In vitro and in vivo nematicide effect of extract fractions of pleurotus djamor Against Haemonchus contortus
González Cortázar, Manasés [autor] | Sánchez, José E [autor] | Huicochea Medina, Magaly [autora] | Hernández Velázquez, Victor M [autor] | Mendoza de Gives, Pedro [autor] | Zamilpa, Alejandro [autor] | López Arellano, Ma. Eugenia [autora] | Pineda Alegría, Jesús Antonio [autor] | Aguilar Marcelino, Liliana [autora].
Tipo de material: Artículo en línea Tipo de contenido: Texto Tipo de medio: Computadora Tipo de portador: Recurso en líneaTema(s): Haemonchus contortus | Pleurotus djamor | Hongos comestibles | Nemátodos parásitos de animales | Enfermedades de las ovejas | Control de nemátodosTema(s) en inglés: Haemonchus contortus | Pleurotus djamor | Edible mushroom | Animal parasitic nematodes | Sheep diseases | Nematode controlNota de acceso: Disponible para usuarios de ECOSUR con su clave de acceso En: Journal of Medicinal Food. Volumen 24, número 3 (March 2021), páginas 1–9. --ISSN: 1557-7600Número de sistema: 61082Resumen:Tipo de ítem | Biblioteca actual | Colección | Signatura | Estado | Fecha de vencimiento | Código de barras |
Artículos | Biblioteca Electrónica Recursos en línea (RE) | ECOSUR | Recurso digital | ECO400000061082 |
Disponible para usuarios de ECOSUR con su clave de acceso
Sheep haemonchosis is a disease that causes anemia, diarrhea, weight loss, low production, and even death of young animals. This represents a negative economic impact on the livestock sector. For decades, chemicals have been used to control this parasitic disease; however, cases of anthelmintic resistance have increased around the world. For this reason, the search for control alternatives is necessary. Several studies have shown that edible mushrooms of Pleurotus genus have different medicinal properties, including nematicidal activity. In this study, the chromatographic fractionation of the hydroalcoholic extract of fruiting bodies Pleurotus djamor was carried out to identify and isolate the metabolites responsible for nematicidal activity. From the fractionation of the extract, the fraction PdR2 and the subfraction PdB were obtained, which were evaluated against Haemonchus contortus under in vitro conditions. The nematicidal effect of the fraction PdB in gerbils infected artificially with H. contortus was evaluated. Finally, the analysis of the PdB fraction by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry and nuclear magnetic resonance was carried out. The results showed that the PdB had 100% of egg hatching inhibition from 5 mg/mL. Regarding larvicidal activity, it presented >97.2% from 24 h to 20 mg/mL. The in vivo evaluation of the PdB fraction showed a reduction of H. contortus larvae of 92.56%. The compounds present in this fraction were the mixture of allitol and an unidentified terpene in a ratio of 9:1. The PdB fraction is a potential alternative for the control of H. contortus, where allitol and a terpene could be responsible for nematicidal activity. eng