Insect-plant interactions in a crop protection perspective / editor Nicolas Sauvion, Denis Thiéry, Paul André Calatayud
Sauvion, Nicolas [editor] | Thiéry, Denis [editor/a] | Calatayud, Paul André [editor].
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Biblioteca Tapachula
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Contributors.. Preface.. 1. Plant-Insect Interactions: A Palaeontological and an Evolutionary Perspective.. 1. Palaeo-entomology or How We Can Reconstruct the Evolutionary History of Plant-Insect Interactions.. 2. The First Steps in the Evolutionary History of Plant-Insect Interactions.. 3. The Appearance of Entomophilous Pollination.. 4. Functional Groups of Insect Pollinators and Pollination Syndromes.. 5. The Mutualism Between Plants and Pollinating Insects and the Radiation of Angiosperms.. 6. The Entomophilous Pollination: A Never-Ending Source of Problems for Plants.. 7. The Role of Flower Morphology in Entomophilous Pollination.. 8. Constantly Evolving Insect-plant Interactions.. References.. 2. Evolution of Plant-Insect Interactions: Insights From Macroevolutionary Approaches in Plants and Herbivorous Insects.. 1. Introduction.. 2. Reconstructing the History of the Associations With Plants.. 3. Conclusion and Perspectives.. References.. 3. From Plant Exploitation to Mutualism.. 1. Introduction.. 2. Defence Against Predators.. 3. Host Plant Manipulation.. 4. Mutualism: A Result of Coevolution? Genetic and Functional Aspects.. 5. Conclusion.. References.. 4. Food Webs and Multiple Biotic Interactions in Plant-Herbivore Models.. 1. Introduction.. 2. Food Webs.. 3. Functional Types of Organisms/Classification of Species Within Food Webs.. 4. Trophic Cascades From Plants to Insect Predators.. 5. Applications of Trophic Cascades for Management.. 6. Nontrophic Interactions in Food Webs.. Acknowledgements.. References.. 5. Chemical Signatures in Plant-Insect Interactions.. 1. Introduction.. 2. Plasticity and Specificity of the Chemical Information.. 3. Plant-Insect Chemical Interaction in Reproduction.. 4. Plant-Insect Chemical Interaction in Host Finding for Oviposition.. 5. Conclusion.. References.. 6. The Plant as a Habitat for Entomophagous Insects.. 1. Introduction.. 2. The Plant: Place of Predation and Parasitism
3. The Plant, Place of Development.. 4. Effects of Natural Enemies on Plant Defence Traits.. 5. The Plant as Food Source.. 6. The Roles of Local Plant Composition and Landscape Complexity on Diversity, Abundance and Thermotolerance of Entomophagous Insects.. 7. Conclusion.. Acknowledgements.. References.. 7. Influence of Microbial Symbionts on Plant-Insect Interactions.. 1. Introduction.. 2. Diversity of Insect Microbial Communities and Ecological Dynamics of Insect Host-Microbe Interactions.. 3. Direct Effects of Symbionts in Plant-Insect Interactions.. 4. Indirect Effect of Symbionts in Plant-Insect Interactions: Insect- and Plant-Mediated Indirect Effects.. 5. Ecological Diversification and Insect Diversification and Specialization.. 6. Conclusion and Outlook.. Acknowledgements.. References.. 8. How Host Plant and Fluctuating Environments Affect Insect Reproductive Strategies?.. 1. Introduction.. 2. Effect of Host Plant Quality on Male and Female Reproduction.. 3. Insect Reproductive Strategies in Risky Environments.. 4. Conclusions.. Acknowledgements.. References.. 9. Plant-Insect Interactions in a Changing World.. 1. Introduction.. 2. Direct Effects of Climate Change on Plant-Insect Interactions.. 3. Indirect Effects of Climate Change on Plant-Insect Interactions.. 4. Impact of Human Activities on Plant-Insect Interactions.. 5. Conclusion and Perspectives.. Acknowledgements.. References.. 10. Conservation Biological Control in Agricultural Landscapes.. 1. Introduction.. 2. Basic Principles in Conservation Biological Control: Provisioning of Key Resources in Space and Time.. 3. On-field Management Options for Reducing Pest Populations and Enhancing Biological Pest Control.. 4. Pest Abundance and Biological Control at the Landscape Scale.. 5. Relationship Between Natural Enemy Community Structure and the Level of Biological Control.. 6. Conclusions and Future Challenges.. Acknowledgements.. References.. Subject Index.. Author Index
Insect-Plant Interactions, the latest edition in the Advances in Botanical Research series, which publishes in-depth and up-to-date reviews on a wide range of topics in the plant sciences, features several reviews by recognized experts on all aspects of plant genetics, biochemistry, cell biology, molecular biology, physiology, and ecology. • Publishes in-depth and up-to-date reviews on a wide range of topics in plant sciences. • Presents the latest information on artificial photosynthesis. • Features a wide range of reviews by recognized experts on all aspects of plant genetics, biochemistry, cell biology, molecular biology, physiology, and ecology. eng