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Sustainability science Bert J. M. de Vries

Por: Tipo de material: TextoTextoIdioma: Inglés Analíticas: Mostrar analíticasDetalles de publicación: Cambridge, Massachusetts Cambridge University Press 2013Descripción: xvii, 590 páginas mapas 26 centímetrosISBN:
  • 0521184703
  • 9780521184700
Tema(s): Clasificación CDD:
  • 338.927072 V7
Contenidos parciales:
Preface.. 1 Introduction.. 1.1 Roots.. 1.2 Sustainability Science.. 1.3 Sustainable Development Is About Quality of Life.. 1.4 Guidelines for the Reader.. Appendix 1.1 United Nations Decade of Education for Sustainable Development.. 2 The System Dynamics Perspective.. 2.1 Introduction.. 2.2 The World Car System.. 2.3 System Dynamics: The Basics.. 2.3.1 What Is a System?.. 2.3.2 Stocks and Flows.. 2.3.3 Feedback Loops.. 2.3.4 An Illustrative Simulation Experiment.. 2.4 System Dynamics Modelling.. 2.4.1 The Rules of the Game.. 2.4.2 Archetypes.. 2.4.3 An Example: Modelling Car and Public Transport Use.. 2.5 Structure, Space and Time.. 2.6 Summary Points.. Appendix 2.1 Integral-Differential Calculus.. 3 In Search of Sustainability: Past Civilisations.. 3.1 Introduction.. 3.2 The Beginnings: Two Environmental Tales.. 3.2.1 The Hohokam People in Arizona.. 3.2.2 Easter Island.. 3.3 Emerging Social Complexity: State Formation.. 3.3.1 Early Mesopotamia: Urban Centres and Their Elites.. 3.3.2 Egypt: The Nile and Its Rhythms.. 3.3.3 South Asia: The Indus-Sarasvati Civilisation.. 3.3.4 The Aegean and Mesoamerica: The Role of Ecological Diversity.. 3.4 Empires.. 3.4.1 The Roman Empire.. 3.4.2 Other Empires: China, India and Russia.. 3.5 Mechanisms, Theories and Models.. 3.5.1 Mechanisms.. 3.5.2 Theories and Models.. 3.6 Summary Points.. 4 The World in the Past.. Years: The Great Acceleration.. 4.1 Introduction.. 4.2 The World in the Last Three Centuries.. 4.2.1 Accelerating Growth: Population and Economic Activity.. 4.2.2 Social-Cultural Changes.. 4.3 Accelerating Impacts: The Natural Environment.. 4.3.1 The Source Side.. 4.3.2 The Sink Side.. 4.3.3 Experiencing Change.. 4.4 Earth System Analysis: Regimes and Syndromes.. 4.4.1 Social-Ecological Regimes.. 4.4.2 Syndromes and Archetypes.. 4.5 Summary Points.. 5 Sustainability: Concerns, Definitions, Indicators.. 5.1 Introduction.. 5.2 Global Change: The Scientific Worldview
5.2.1 The Scientific Worldview: Earth.. 5.2.2 The Scientific Worldview: Life.. 5.2.3 The Scientific Worldview: Society.. 5.3 Rising Concerns.. 5.3.1 Early Concerns: Managing Common Inheritance.. 5.3.2 The Environmental Movement.. 5.3.3 Our Common Future?.. 5.4 The Notion of Sustainable Development.. 5.4.1 Prelude: Categories of Goods and Services.. 5.4.2 Interpretations and Definitions.. 5.5 An Indicator Framework for Sustainable Development.. 5.5.1 From Principle to Action: Indicators.. 5.5.2 A Sustainable Development Indicator System (SDIS.. 5.5.3 Quality-of-Life-Oriented and Aggregate SD-Indicators.. 5.6 Summary Points.. 6 Quality of Life: On Values, Knowledge and Worldviews.. 6.1 Introduction.. 6.2 Quality of Life and Values.. 6.2.1 Needs and the Quality of Life.. 6.2.2 Capabilities and Satisfiers.. 6.2.3 Values and Their Measurement.. 6.3 The Cultural Theory.. 6.3.1 Stories from the Himalayas and Bali.. 6.3.2 Four Perspectives.. 6.4 Worldviews: Ways to See the World.. 6.4.1 Values and Beliefs: Four Worldviews.. 6.4.2 Worldviews in History.. 6.4.3 Mechanisms of Social Change.. 6.5 Worldviews in Action.. 6.6 Summary Points.. 7 Energy Fundamentals.. 7.1 Introduction: The Essential Resource.. 7.2 Basic Energy Science: Thermodynamics.. 7.2.1 Classical Thermodynamics: The First and Second Law.. 7.2.2 Energy Quality: The Potential to Do Work.. 7.2.3 Energy Forms.. 