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Evaluating sustainability of conventional and organic dairy cattle production units in the Zoque Region of Chiapas, Mexico

Nahed Toral, José [autor] | González Pineda, Samuel [autor] | Grande Cano, Jesús Daniel [autor] | Aguilar Jiménez, José Roberto [autor] | Sánchez Muñoz, José Bernardo [autor] | Ruíz Rojas, Jorge Luis [autor] | Guevara Hernández, Francisco [autor] | León Martínez, Noé Samuel [autor] | Trujillo Vázquez, Romeo Josué [autor] | Parra Vázquez, Manuel Roberto [autor].
Tipo de material: Artículo
 en línea Artículo en línea Tipo de contenido: Texto Tipo de medio: Computadora Tipo de portador: Recurso en líneaTema(s): Ganado lechero | Ganadería convencional | Ganadería orgánica | Indicadores de sustentabilidad | Sistemas agrosilvopastoriles | Factores socioeconómicos | Factores ambientalesTema(s) en inglés: Dairy cattle | Livestock conventional | Organic livestock | Sustainability indicators | Agrosilvopastoral systems | Socioeconomic factors | Environmental factorsDescriptor(es) geográficos: Tecpatán (Chiapas, México) | Mezcalapa (Chiapas, México) Nota de acceso: Disponible para usuarios de ECOSUR con su clave de acceso En: Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems. Volumen 43, número 6 (2019), páginas 605-638. --ISSN: 2168-3573Número de sistema: 59473Resumen:

The objective of this study was to evaluate the level of sustainability of conventional and organic dairy cattle production units (CPU) in the Zoque Region of the Mexican state of Chiapas through evaluating attributes and indicators of sustainability and through a sustainability index (SI) value. Four organic or conventional CPU with high or low SI values were identified. The organic CPU with high SI had the highest SI value. The attribute of sustainability self-management contributed more to the SI value. All CPU need to strengthen some ofthe attributes of sustainability evaluated.

Lista(s) en las que aparece este ítem: GANADERIA SUSTENTABLE Y CAMBIO CLIMATICO | Noé Samuel León Martínez | Ganadería, agroforestería, silvopastoril y cambio climático | Gansus
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The objective of this study was to evaluate the level of sustainability of conventional and organic dairy cattle production units (CPU) in the Zoque Region of the Mexican state of Chiapas through evaluating attributes and indicators of sustainability and through a sustainability index (SI) value. Four organic or conventional CPU with high or low SI values were identified. The organic CPU with high SI had the highest SI value. The attribute of sustainability self-management contributed more to the SI value. All CPU need to strengthen some ofthe attributes of sustainability evaluated. eng

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