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Getting to Know Web GIS

Por: Fu, Pinde [autor].
Tipo de material: Libro
 Libro impreso(a) Series Editor: Redlands, California, United States: Esri Press, c2018Edición: Third edition.Descripción: xiv, 472 páginas : ilustraciones, mapas ; 23 centímetros.Tipo de contenido: Texto Tipo de medio: Sin medio Tipo de portador: VolumenISBN: 1589485211; 9781589485211.Otro título: Web GIS getting to know [Título paralelo].Tema(s): Sistemas de información geográfica | Recursos en internet | GeografíaClasificación: 910.285 / F8 Nota de bibliografía: Incluye bibliografía Número de sistema: 59814Contenidos:Mostrar Recomendación de contenido:

The new second edition of Getting to Know Web GIS features detailed, step-by-step exercises that teach readers how to share resources online and build web GIS applications easily and quickly. This workbook includes the latest upgrades and advances, such as smart mapping, AppStudio, ArcGIS Pro and scene services, and expands the use of ArcGIS Online, Portal for ArcGIS, ArcGIS for Server, Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS, and ArcGIS API for JavaScript. You do not have to be a developer to build web apps with little or no programming. Instead of focusing on individual products, this book teaches web GIS technologies as a holistic platform. In each chapter, students complete an application project using multiple products from the browser/client side to the server side. Data for completing the exercises is available for download. Featuring detailed, step-by-step exercises, Getting to Know Web GIS, Second Edition, teaches readers how to share resources online and build web GIS applications easily and quickly.The workbook covers the Esri suite of web GIS technologies, including ArcGIS Online, Portal for ArcGIS, ArcGIS for Server, web app templates, Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS, ArcGIS API for JavaScript, the Collector for ArcGIS mobile app, mobile SDKs, and 3D web scenes. This second edition includes the latest upgrades and advances, such as smart mapping, AppStudio, ArcGIS Pro and Scene services. Unlike books that focus on individual products, this book teaches web GIS technologies as a holistic platform. In each chapter, students complete an application project using multiple products from the browser/client side to the server side. Data for completing the exercises is available for download.

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Preface.. Acknowledgments.. Foreword.. Chapter 1 Web GIS introduction.. 1.1 Create an ArcGISSM Online trial account.. 1.2 Create a hosted feature layer.. 1.3 Create a web map.. 1.4 Create a web app using a template.. 1.5 Configure your web app.. 1.6 Share your web app.. Questions and answers.. Assignment.. Chapter 2 Hosted feature layers and Esri® Story Maps.. 2.1 Create a feature layer using geocoding.. 2.2 Configure layer style.. 2.3 Configure a layer pop-up using ArcGIS® Arcade.. 2.4 Add images and charts to pop-up windows.. 2.5 Use layers from the ArcGIS® Living Atlas of the World.. 2.6 Create an Esri® Story Map JournalSM web app.. Questions and answers.. Assignment.. Chapter 3 Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS®.. 3.1 Explore the web map.. 3.2 Create a web app.. 3.3 Configure data-independent widgets.. 3.4 Configure chart-type widgets.. 3.5 Configure filter-type widgets.. 3.6 Preview and share your app.. Questions and answers.. Assignment.. Chapter 4 Mobile GIS.. 4.1 Create an editable feature layer.. 4.2 Collect data using Collector for ArcGIS®.. 4.3 Design a survey for Survey123 for ArcGIS®.. 4.4 Use Survey123 to collect data and review the data collected.. 4.5 Create native apps using AppStudio for ArcGIS®.. 4.6 Deploy and test your native app.. Questions and answers.. Assignment.. Chapter 5 Tile layers, map image layers, and on-premises Web GIS.. 5.1 Add a portal connection in ArcGIS® Pro.. 5.2 Author your map document.. 5.3 Publish and use a vector tile layer.. 5.4 Publish and use a raster tile layer.. 5.5 Publish and use a map image layer (optional).. 5.6 Compare map layers side by side.. Questions and answers.. Assignment.. Chapter 6 Spatial temporal data and real-time GIS.. 6.1 Create a web map with real-time layers.. 6.2 Create an operations dashboard.. 6.3 Add actions and targets to your dashboard.. 6.4 Create a time-enabled feature layer.. 6.5 Animate time-series data in web maps and web apps.. Questions and answers.. Assignments.. Chapter 7 3D web scenes.. 7.1 Explore web scenes using ArcGIS Scene Viewer.. 7.2 Create a thematic web scene.. 7.3 Create a web scene of feature layers with 3D object symbols.. 7.4 Enhance the web scene by editing 2D data and importing 3D object scene layers.. 7.5 Create a 3D web app using Web AppBuilder.. Questions and answers.. Assignment.. Chapter 8 Spatial analysis and geoprocessing.. 8.1 Create a web app using the Web AppBuilder Analysis widget.. 8.2 Perform analysis using the Web AppBuilder Analysis widget.. 8.3 Design a geoprocessing tool (optional).. 8.4 Run the geoprocessing tool (optional).. 8.5 Publish a web tool and a geoprocessing service (optional).. 8.6 Use your web tool in Web AppBuilder (optional).. 8.7 Perform big data analysis using ArcGIS® Enterprise (optional).. Questions and answers.. Assignments.. Chapter 9 Image service and online raster analysis.. 9.1 Create a web map in ArcGIS Online using a Living Atlas image service.. 9.2 Create a web app using the Image Interpretation configurable app.. 9.3 Explore the multispectral image and create a raster function template file in ArcGIS® Pro (optional).. 9.4 Share an image service to Portal for ArcGIS® (optional).. Questions and answers.. Assignments.. Chapter 10 Web GIS programming with ArcGIS® API for JavaScriptTM.. 10.1 Understand the basics of 2D views and 3D views.. 10.2 Load web maps and web scenes.. 10.3 Debug JavaScript and monitor HTTP traffic.. 10.4 Monitor property changes.. 10.5 Incorporate widgets in your app.. 10.6 Work with tasks and promises.. Questions and answers.. Assignment.. Appendix A Image credits.. Appendix B Data credits

The new second edition of Getting to Know Web GIS features detailed, step-by-step exercises that teach readers how to share resources online and build web GIS applications easily and quickly. This workbook includes the latest upgrades and advances, such as smart mapping, AppStudio, ArcGIS Pro and scene services, and expands the use of ArcGIS Online, Portal for ArcGIS, ArcGIS for Server, Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS, and ArcGIS API for JavaScript. You do not have to be a developer to build web apps with little or no programming. Instead of focusing on individual products, this book teaches web GIS technologies as a holistic platform. In each chapter, students complete an application project using multiple products from the browser/client side to the server side. Data for completing the exercises is available for download. Featuring detailed, step-by-step exercises, Getting to Know Web GIS, Second Edition, teaches readers how to share resources online and build web GIS applications easily and quickly.The workbook covers the Esri suite of web GIS technologies, including ArcGIS Online, Portal for ArcGIS, ArcGIS for Server, web app templates, Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS, ArcGIS API for JavaScript, the Collector for ArcGIS mobile app, mobile SDKs, and 3D web scenes. This second edition includes the latest upgrades and advances, such as smart mapping, AppStudio, ArcGIS Pro and Scene services. Unlike books that focus on individual products, this book teaches web GIS technologies as a holistic platform. In each chapter, students complete an application project using multiple products from the browser/client side to the server side. Data for completing the exercises is available for download. eng

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