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Discordance in maternal and paternal genetic markers in lesser long-nosed bat Leptonycteris yerbabuenae, a migratory bat: recent expansion to the North and male phylopatry

Trejo Salazar, Roberto Emiliano [autor] | Castellanos Morales, Gabriela [autora] | Hernández Rosales, Dulce Carolina [autora] | Gámez Tamariz, Niza [autora] | Gasca Pineda, Jaime [autor] | Morales Garza, Miguel Rene [autor] | Medellín Legorreta, Rodrigo Antonio [autor] | Eguiarte Fruns, Luis Enrique [autor].
Tipo de material: Artículo ArtículoTipo de contenido: Texto Tipo de medio: Computadora Tipo de portador: Recurso en líneaTema(s): Leptonycteris yerbabuenae | Murciélagos | Marcadores genéticos | Dinámica de la población | Cambio climático | Variación genética | FilogeografíaTema(s) en inglés: Leptonycteris yerbabuenae | Bats | Genetic markers | Population dynamics | Climate change | Genetic variation | PhylogeographyDescriptor(es) geográficos: México Nota de acceso: Acceso en línea sin restricciones En: PeerJ. volumen 9, artículo número e12168 (September 2021), páginas 1-31. --ISSN: 2167-8359Número de sistema: 61682Resumen:

Leptonycteris yerbabuenae, the lesser long-nosed bat is an abundant migratory nectar feeding bat found in most of Mexico, and in some areas of northern Central America and small sections of southwestern USA. We analyzed the distribution of the maternal and paternal lineages of this species with phylogeographic methods based on two mitochondrial markers, Cyt-b and D-loop, and a marker located in the Y chromosome, DBY. We obtained tissue samples from 220 individuals from 23 localities. Levels of genetic diversity (haplotype diversity, Hd) were high (Cyt-b = 0.757; D-loop = 0.8082; DBY = 0.9137). No clear patterns of population genetic structure were found for mitochondrial markers, while male genetic differentiation suggested the presence of two lineages: one from Mexican Pacific coast states and another from central-southern Mexico; in accordance to strong male philopatry and higher female migration. We used genealogical reconstructions based on Bayesian tools to calculate divergence times, and to test coalescent models to explain changes in L. yerbabuenae historical demography. Our results show that recent demographic changes were consistent with global climatic changes (∼130,000 kyr ago forCyt-b and∼160,000 kyr for D-loop) and divergence times dated from molecular genealogies exhibited older divergence times, Cyt-b (4.03 mya), D-loop (10.26 mya) and DBY (12.23 mya). Accordingly, the female lineage underwent demographic expansion associated to Pleistocene climate change, whereas the male lineage remained constant.

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Lista(s) en las que aparece este ítem: Mujeres en la ciencia-ECOSUR Villahermosa | Ganadería, agroforestería, silvopastoril y cambio climático
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ECOSUR Recurso digital ECO400000061682

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Leptonycteris yerbabuenae, the lesser long-nosed bat is an abundant migratory nectar feeding bat found in most of Mexico, and in some areas of northern Central America and small sections of southwestern USA. We analyzed the distribution of the maternal and paternal lineages of this species with phylogeographic methods based on two mitochondrial markers, Cyt-b and D-loop, and a marker located in the Y chromosome, DBY. We obtained tissue samples from 220 individuals from 23 localities. Levels of genetic diversity (haplotype diversity, Hd) were high (Cyt-b = 0.757; D-loop = 0.8082; DBY = 0.9137). No clear patterns of population genetic structure were found for mitochondrial markers, while male genetic differentiation suggested the presence of two lineages: one from Mexican Pacific coast states and another from central-southern Mexico; in accordance to strong male philopatry and higher female migration. We used genealogical reconstructions based on Bayesian tools to calculate divergence times, and to test coalescent models to explain changes in L. yerbabuenae historical demography. Our results show that recent demographic changes were consistent with global climatic changes (∼130,000 kyr ago forCyt-b and∼160,000 kyr for D-loop) and divergence times dated from molecular genealogies exhibited older divergence times, Cyt-b (4.03 mya), D-loop (10.26 mya) and DBY (12.23 mya). Accordingly, the female lineage underwent demographic expansion associated to Pleistocene climate change, whereas the male lineage remained constant. eng

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