Environmental engineering fundamentals, sustainability, design authors and editors: James R. Mihelcic, Julie Beth Zimmerman ; contributing authors: Martin T. Auer, David W. Hand, ... [et al.]
Tipo de material:
- 1118741498
- 9781118741498
- 628 M5
Tipo de ítem | Biblioteca actual | Colección | Signatura topográfica | Estado | Código de barras | |
Libros | Biblioteca Villahermosa Acervo General (AG) | Acervo General | 628 M5 | Disponible | ECO050006011 |
Incluye bibliografía e índice: páginas 669-680
Chapter One Sustainable Design, Engineering, and Innovation.. 1.1 Background: Evolution from Environmental Protection to Sustainability.. 1.2 The Path Forward: Operationalizing Sustainability.. 1.2.1 Life Cycle Thinking.. 1.2.2 Systems Thinking.. 1.3 Engineering for Sustainability.. 1.3.1 Frameworks for Sustainable Design.. 1.3.2 The Importance of Design and Innovation in Advancing Sustainability.. 1.4 Measuring Sustainability.. 1.5 Policies Driving Green Engineering and Sustainability.. 1.5.1 Regulations.. 1.5.2 Voluntary Programs.. 1.6 Designing Tomorrow.. Key Terms.. Chapter One Problems.. References.. Chapter Two Environmental Measurements.. 2.1 Mass Concentration Units.. 2.1.1 Mass/Mass Units.. 2.1.2 Mass/Volume Units: mg/L and μg/m3.. 2.2 Volume/Volume and Mole/Mole Units.. 2.2.1 Using the Ideal Gas Law to Convert ppmv to μg/m3.. 2.3 Partial-Pressure Units.. 2.4 Mole/Volume Units.. 2.5 Other Types of Units.. 2.5.1 Normality.. 2.5.2 Concentration as a Common Constituent.. 2.5.3 Concentrations of Carbon Dioxide and Other GHGs.. 2.5.4 Reporting Particle Concentrations in Air and Water.. 2.5.5 Representation by Effect.. Key Terms.. Chapter Two Problems.. References.. Chapter Three Chemistry.. 3.1 Approaches in Environmental Chemistry.. 3.2 Activity and Concentration.. 3.3 Reaction Stoichiometry.. 3.4 Thermodynamic Laws.. 3.5 Volatilization.. 3.6 Air-Water Equilibrium.. 3.6.1 Henry's Law Constant with Units for a Gas Dissolving in a Liquid.. 3.6.2 Dimensionless Henry's Law Constant for a Species Transferring from the Liquid Phase into the Gas Phase.. 3.7 Acid-Base Chemistry.. 3.7.1 pH.. 3.7.2 Definition of Acids and Bases and their Equilibrium Constants.. 3.7.3 Carbonate System, Alkalinity, and Buffering Capacity.. 3.8 Oxidation-Reduction.. 3.9 Precipitation-Dissolution.. 3.10 Adsorption, Absorption, and Sorption.. 3.11 Kinetics.. 3.11.1 The Rate Law.. 3.11.2 Zero-Order and First-Order Reactions
3.11.3 Pseudo First-Order Reactions.. 3.11.4 Half-Life and Its Relationship to the Rate Constant.. 3.11.5 Effect of Temperature on Rate Constants.. Key Terms.. Chapter Three Problems.. References.. Chapter Four Physical Processes.. 4.1 Mass Balances.. 4.1.1 Control Volume.. 4.1.2 Terms of the Mass Balance Equation for a CMFR.. 4.1.3 Reactor Analysis: The CMFR.. 4.1.4 Batch Reactor.. 4.1.5 Plug-Flow Reactor.. 4.1.6 Retention Time and Other Expressions for V/Q.. 4.1.7 Materials Flow Analysis and Urban Metabolism.. 4.2 Energy Balances.. 4.2.1 Forms of Energy.. 4.2.2 Conducting an Energy Balance.. 