- Authors:
R. L. Jones
Coventry University, Coventry, UK
D. H. Keen
Coventry University, Coventry, UK
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About this book
Recent developments in Pleistocene research have prompted the authors to produce this up-to-date, concise account of environmental changes during the past two million years. Well-illustrated and referenced, it possesses a unique position in the literature on Pleistocene events in the British Isles.
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Open access
22 June 2023
Table of contents (11 chapters)
Back Matter
Pages 277-346
This is a very impressive synthesis of multidiciplinary research carried out on the British Isles and I am convinced it will inspire future research in Quaternary science. I have greatly enjoyed the book and I would warmly recommend it... - Boreas Book Reviews; The authors are to be congratulated on amassing such a wealth of material on the British Pleistocene - Geography; It is a welcome sight...to see a comprehensive up-to-date account of British Pleistocene stratigraphy. Indeed anyone responsible for teaching aspects of the British Pleistocene will breathe a sigh of relief to see such a detailed account of the extensive changes to the established sequence...recognized in recent years, finally compiled into a single volume...this book will be invaluable to third-year and postgraduate students...as well as to the established Pleistocene worker - Holocene Book Reviews; This is an important and necessary book...the achievement of a comprehensive survey and regional synthesis is very great - Journal of Archaeological Science; ...an ideal introduction to the student...I full recommend this volume as an excellent up-to-date account of a very dynamic area of research - New Phytol; The book collects together a wide range of stratigraphic information and interpretations from diverse sources which otherwise would not be readily available. This is a welcome addition to Quaternary Studies in Great Britain - Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology
Authors and Affiliations
Coventry University, Coventry, UK
R. L. Jones,
D. H. Keen