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Anaerobic filter treatment of wastewater from mushroom cultivation on coffee pulp

Por: Bello Mendoza, Ricardo. Doctor [autor/a].
Sánchez, José E [autor/a].
Tipo de material: Artículo
  y electrónico  
  Artículo impreso(a) y electrónico Tema(s): Tratamiento de aguas residuales | Pulpa de café | Cultivo de hongos | Producción de biogas | Filtros anaeróbicos | Digestión anaerobiaClasificación: AR/628.3 / B4 / 4 Nota de acceso: Disponible para usuarios de ECOSUR con su clave de acceso En: World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology. volumen 13, número 1 (1997), páginas 51-55Número de sistema: 19668Resumen:

Wastewater from the pre-treatment of coffee pulp for mushroom cultivation was treated in an anaerobic filter reactor at laboratory scale. The digester was fed semicontinuously with 300 to 500 ml of fresh medium per day. Organic loading rates (OLR) applied ranged widely during the study, from 0.48 to 62.93 g chemical oxygen demand (COD)/I d. Treating wastewater from the pasteurization of pulp, the highest strength studied, a COD removal efficiency of up to 87% was attained at a high OLR of 42.868 g COD/1 d; while a high biogas production rate (BPR) of 2.89 I/l dl was also achieved. However, the average organic matter removal efficiency was 53% at an OLR of 23.921 g COD/I d, which indicates that process efficiency should be improved to achieve a good quality effluent. BPR averaged 1.72 l/l d, which shows that with technical-scale reactors, high biogas production could be obtained for further use in the pasteurizing process itself (energy recycling).

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Lista(s) en las que aparece este ítem: Energia | Agua, salud y ambiente | José Ernesto Sánchez Vázquez
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ECOSUR 004 Disponible 680909C19739-40

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Wastewater from the pre-treatment of coffee pulp for mushroom cultivation was treated in an anaerobic filter reactor at laboratory scale. The digester was fed semicontinuously with 300 to 500 ml of fresh medium per day. Organic loading rates (OLR) applied ranged widely during the study, from 0.48 to 62.93 g chemical oxygen demand (COD)/I d. Treating wastewater from the pasteurization of pulp, the highest strength studied, a COD removal efficiency of up to 87% was attained at a high OLR of 42.868 g COD/1 d; while a high biogas production rate (BPR) of 2.89 I/l dl was also achieved. However, the average organic matter removal efficiency was 53% at an OLR of 23.921 g COD/I d, which indicates that process efficiency should be improved to achieve a good quality effluent. BPR averaged 1.72 l/l d, which shows that with technical-scale reactors, high biogas production could be obtained for further use in the pasteurizing process itself (energy recycling). eng

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