4.2.3 Impact of Greenhouse Gas Emissions on Earth's Energy Balance.. 4.2.4 Energy Efficiency in Buildings: Insulation, Infiltration, and Thermal Walls.. 4.2.5 Urban Heat Island.. 4.3 Buildings: Right Sizing and Energy.. 4.4 Mass Transport Processes.. 4.4.1 Advection and Dispersion.. 4.4.2 Movement of a Particle in a Fluid: Stokes' Law.. Key Terms.. Chapter Four Problems.. References.. Chapter Five Biology.. 5.1 Ecosystem Structure and Function.. 5.1.1 Major Organism Groups.. 5.2 Population Dynamics.. 5.2.1 Units of Expression for Population Size.. 5.2.2 Models of Population Growth.. 5.3 Energy Flow in Ecosystems.. 5.3.1 Energy Capture and Use: Photosynthesis and Respiration.. 5.3.2 Trophic Structure in Ecosystems.. 5.3.3 Thermodynamics and Energy Transfer.. 5.4 Oxygen Demand: Biochemical, Chemical, and Theoretical.. 5.4.1 Definition of BOD, CBOD, and NBOD.. 5.4.2 Sources of BOD.. 5.4.3 Theoretical Oxygen Demand.. 5.4.4 BOD Kinetics.. 5.4.5 CBOD Rate Coefficient.. 5.4.6 BOD: Measurement, Application, and Limitations.. 5.4.7 BOD Test: Limitations and Alternatives.. 5.5 Material Flow in Ecosystems.. 5.5.1 Oxygen and Carbon Cycles.. 5.5.2 Nitrogen Cycle.. 5.5.3 Phosphorus Cycle.. 5.5.4 Sulfur Cycle.. 5.6 Ecosystem Health and the Public Welfare.. 5.6.1 Toxic Substances and Ecosystem and Human Health.. 5.6.2 Biodiversity and Ecosystem Health
Key Terms.. Chapter Five Problems.. References.. Chapter Six Environmental Risk.. 6.1 Risk and the Engineer.. 6.2 Risk Perception.. 6.3 Hazardous Waste and Toxic Chemicals.. 6.3.1 Hazardous Waste.. 6.3.2 Toxicity.. 6.3.3 Pollution Prevention.. 6.4 Engineering Ethics and Risk.. 6.5 Risk Assessment.. 6.5.1 Hazard Assessment.. 6.5.2 Dose-Response Assessment.. 6.5.3 Exposure Assessment.. 6.5.4 Risk Characterization.. 6.6 More Complicated Problems with at Least Two Exposure Routes.. 6.6.1 Setting Water-Quality Standards Based on Exposure from Drinking Water and Eating Fish.. 6.6.2 How to Determine Allowable Soil Cleanup Standards That Protect Groundwater.. Key Terms.. Chapter Six Problems.. References.. Chapter Seven Water: Quantity and Quality.. 7.1 Introduction to Water Resources and Water Quality.. 7.2 Surface Water, Groundwater, Watersheds.. 7.2.1 Surface Water and Groundwater.. 7.2.2 Watersheds.. 7.2.3 Estimating Surface Runoff from Land Use.. 7.2.4 Estimating Pollutant Loadings in Runoff from Land Use.. 7.3 Water Availability.. 7.4 Water Usage.. 7.4.1 Primary Use of Water in the World.. 7.4.2 U.S. Water Usage.. 7.4.3 Public Water Supplies.. 7.4.4 Water Reclamation and Reuse.. 7.4.5 Water Scarcity and Water Conflict.. 7.5 Municipal Water Demand.. 7.5.1 Creating Models to Estimate Demand.. 7.5.2 Estimating Water (and Wastewater Flows.. 7.5.3 Time-Varying Flows and Seasonal Cycles.. 7.5.4 Fire Flow Demand and Unaccounted-for Water.. 7.5.5 Demand Forecasting.. 7.6 Water Distribution (and Wastewater Collection Systems.. 7.6.1 System Layout.. 7.6.2 Design Flow Velocities and Pipe Sizing.. 7.6.3 Pumping Stations and Storage.. 7.7 River Water Quality.. 7.7.1 Dissolved Oxygen and BOD.. 7.7.2 Oxygen Saturation.. 7.7.3 The Oxygen Deficit.. 7.7.4 Oxygen Mass Balance.. 7.7.5 Dissolved-Oxygen Sag Curve and Critical Distance.. 7.8 Lake and Reservoir Water Quality.. 7.8.1 Thermal Stratification of Lakes and Reservoirs
7.8.2 Organic Matter, Thermal Stratification, and Oxygen Depletion.. 7.8.3 Nutrient Limitation and Trophic State.. 7.8.4 Engineered Lake Management.. 7.9 Wetlands.. 7.10 Groundwater Quality and Flow.. 7.10.1 Sources of Groundwater Pollution.. 7.10.2 Groundwater Flow and Pollutant Transport.. 7.10.3 Subsurface Remediation.. Key Terms.. Chapter Seven Problems.. References.. Chapter Eight Water Treatment.. 8.1 Introduction.. 8.2 Characteristics of Untreated Water.. 8.2.1 Physical Characteristics.. 8.2.2 Major and Minor Inorganic Constituents.. 8.2.3 Major Organic Constituents.. 8.2.4 Microbial Constituents.. 8.3 Water Quality Standards.. 8.4 Overview of Water Treatment Processes.. 8.5 Coagulation and Flocculation.. 8.5.1 Particle Stability and Removal.. 8.5.2 Chemical Coagulants.. 8.5.3 Other Considerations.. 8.6 Hardness Removal.. 8.7 Sedimentation.. 8.7.1 Discrete Particle Settling.. 8.7.2 Particle Removal During Sedimentation.. 8.7.3 Other Types of Settling.. 8.8 Filtration.. 8.8.1 Types of Granular Filtration.. 8.8.2 Media Characteristics.. 8.9 Disinfection.. 8.9.1 Current Disinfection Methods.. 8.9.2 Disinfection Kinetics.. 8.10 Membrane Processes.. 8.10.1 Classification of Membrane Processes.. 8.10.2 Membrane Materials.. 8.10.3 Membrane Process Types and Configurations.. 8.10.4 Membrane Selection and Operation.. 8.10.5 Membrane Performance.. 8.11 Adsorption.. 8.11.1 Types of Adsorption Processes.. 8.11.2 Adsorbent Types.. Key Terms.. Chapter Eight Problems.. References.. Chapter Nine Wastewater and Stormwater: Collection, Treatment, Resource Recovery.. 9.1 Introduction.. 9.2 Characteristics of Domestic Wastewater.. 9.3 Overview of Treatment Processes.. 9.4 Preliminary Treatment.. 9.4.1 Screening.. 9.4.2 Grit Chambers.. 9.4.3 Flotation.. 9.4.4 Equalization.. 9.5 Primary Treatment.. 9.6 Secondary Treatment.. 9.6.1 Suspended-Growth Reactors: Activated Sludge.. 9.7 Modifications to the Activated-Sludge Process
9.7.1 Membrane Bioreactors.. 9.8 Attached-Growth Reactors.. 9.9 Removal and Recovery of Nutrients: Nitrogen and Phosphorus.. 9.9.1 Nitrogen.. 9.9.2 Phosphorus.. 9.10 Disinfection and Aeration.. 9.11 End of Life Sludge Management and Energy Recovery.. 9.11.1 Sludge Stabilization.. 9.11.2 Digesters.. 9.11.3 Dewatering.. 9.11.4 Disposal.. 9.12 Natural Treatment Systems.. 9.12.1 Stabilization Ponds.. 9.12.2 Wetlands.. 9.13 Energy Usage during Wastewater Treatment.. 9.14 Wastewater Reclamation and Reuse.. 9.15 Wet-Weather Flow Implications for Wastewater.. 9.16 Managing Wet-Weather Flows.. 9.17 Green Stormwater Management.. 9.17.1 Green Roofs.. 9.17.2 Permeable (or Porous Pavements.. 9.17.3 Bioretention Cells.. 9.17.4 Bioswales and Other Land Use Techniques.. Key Terms.. Chapter Nine Problems.. References.. Chapter Ten Solid-Waste Management.. 10.1 Introduction.. 