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Degradation of endosulfan by strains of Auricularia fuscosuccinea

Yanez Montalvo, Alfredo Francisco | Sánchez, José E [autor/a] | Vázquez Duhalt, Rafael [autor/a] | Cruz López, Leopoldo Caridad [autor/a] | La Torre Cuadros, María de los Ángeles [autor/a].
Tipo de material: Artículo ArtículoTema(s): Auricularia fuscosuccinea | Hongos comestibles | Biodegradación | Endosulfán | Insecticidas | Enzimas ligninolíticas | ContaminaciónTema(s) en inglés: Auricularia fuscosuccinea | Mushrooms edible | Biodegradation | Endosulfan | Insecticides | Ligninolytic enzymes | PollutionNota de acceso: Disponible para usuarios de ECOSUR con su clave de acceso En: Sydowia. volumen 68 (September 2016), páginas 7-15. --ISSN: 0082-0598Número de sistema: 9958Resumen:

The insecticide endosulfan belongs to the organochloride group of pesticides, and is considered a priority pollutant. Four different strains of the white-rot fungi, Auricularia fuscosuccinea, were assayed for the transformation of endosulfan in a liquid medium, and the presence of ligninolytic enzymes during biodegradation was determined. The four strains are capable of metabolizing the insecticide in eight days, in a liquid culture at a temperature of 26 ºC. Only two strains produced ligninolytic enzymes: laccase and phenol oxidase. The cell-free culture extract transformed 90 % of the insecticide within eight days.

Lista(s) en las que aparece este ítem: José Ernesto Sánchez Vázquez
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The insecticide endosulfan belongs to the organochloride group of pesticides, and is considered a priority pollutant. Four different strains of the white-rot fungi, Auricularia fuscosuccinea, were assayed for the transformation of endosulfan in a liquid medium, and the presence of ligninolytic enzymes during biodegradation was determined. The four strains are capable of metabolizing the insecticide in eight days, in a liquid culture at a temperature of 26 ºC. Only two strains produced ligninolytic enzymes: laccase and phenol oxidase. The cell-free culture extract transformed 90 % of the insecticide within eight days. eng

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