7.3 Movement in Space and Time: Mechanics.. 7.4 Stories.. 7.4.1 Fuel-Efficient Stoves for People in Darfur.. 7.4.2 The South Nyírség Bioenergy Project.. 7.5 Energy Conversion.. 7.5.1 Elementary Processes.. 7.5.2 The Energy System.. 7.6 Energy Futures.. 7.7 Summary Points.. Appendix 7.1 The Steady-State Mass-Energy Equation.. 8 On Knowledge and Models.. 8.1 Introduction.. 8.2 Models in the Natural Sciences.. 8.2.1 The Scientific Method.. 8.2.2 Models and the Modelling Process.. 8.3 Strong and Weak Knowledge.. 8.4 Complexity.. 8.5 Metamodels and Organising Concepts
8.6 Science in the Age of Complexity.. 8.7 Summary Points.. Appendix 8.1 A Brief History of Complex Systems Science.. 9 Land and Nature.. 9.1 Introduction.. 9.2 Earth: Soil Climate Vegetation Maps.. 9.3 Stories.. 9.3.1 Forest Fires.. 9.3.2 Biodiversity in South America: The Trésor Project.. 9.3.3 Mining in Papua New Guinea.. 9.4 Land Cover Change and Degradation.. 9.5 Ecosystem Dynamics: Population Ecology.. 9.5.1 Population Ecology: Logistic Growth.. 9.5.2 Population Models: Prey-Predator Dynamics.. 9.6 Food Webs: The Stocks and Flows in Ecosystems.. 9.6.1 Food Webs and Their Representations.. 9.6.2 Stability and Resilience.. 9.7 Catastrophic Change in Ecosystems.. 9.8 Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services.. 9.9 Nature and Sustainable Development.. 9.10 Summary Points.. Appendix 9.1 Prey-Predator Models and Stability Analysis.. Appendix 9.2 Catastrophic Change and Bifurcations.. 10 Human Populations and Human Behaviour.. 10.1 Introduction: The Image of Man.. 10.2 Demography: Human Population Dynamics.. 10.2.1 Modelling Population.. 10.2.2 Driving Forces.. 10.3 Evolution: Our Biological Roots.. 10.4 Homo Economicus and Its Critics.. 10.4.1 Consumers and Producers.. 10.4.2 Games, Dilemmas and Cooperation.. 10.5 Simulating Human Behaviour.. 10.5.1 Introduction.. 10.5.2 Cellular Automata Models.. 10.5.3 Interaction: Networks.. 10.5.4 Multi-Agent Simulation: Behavioural Variety.. 10.6 Summary Points.. Appendix 10.1 Models of Economic Decision Making.. Appendix 10.2 Replicator Dynamics.. Appendix 10.3 Network or Graph Theory.. 11 Agro-Food Systems.. 11.1 Introduction: The Human Habitat.. 11.1.1 Land and People.. 11.1.2 Anthromes.. 11.2 Agricultural Systems.. 11.2.1 Agro-Food Systems in the World.. 11.2.2 Food: Needs and Consumption.. 11.2.3 Food: Resources and Potential Supply.. 11.2.4 More Food: Can It Be Supplied Sustainably?.. 11.3 Stories from the Real World.. 11.3.1 Nomads in Mongolia
11.3.2 Can and Should Rural France Be Saved?.. 11.4 Land Use and Cover Change.. 11.4.1 Land Use Changes and Its Causes.. 11.4.2 Modelling Land Use and Cover Change.. 11.5 Towards a Global Industrial Agro-Food System.. 11.5.1 Diversity in Transition.. 11.5.2 The Global Agro-Food System.. 11.5.3 Markets, Scale and Innovations As Driving Forces.. 11.6 Perspectives on Food and Agriculture.. 11.7 Summary Points.. Appendix 11.1 Income and Price Elasticity.. 12 Renewable Resources: Water, Fish and Forest.. 12.1 Introduction: Lakeland.. 12.2 Renewable Resources.. 12.2.1 Renewable Resource Use: An Archetypical Model.. 12.2.2 Model Extensions and Management Principles.. 12.3 Water Resources.. 12.3.1 Water Availability and Use.. 12.3.2 Water for Irrigation: A Case Study and a Model.. 12.4 Stories.. 12.4.1 The Canadian Fish Drama.. 12.4.2 European Union Fisheries Policy in Senegal.. 12.5 Fisheries and Forests.. 12.5.1 World Fisheries.. 12.5.2 Fisheries Models: Strategies and Interactions.. 12.5.3 Fisheries Models: Behavioural Variety.. 12.5.4 World Forests.. 12.6 Interactive Modelling for Sustainable Livelihood.. 12.7 Perspectives on Water, Fish and Forest.. 