The database of the PREDICTS (Projecting Responses of Ecological Diversity In Changing Terrestrial Systems) project
Hudson, Lawrence N [autora] | Newbold, Tim [autor] | Contu, Sara [autora] | Hill, Samantha L. L [autora] | Lysenko, Igor [autor] | De Palma, Adriana [autora] | Phillips, Helen R. P [autora] | Alhusseini, Tamera I [autora] | Bedford, Felicity E [autora] | Bennett, Dominic J [autor] | Booth, Hollie [autor/a] | Burton, Victoria J [autora] | Chng, Charlotte W. T [autora] | Choimes, Argyrios [autor/a] | Correia, David L. P [autor] | Day, Julie [autora] | Echeverría Londoño, Susy [autora] | Emerson, Susan R [autora] | Gao, Di [autor/a] | Garon, Morgan [autor] | Harrison, Michelle L. K [autora] | Ingram, Daniel J [autor] | Jung, Martin [autor] | Kemp, Victoria [autora] | Kirkpatrick, Lucinda [autora] | Martin, Callum D [autor/a] | Pan, Yuan [autor/a] | Pask Hale, Gwilym D [autor/a] | Pynegar, Edwin L [autor] | Robinson, Alexandra N [autora] | Sánchez Ortiz, Katia [autora] | Senior, Rebecca A [autora] | Simmons, Benno I [autor/a] | White, Hannah J [autora] | Zhang, Hanbin [autor/a] | Aben, Job [autor/a] | Abrahamczyk, Stefan [autor/a] | Adum, Gilbert B [autor] | Aguilar Barquero, Virginia [autora] | Aizen, Marcelo A [autor] | Albertos, Belén [autora] | Alcalá, Elio L [autor] | Alguacil, María del Mar [autora] | Alignier, Audrey [autor/a] | Ancrenaz, Marc [autor] | Andersen, Alan N [autor] | Arbeláez Cortés, Enrique [autor] | Armbrecht, Inge [autor/a]
| Arroyo Rodríguez, Víctor [autor]
| Aumann, Tom [autor] | Axmacher, Jan C [autor/a] | Azhar, Badrul [autor/a] | Azpiroz, Adrián B [autor] | Baeten, Lander [autor/a] | Bakayoko, Adama [autor/a] | Báldi, András [autor/a] | Banks, John E [autor] | Baral, Sharad K [autor/a] | Barlow, Jos [autor/a] | Barratt, Barbara I. P [autora] | Barrico, Lurdes [autora] | Bartolommei, Paola [autora] | Barton, Diane M [autora] | Basset, Yves [autor/a] | Batáry, Péter [autor] | Bates, Adam J [autor] | Baur, Bruno [autor] | Bayne, Erin M [autor/a] | Beja, Pedro [autor] | Benedick, Suzan [autora] | Berg, Åke [autor/a] | Bernard, Henry [autor] | Berry, Nicholas J [autor] | Bhatt, Dinesh [autor/a] | Bicknell, Jake E [autor/a] | Bihn, Jochen H [autor/a] | Blake, Robin J [autor] | Bobo, Kadiri S [autor/a] | Bóçon, Roberto [autor] | Boekhout, Teun [autor/a] | Böhning Gaese, Katrin [autora] | Bonham, Kevin J [autor] | Borges, Paulo A. V [autor] | Borges, Sérgio H [autor] | Boutin, Céline [autora] | Bouyer, Jérémy [autor]
| Bragagnolo, Cibele [autor/a] | Brandt, Jodi S [autor/a] | Brearley, Francis Q [autor/a] | Brito, Isabel [autora] | Bros, Vicenç [autor/a] | Brunet, Jörg [autor/a] | Buczkowski, Grzegorz [autor/a] | Buddle, Christopher M [autor] | Bugter, Rob [autor/a] | Buscardo, Erika [autora] | Buse, Jörn [autor/a] | Cabra García, Jimmy [autor] | Cáceres, Nilton C [autor] | Cagle, Nicolette L [autora] | Calviño Cancela, María [autora] | Cameron, Sydney A [autor/a] | Cancello, Eliana M [autora] | Caparrós, Rut [autor/a] | Cardoso, Pedro [autor] | Carpenter, Dan [autor/a] | Carrijo, Tiago F [autor/a] | Carvalho, Anelena L [autora] | Cassano, Camila R [autora] | Castro, Helena [autora] | Castro Luna, Alejandro A [autor] | Cerda B., Rolando [autor] | Cerezo, Alexis [autor] | Chapman, Kim Alan [autor] | Chauvat, Matthieu [autor/a] | Christensen, Morten [autor] | Clarke, Francis M [autor] | Cleary, Daniël Francis Richard [autor] | Colombo, Giorgio [autor] | Connop, Stuart P [autor] | Craig, Michael D [autor] | Cruz López, Leopoldo Caridad [autor]
| Cunningham, Saul A [autor] | D'Aniello, Biagio [autor/a] | D'Cruze, Neil C [autor/a] | da Silva, Pedro Giovâni [autor] | Dallimer, Martin [autor] | Danquah, Emmanuel [autor] | Darvill, Ben [autor/a] | Dauber, Jens [autor/a] | Davis, Adrian L. V [autor] | Dawson, Jeff [autor] | de Sassi, Claudio [autor] | de Thoisy, Benoit [autor/a] | Deheuvels, Olivier [autor] | Dejean, Alain [autor]
| Devineau, Jean Louis [autor] | Diekötter, Tim [autor] | Dolia, Jignasu V [autor/a] | Domínguez, Erwin [autor] | Domínguez Haydar, Yamileth [autora] | Dorn, Silvia [autora] | Draper, Isabel [autora] | Dreber, Niels [autor/a] | Dumont, Bertrand [autor/a] | Dures, Simon G [autor] | Dynesius, Mats [autor/a] | Edenius, Lars [autor/a] | Eggleton, Paul [autor] | Eigenbrod, Felix [autor] | Elek, Zoltán [autor/a] | Entling, Martin H [autor] | Esler, Karen J [autora] | Lima, Ricardo F. de [autor] | Faruk, Aisyah [autor/a] | Farwig, Nina [autora] | Fayle, Tom M [autor] | Felicioli, Antonio [autor] | Felton, Annika M [autora] | Fensham, Roderick J [autor/a] | Fernández, Ignacio C [autor] | Ferreira, Catarina C [autora] | Ficetola, Gentile F [autor/a] | Fiera, Cristina [autora] | Filgueiras, Bruno K. C [autor] | Fırıncıoğlu, Hüseyin K [autor/a] | Flaspohler, David [autor] | Floren, Andreas [autor/a] | Fonte, Steven J [autor] | Fournier, Anne [autora] | Fowler, Robert E [autor] | Franzén, Markus [autor] | Fraser, Lauchlan H [autor/a] | Fredriksson, Gabriella Margit [autora]
| Freire Jr, Geraldo B [autor] | Frizzo, Tiago L. M [autor] | Fukuda, Daisuke [autor/a] | Furlani, Dario [autor] | Gaigher, René [autor/a] | Ganzhorn, Jörg U [autor/a] | García, Karla P [autora] | García R., Juan C [autor] | Garden, Jenni G [autora] | