ISTA tropical and sub-tropical tree and shrub seed handbook / edited by Karen M. Poulsen, Matt J. Parratt, Peter G. Gosling
Poulsen, Karen M [editor] | Parratt, Matt J [editor/a] | Gosling, Peter G [editor/a].
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Incluye bibliografía
Acknowledgements.. Preface.. Chapter 1: Introduction.. Chapter 2 : Principles of sampling and testing tropical and sub-tropical tree seed.. Sampling.. Tests of physical quality.. Moisture content test.. Purity test.. Seed weight test.. Chapter 3 : Specific information on individual species.. Acacia nilotica.. Acacia Senegal.. Acacia tortilis.. Acrocarpus fraxinifolius.. Afzelia quanzensis.. Albizia gummifera.. Albizia saman.. Bauhinia purpurea.. Bombacopsis quinata.. Calliandra grandiflora.. Cassia grandis.. Cedrela odorata.. Ceiba pentandra.. Dalbergia melanoxylon.. Dalbergia sissoo.. Dryobalanops oblongifolia.. Enterolobium cyclocarpum.. Faidherbia albida.. Gliricidia sepium.. Gmelina arborea.. Guazuma ulmifolia.. Hopea odorata.. Khaya nyasica.. Khaya senegalensis.. Leucaena diversifolia.. Leucaena leucocephala.. Paraserianthes falcataria.. Parkia biglobosa.. Parkinsonia aculeata.. Pinus greggii.. Pinus tropicalis.. Sesbania sesban.. Shorea acuminata.. Shorea glauca.. Shorea ovalis.. Swietenia humilis.. Swietenia macrophylla.. Tabebuia rosea.. Tamarindus indica.. Zizyphus mauritania.. Appendix 1: The effect of different numbers of replicates and seeds on the maximum permitted ranges between replicates when the average percentage germination varies.. Appendix 2 : Germination standards for selected Australian species.. Acacia sp. .. Agonis sp. .. Allocasuarina sp. .. Alphitonia sp. .. Angophora sp. .. Araucaria sp. .. Asteromyrtus sp. .. Banksia sp. .. Brachychiton sp. .. Burs aria sp. .. Callitris sp. .. Casuarina sp. .. Cathormion sp. .. Cedrela sp. .. Callistemon sp. .. Cochlospermum sp. .. Cassia sp. .. Calothamnus sp. .. Daviesia sp. .. Dolichandrone sp. .. Eremophila sp. .. Eremaea sp. .. Eucalyptus sp. .. Flindersia sp. .. Gmelina sp. .. Grevillea sp. .. Hakea sp. .. Instia sp. .. Kunzeasp. .. Leptospermum sp. ..
Lophostemon sp. .. Lysiphyllum sp. .. Melaleuca sp. .. Me lia sp. .. Petalostigma sp. .. Pterocarpus sp. .. Rhodosphaera sp. .. Santalum sp. .. Syncarpia sp. .. Toona sp. .. Ventilago sp. .. Appendix 3 : Seed characteristics of ten tree and shrub species native of Argentina.. Appendix 4 : Table of recommended pretreatment and germination methods for 40 major species in this handbook
This book contains an introductory chapter on seed testing, with consideration of the special difficulties of tropical and sub-tropical tree seeds, followed by sections on approximately 40 species. There is a line diagram of each species' seed/fruit and sometimes foliage, plus sections on flowering, fruit ripening, collection and processing, then seed testing information on purity/thousand pure seed weight statistics, plus methods of dormancy breakage, germination and storage. spa