12.8 Summary Points.. Appendix 12.1 The Simple Population and Renewable Resource Model.. Appendix 12.2 Resource Use in the Simple Model.. Appendix 12.3 Modelling Different Harvesting Strategies.. Appendix 12.4 The Geonamica Software.. 13 Non-Renewable Resources: The Industrial Economy.. 13.1 Introduction: The Industrial Regime.. 13.2 Non-Renewable Resource Chains: Extraction.. 13.2.1 Biogeochemical Element Cycles.. 13.2.2 Classification.. 13.2.3 Availability, Exploration and Extraction: Two Models.. 13.3 Elementary Resource Economics.. 13.3.1 Supply Cost Curves.. 13.3.2 Innovation: The Learning-By-Doing Mechanism.. 13.3.3 Optimal Depletion: The Resource Curse and Resource Security.. 13.4 Stories.. 13.4.1 Oil and Power.. 13.4.2 The Promise of Gold: Tambogrande
13.5 Resource Chains: Material Use and Efficiency.. 13.5.1 Assessment Methods.. 13.5.2 Dematerialisation: The Intensity-of-Use Hypothesis.. 13.5.3 Richer and Cleaner?.. 13.6 Stories.. 13.6.1 Pearl River Estuary, China.. 13.6.2 Water As a Commodity: Ban on Bottled Water in an Australian Town.. 13.6.3 Organotin Compounds As Antifouling Agents.. 13.7 The Sink Side: Environment and the Industrial Economy.. 13.7.1 Resource Chains: The Sink Side.. 13.7.2 Enduring Environmental Problems.. 13.7.3 Persistent Chemicals.. 13.8 Perspectives on the Industrial Economy.. 13.9 Summary Points.. Appendix 13.1 The Crustal Abundance Geostatistical (CAG Model.. Appendix 13.2 The Logistic Growth Life Cycle Model.. 14 Towards a Sustainable Economy?.. 14.1 Introduction.. 14.1.1 An Archetypical Model.. 14.1.2 Substitutability, Technology and Optimality.. 14.2 Theories of Economic Growth.. 14.2.1 Classical Theories.. 14.2.2 Economic Growth Theory.. 14.2.3 The Role of Technology, Learning and Behaviour.. 14.3 Source and Sink Constraints in the Economy.. 14.3.1 Structural Economics: The Input-Output Formalism.. 14.3.2 Resource Efficiency and Pollution Abatement: Economic Mechanisms.. 14.4 Economic Growth and Sustainable Development.. 14.4.1 GDP and the Need for a Better Indicator.. 14.4.2 Beyond Models: Welcome to the Real World.. 14.5 Summary Points.. Appendix 14.1 A Simple Behaviour Model of Saving.. Appendix 14.2 Evolutionary Models of Producers and Consumers.. Appendix 14.3 Input-Output Tables.. Appendix 14.4 Gross Domestic Product.. 15 Outlook on Futures.. 15.1 Introduction.. 15.2 Outlooks.. 15.2.1 Sustainable Futures: Urban, Rural, Global.. 15.2.2 The Scenario Approach.. 15.2.3 Sustainable Development in a Scenario Frame.. 15.3 Scenarios for a Sustainable World.. 15.3.1 Four Stories.. 15.3.2 Growth within Limits.. 15.3.3 . . . But Is It Sustainable?.. 15.4 An Agenda for Sustainability Science.. Glossary.. References.. Index
Resumen: Sustainable development is becoming the guiding principle for the 21st century. This textbook - based on the author's course and rigorously class-tested by his students - provides an introduction into patterns of past and present (un)sustainable development and into the emergence of the notion of sustainable development. It systematically surveys the key concepts, models and findings of the various scientific disciplines with respect to the major sustainability issues: energy, nature, agro-food and resource systems, and economic growth. System analysis and modelling is introduced and used as an integrating tool. Stories and worldviews are used to connect the quantitative and the qualitative and to offer the reader an understanding of relevant trends and events in context. Sustainability Science is an ideal textbook for advanced undergraduate and graduate level courses in sustainable development and in environmental and resource science and policy.
