial ecology to marine biology. The case studies can be used as a template for your own data analysis; just try to find a case study that matches your own ecological questions and data structure, and use this as starting point for you own analysis. eng