Vista normal
Vista MARC
Polonia (Nombre geográfico)
Usado por/ver desde:
- Poland
- Poyln
- Polska Rzeczpospolita Ludowa
- Pol§sha
- P.N.R.
- P.R.L.
- Pologne
- Polish Commonwealth
- Polonia
- Warsaw (Duchy)
- Polska
- Polsko
- ëTìSarstvo Pol§skoe
- Królestwo Polskie
- Pol§skaëiìa Narodnaëiìa Respublika
- Poljska
- Lehastan
- Polin
- Båulåuniyåa
- Polonyah
- République populaire de Pologne
- Polen
- Ppolsæukka
- Polish People's Republic
- Republic of Poland
- Poland (Territory under German occupation, 1939-1945)
- Generalgouvernement (Poland)
- Generalne Gubernatorstwo (Poland)
- General Government (Poland)
- Heneral§na Huberniëiìa (Poland)
- Rzeczpospolita Polska
- Polish Republic
- Congress Kingdom of Poland
- Congress Poland
- Królestwo Kongresowe Polskie
- Kongresówka
- Kingdom of Poland
- Lahiståan
Ver además:
Includes old catalog headings: Poland, Poland (Territory under Austrian occupation, 1915-1918), Poland (Nov. 5, 1916-Nov. 9, 1918), Poland (Territory under German occupation, 1939-1945)
Non-Latin script reference not evaluated.
LEMB Digital, 31 mayo 2013: (Polonia)