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Incluye bibliografía: páginas 561-583 e índice: páginas 585-590

Preface.. 1 Introduction.. 1.1 Roots.. 1.2 Sustainability Science.. 1.3 Sustainable Development Is About Quality of Life.. 1.4 Guidelines for the Reader.. Appendix 1.1 United Nations Decade of Education for Sustainable Development.. 2 The System Dynamics Perspective.. 2.1 Introduction.. 2.2 The World Car System.. 2.3 System Dynamics: The Basics.. 2.3.1 What Is a System?.. 2.3.2 Stocks and Flows.. 2.3.3 Feedback Loops.. 2.3.4 An Illustrative Simulation Experiment.. 2.4 System Dynamics Modelling.. 2.4.1 The Rules of the Game.. 2.4.2 Archetypes.. 2.4.3 An Example: Modelling Car and Public Transport Use.. 2.5 Structure, Space and Time.. 2.6 Summary Points.. Appendix 2.1 Integral-Differential Calculus.. 3 In Search of Sustainability: Past Civilisations.. 3.1 Introduction.. 3.2 The Beginnings: Two Environmental Tales.. 3.2.1 The Hohokam People in Arizona.. 3.2.2 Easter Island.. 3.3 Emerging Social Complexity: State Formation.. 3.3.1 Early Mesopotamia: Urban Centres and Their Elites.. 3.3.2 Egypt: The Nile and Its Rhythms.. 3.3.3 South Asia: The Indus-Sarasvati Civilisation.. 3.3.4 The Aegean and Mesoamerica: The Role of Ecological Diversity.. 3.4 Empires.. 3.4.1 The Roman Empire.. 3.4.2 Other Empires: China, India and Russia.. 3.5 Mechanisms, Theories and Models.. 3.5.1 Mechanisms.. 3.5.2 Theories and Models.. 3.6 Summary Points.. 4 The World in the Past.. Years: The Great Acceleration.. 4.1 Introduction.. 4.2 The World in the Last Three Centuries.. 4.2.1 Accelerating Growth: Population and Economic Activity.. 4.2.2 Social-Cultural Changes.. 4.3 Accelerating Impacts: The Natural Environment.. 4.3.1 The Source Side.. 4.3.2 The Sink Side.. 4.3.3 Experiencing Change.. 4.4 Earth System Analysis: Regimes and Syndromes.. 4.4.1 Social-Ecological Regimes.. 4.4.2 Syndromes and Archetypes.. 4.5 Summary Points.. 5 Sustainability: Concerns, Definitions, Indicators.. 5.1 Introduction.. 5.2 Global Change: The Scientific Worldview

5.2.1 The Scientific Worldview: Earth.. 5.2.2 The Scientific Worldview: Life.. 5.2.3 The Scientific Worldview: Society.. 5.3 Rising Concerns.. 5.3.1 Early Concerns: Managing Common Inheritance.. 5.3.2 The Environmental Movement.. 5.3.3 Our Common Future?.. 5.4 The Notion of Sustainable Development.. 5.4.1 Prelude: Categories of Goods and Services.. 5.4.2 Interpretations and Definitions.. 5.5 An Indicator Framework for Sustainable Development.. 5.5.1 From Principle to Action: Indicators.. 5.5.2 A Sustainable Development Indicator System (SDIS.. 5.5.3 Quality-of-Life-Oriented and Aggregate SD-Indicators.. 5.6 Summary Points.. 6 Quality of Life: On Values, Knowledge and Worldviews.. 6.1 Introduction.. 6.2 Quality of Life and Values.. 6.2.1 Needs and the Quality of Life.. 6.2.2 Capabilities and Satisfiers.. 6.2.3 Values and Their Measurement.. 6.3 The Cultural Theory.. 6.3.1 Stories from the Himalayas and Bali.. 6.3.2 Four Perspectives.. 6.4 Worldviews: Ways to See the World.. 6.4.1 Values and Beliefs: Four Worldviews.. 6.4.2 Worldviews in History.. 6.4.3 Mechanisms of Social Change.. 6.5 Worldviews in Action.. 6.6 Summary Points.. 7 Energy Fundamentals.. 7.1 Introduction: The Essential Resource.. 7.2 Basic Energy Science: Thermodynamics.. 7.2.1 Classical Thermodynamics: The First and Second Law.. 7.2.2 Energy Quality: The Potential to Do Work.. 7.2.3 Energy Forms.. 7.3 Movement in Space and Time: Mechanics.. 7.4 Stories.. 7.4.1 Fuel-Efficient Stoves for People in Darfur.. 7.4.2 The South Nyírség Bioenergy Project.. 7.5 Energy Conversion.. 7.5.1 Elementary Processes.. 7.5.2 The Energy System.. 7.6 Energy Futures.. 7.7 Summary Points.. Appendix 7.1 The Steady-State Mass-Energy Equation.. 8 On Knowledge and Models.. 8.1 Introduction.. 8.2 Models in the Natural Sciences.. 8.2.1 The Scientific Method.. 8.2.2 Models and the Modelling Process.. 8.3 Strong and Weak Knowledge.. 8.4 Complexity.. 8.5 Metamodels and Organising Concepts