10.2 Solid-Waste Characterization.. 10.2.1 Sources of Solid Waste.. 10.2.2 Quantities of Municipal Solid Waste.. 10.2.3 Materials in Municipal Solid Waste.. 10.2.4 Collection of Solid-Waste Characterization Data.. 10.2.5 Physical/Chemical Characterization of Waste.. 10.2.6 Hazardous-Waste Characterization.. 10.3 Components of Solid-Waste Systems.. 10.3.1 Storage, Collection, and Transport.. 10.3.2 Recycling and Materials Recovery.. 10.3.3 Composting.. 10.3.4 Waste-to-Energy.. 10.3.5 Landfill.. 10.3.6 Solid-Waste Energy Technologies.. 10.4 Management Concepts.. 10.4.1 Consultation.. 10.4.2 Policy Options.. 10.4.3 Cost Estimation.. Key Terms.. Chapter Ten Problems.. References.. Chapter Eleven Air Quality Engineering.. 11.1 Introduction.. 11.2 Scale and Cycles of Air Pollution.. 11.2.1 Scale of Air Pollution Issues.. 11.2.2 The Air Pollution System.. 11.3 Atmospheric Structure.. 11.3.1 Atmospheric Temperature Structure.. 11.3.2 Atmospheric Pressure and Density Structure.. 11.3.3 Composition of the Atmosphere.. 11.4 Characteristics of Polluted Air
11.4.1 Criteria Air Pollutants.. 11.4.2 Human Health Impacts and Defenses to Particulate Matter.. 11.4.3 Major Sources of Air Pollutants.. 11.4.4 Recent Trends in Concentrations of Air Pollutants.. 11.4.5 Air Quality Index.. 11.4.6 Hazardous Air Pollutants.. 11.4.7 Ground-Level and Stratospheric Ozone.. 11.4.8 Odorous Air.. 11.4.9 Indoor Air Pollutants.. 11.5 Ambient Emissions and Emissions Control.. 11.5.1 Types of Emissions and Sources.. 11.5.2 Emissions Trends.. 11.5.3 Emissions Control.. 11.6 Assessment of Emissions.. 11.7 Meteorology and Transport.. 11.7.1 Flow Fundamentals.. 11.7.2 Winds: Direction, Speed, and Turbulence.. 11.7.3 Atmospheric Stability.. 11.7.4 Terrain Effects on Atmospheric Stability.. 11.8 Atmospheric Dispersion and the Gaussian Plume Dispersion Modeling.. 11.8.1 Fundamentals of Dispersion Modeling.. 11.8.2 Model Parameters.. 11.8.3 Forms of the Gaussian Dispersion Equation.. Key Terms.. Chapter Eleven Problems.. References.. Answers to Selected Problems.. Index
Environmental Engineering: Fundamentals, Sustainability, Design presents civil engineers with an introduction to chemistry and biology, through a mass and energy balance approach. ABET required topics of emerging importance, such as sustainable and global engineering are also covered. Problems, similar to those on the FE and PE exams, are integrated at the end of each chapter. Aligned with the National Academy of Engineering's focus on managing carbon and nitrogen, the 2nd edition now includes a section on advanced technologies to more effectively reclaim nitrogen and phosphorous. Additionally, readers have immediate access to web modules, which address a specific topic, such as water and wastewater treatment. These modules include media rich content such as animations, audio, video and interactive problem solving, as well as links to explorations. Civil engineers will gain a global perspective, developing into innovative leaders in sustainable development. Inglés