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Biotechnological potential of ten Pleurotus djamor strains

Por: Moreno Ruiz, Lilia. Maestra [autor/a].
Andrade Gallegos, René Humberto [autor/a] | Sánchez, José E [autor/a].
Tipo de material: Capítulo de libro Capítulo de libroTema(s): Pleurotus djamor | Enzimas ligninolíticas | AntioxidantesTema(s) en inglés: Pleurotus djamor | Ligninolytic enzymes | AntioxidantsNota de acceso: Disponible para usuarios de ECOSUR con su clave de acceso En: Proceedings of the 8th international conference on mushroom biology and mushroom products. New Delhi, India : Mushroom Society of India : World Society for Mushroom Biology and Mushroom Products, 2014. volumen I, páginas 262-270Número de sistema: 6287Resumen:

With the aim of knowing some capabilities of biotechnological interest of the edible mushroom Pleurotus djamor, ten strains of this species were characterized. Besides mycelial growth and sporophore production, laccase (on ABTS), Mnperoxidase (on dimethoxyphenol), aryl alcohol oxidase (on veratryl alcohol) and phenol oxidase activities (on catechol) were determined. Also the antioxidant capacity was determined. Reported radial extension rate varied between 1.12 mm/ d (P. djamor ECS-0150) and 3.9 mm/d (P. djamor ECS-0143). Biological efficiency, production rate, performance in two harvests varied between 36.4 and 71.4%, 1.14 and 2.1% and 0.033 and 0.069, respectively. All the strains tested have at a certain degree, laccase, Mn-Peroxidase and phenol oxidase, except for aryl alcohol oxidase. The strain ECS- 0123 showed important ligninolytic activity, good antioxidant capacity, good growth and an average capacity to produce sporocarps (mushrooms).

Lista(s) en las que aparece este ítem: Lilia Moreno Ruiz | José Ernesto Sánchez Vázquez
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With the aim of knowing some capabilities of biotechnological interest of the edible mushroom Pleurotus djamor, ten strains of this species were characterized. Besides mycelial growth and sporophore production, laccase (on ABTS), Mnperoxidase (on dimethoxyphenol), aryl alcohol oxidase (on veratryl alcohol) and phenol oxidase activities (on catechol) were determined. Also the antioxidant capacity was determined. Reported radial extension rate varied between 1.12 mm/ d (P. djamor ECS-0150) and 3.9 mm/d (P. djamor ECS-0143). Biological efficiency, production rate, performance in two harvests varied between 36.4 and 71.4%, 1.14 and 2.1% and 0.033 and 0.069, respectively. All the strains tested have at a certain degree, laccase, Mn-Peroxidase and phenol oxidase, except for aryl alcohol oxidase. The strain ECS- 0123 showed important ligninolytic activity, good antioxidant capacity, good growth and an average capacity to produce sporocarps (mushrooms). eng

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