8.6 Science in the Age of Complexity.. 8.7 Summary Points.. Appendix 8.1 A Brief History of Complex Systems Science.. 9 Land and Nature.. 9.1 Introduction.. 9.2 Earth: Soil Climate Vegetation Maps.. 9.3 Stories.. 9.3.1 Forest Fires.. 9.3.2 Biodiversity in South America: The Trésor Project.. 9.3.3 Mining in Papua New Guinea.. 9.4 Land Cover Change and Degradation.. 9.5 Ecosystem Dynamics: Population Ecology.. 9.5.1 Population Ecology: Logistic Growth.. 9.5.2 Population Models: Prey-Predator Dynamics.. 9.6 Food Webs: The Stocks and Flows in Ecosystems.. 9.6.1 Food Webs and Their Representations.. 9.6.2 Stability and Resilience.. 9.7 Catastrophic Change in Ecosystems.. 9.8 Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services.. 9.9 Nature and Sustainable Development.. 9.10 Summary Points.. Appendix 9.1 Prey-Predator Models and Stability Analysis.. Appendix 9.2 Catastrophic Change and Bifurcations.. 10 Human Populations and Human Behaviour.. 10.1 Introduction: The Image of Man.. 10.2 Demography: Human Population Dynamics.. 10.2.1 Modelling Population.. 10.2.2 Driving Forces.. 10.3 Evolution: Our Biological Roots.. 10.4 Homo Economicus and Its Critics.. 10.4.1 Consumers and Producers.. 10.4.2 Games, Dilemmas and Cooperation.. 10.5 Simulating Human Behaviour.. 10.5.1 Introduction.. 10.5.2 Cellular Automata Models.. 10.5.3 Interaction: Networks.. 10.5.4 Multi-Agent Simulation: Behavioural Variety.. 10.6 Summary Points.. Appendix 10.1 Models of Economic Decision Making.. Appendix 10.2 Replicator Dynamics.. Appendix 10.3 Network or Graph Theory.. 11 Agro-Food Systems.. 11.1 Introduction: The Human Habitat.. 11.1.1 Land and People.. 11.1.2 Anthromes.. 11.2 Agricultural Systems.. 11.2.1 Agro-Food Systems in the World.. 11.2.2 Food: Needs and Consumption.. 11.2.3 Food: Resources and Potential Supply.. 11.2.4 More Food: Can It Be Supplied Sustainably?.. 11.3 Stories from the Real World.. 11.3.1 Nomads in Mongolia

11.3.2 Can and Should Rural France Be Saved?.. 11.4 Land Use and Cover Change.. 11.4.1 Land Use Changes and Its Causes.. 11.4.2 Modelling Land Use and Cover Change.. 11.5 Towards a Global Industrial Agro-Food System.. 11.5.1 Diversity in Transition.. 11.5.2 The Global Agro-Food System.. 11.5.3 Markets, Scale and Innovations As Driving Forces.. 11.6 Perspectives on Food and Agriculture.. 11.7 Summary Points.. Appendix 11.1 Income and Price Elasticity.. 12 Renewable Resources: Water, Fish and Forest.. 12.1 Introduction: Lakeland.. 12.2 Renewable Resources.. 12.2.1 Renewable Resource Use: An Archetypical Model.. 12.2.2 Model Extensions and Management Principles.. 12.3 Water Resources.. 12.3.1 Water Availability and Use.. 12.3.2 Water for Irrigation: A Case Study and a Model.. 12.4 Stories.. 12.4.1 The Canadian Fish Drama.. 12.4.2 European Union Fisheries Policy in Senegal.. 12.5 Fisheries and Forests.. 12.5.1 World Fisheries.. 12.5.2 Fisheries Models: Strategies and Interactions.. 12.5.3 Fisheries Models: Behavioural Variety.. 12.5.4 World Forests.. 12.6 Interactive Modelling for Sustainable Livelihood.. 12.7 Perspectives on Water, Fish and Forest.. 