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In vitro anthelmintic activity of extracts from cofee pulp waste, maize comb waste and Digitaria eriantha S. hay alone or mixed, against Haemonchus contortus

Castañeda Ramírez, Gloria Sarahí [autora] | Lara Vergara, I. Y [autor/a] | Torres Acosta, Juan Felipe de Jesús [autor] | Sandoval Castro, Carlos Alfredo [autor] | Sánchez, José E [autor] | Ventura Cordero, ‪Javier [autor] | García Rubio, Virginia Guadalupe [autora] | Aguilar Marcelino, Liliana [autora].
Tipo de material: Artículo
 en línea Artículo en línea Tipo de contenido: Texto Tipo de medio: Computadora Tipo de portador: Recurso en líneaTema(s): Haemonchus contortus | Nemátodos parásitos de animales | Ovejas | Antihelmínticos | Digitaria eriantha | Pulpa de café | Coffea canephora | Maíz | Control de nemátodosTema(s) en inglés: Haemonchus contortus | Animal parasitic nematodes | Sheep | Anthelmintics | Digitaria eriantha | Coffee pulp | Coffea canephora | Corn | Nematode controlDescriptor(es) geográficos: Región Soconusco (Chiapas, México) Nota de acceso: Disponible para usuarios de ECOSUR con su clave de acceso En: Waste and Biomass Valorization. Volumen 13, número 8, (August 2022), páginas 3523–3533. --ISSN: 1877-265XNúmero de sistema: 62398Resumen:

Purpose This study evaluated the in vitro anthelmintic (AH) activity against Haemonchus contortus of ten extracts obtained from coffee pulp waste (Coffea canephora (Co)), maize comb waste (Zea mays (Zm)), pangola grass hay (Digitaria eriantha Steud (Di) and different mixtures of those materials. Methods Three batches prepared with individual feedstuffs (T1, T2 and T3), 3 batches formed with 2 feedstuffs (50:50 proportion; T4, T5 and T6), a batch combining 3 feedstuffs (T7) and 3 batches combining 3 feedstuffs (T8, T9 and T10). The batches of individual feedstuffs and mixtures were used to determine their chemical composition as well as preparing 10 methanol-water (70-30%) extracts. The in vitro tests used against H. contortus were egg hatch test (EHT), larval mortality test (LMT) and larval exsheathment inhibition test (LEIT). Results Chemical composition suggested that the nutritional value of Co and the batches including Co (T1, T4, T6 to T10) could be used for ruminant nutrition, but the Di and Zm showed very poor nutritional potential unless they are combined with Co. Extracts showing activity against eggs were T4 and T8 (P < 0.05). Significant L-3 mortality was reported for extracts T1, T3, T4 and T8 (P < 0.05). Extracts of T3, T4, T7, T8 and T10 showed an EC50 < 1000 μg/mL for the L-3 exsheathment inhibition (P < 0.05). Chemical analyses showed the presence of coumarins and flavonoids in all the extracts. Conclusion Extracts obtained from T4 and T8 showed the best overall activity in the three in vitro tests against H. contortus and a good nutritional quality that could be suited for ruminant nutrition.

Lista(s) en las que aparece este ítem: José Ernesto Sánchez Vázquez
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Purpose This study evaluated the in vitro anthelmintic (AH) activity against Haemonchus contortus of ten extracts obtained from coffee pulp waste (Coffea canephora (Co)), maize comb waste (Zea mays (Zm)), pangola grass hay (Digitaria eriantha Steud (Di) and different mixtures of those materials. Methods Three batches prepared with individual feedstuffs (T1, T2 and T3), 3 batches formed with 2 feedstuffs (50:50 proportion; T4, T5 and T6), a batch combining 3 feedstuffs (T7) and 3 batches combining 3 feedstuffs (T8, T9 and T10). The batches of individual feedstuffs and mixtures were used to determine their chemical composition as well as preparing 10 methanol-water (70-30%) extracts. The in vitro tests used against H. contortus were egg hatch test (EHT), larval mortality test (LMT) and larval exsheathment inhibition test (LEIT). Results Chemical composition suggested that the nutritional value of Co and the batches including Co (T1, T4, T6 to T10) could be used for ruminant nutrition, but the Di and Zm showed very poor nutritional potential unless they are combined with Co. Extracts showing activity against eggs were T4 and T8 (P < 0.05). Significant L-3 mortality was reported for extracts T1, T3, T4 and T8 (P < 0.05). Extracts of T3, T4, T7, T8 and T10 showed an EC50 < 1000 μg/mL for the L-3 exsheathment inhibition (P < 0.05). Chemical analyses showed the presence of coumarins and flavonoids in all the extracts. Conclusion Extracts obtained from T4 and T8 showed the best overall activity in the three in vitro tests against H. contortus and a good nutritional quality that could be suited for ruminant nutrition. eng

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