12.8 Summary Points.. Appendix 12.1 The Simple Population and Renewable Resource Model.. Appendix 12.2 Resource Use in the Simple Model.. Appendix 12.3 Modelling Different Harvesting Strategies.. Appendix 12.4 The Geonamica Software.. 13 Non-Renewable Resources: The Industrial Economy.. 13.1 Introduction: The Industrial Regime.. 13.2 Non-Renewable Resource Chains: Extraction.. 13.2.1 Biogeochemical Element Cycles.. 13.2.2 Classification.. 13.2.3 Availability, Exploration and Extraction: Two Models.. 13.3 Elementary Resource Economics.. 13.3.1 Supply Cost Curves.. 13.3.2 Innovation: The Learning-By-Doing Mechanism.. 13.3.3 Optimal Depletion: The Resource Curse and Resource Security.. 13.4 Stories.. 13.4.1 Oil and Power.. 13.4.2 The Promise of Gold: Tambogrande

13.5 Resource Chains: Material Use and Efficiency.. 13.5.1 Assessment Methods.. 13.5.2 Dematerialisation: The Intensity-of-Use Hypothesis.. 13.5.3 Richer and Cleaner?.. 13.6 Stories.. 13.6.1 Pearl River Estuary, China.. 13.6.2 Water As a Commodity: Ban on Bottled Water in an Australian Town.. 13.6.3 Organotin Compounds As Antifouling Agents.. 13.7 The Sink Side: Environment and the Industrial Economy.. 13.7.1 Resource Chains: The Sink Side.. 13.7.2 Enduring Environmental Problems.. 13.7.3 Persistent Chemicals.. 13.8 Perspectives on the Industrial Economy.. 13.9 Summary Points.. Appendix 13.1 The Crustal Abundance Geostatistical (CAG Model.. Appendix 13.2 The Logistic Growth Life Cycle Model.. 14 Towards a Sustainable Economy?.. 14.1 Introduction.. 14.1.1 An Archetypical Model.. 14.1.2 Substitutability, Technology and Optimality.. 14.2 Theories of Economic Growth.. 14.2.1 Classical Theories.. 14.2.2 Economic Growth Theory.. 14.2.3 The Role of Technology, Learning and Behaviour.. 14.3 Source and Sink Constraints in the Economy.. 14.3.1 Structural Economics: The Input-Output Formalism.. 14.3.2 Resource Efficiency and Pollution Abatement: Economic Mechanisms.. 14.4 Economic Growth and Sustainable Development.. 14.4.1 GDP and the Need for a Better Indicator.. 14.4.2 Beyond Models: Welcome to the Real World.. 14.5 Summary Points.. Appendix 14.1 A Simple Behaviour Model of Saving.. Appendix 14.2 Evolutionary Models of Producers and Consumers.. Appendix 14.3 Input-Output Tables.. Appendix 14.4 Gross Domestic Product.. 15 Outlook on Futures.. 15.1 Introduction.. 15.2 Outlooks.. 15.2.1 Sustainable Futures: Urban, Rural, Global.. 15.2.2 The Scenario Approach.. 15.2.3 Sustainable Development in a Scenario Frame.. 15.3 Scenarios for a Sustainable World.. 15.3.1 Four Stories.. 15.3.2 Growth within Limits.. 15.3.3 . . . But Is It Sustainable?.. 15.4 An Agenda for Sustainability Science.. Glossary.. References.. Index

Sustainable development is becoming the guiding principle for the 21st century. This textbook - based on the author's course and rigorously class-tested by his students - provides an introduction into patterns of past and present (un)sustainable development and into the emergence of the notion of sustainable development. It systematically surveys the key concepts, models and findings of the various scientific disciplines with respect to the major sustainability issues: energy, nature, agro-food and resource systems, and economic growth. System analysis and modelling is introduced and used as an integrating tool. Stories and worldviews are used to connect the quantitative and the qualitative and to offer the reader an understanding of relevant trends and events in context. Sustainability Science is an ideal textbook for advanced undergraduate and graduate level courses in sustainable development and in environmental and resource science and policy. Inglés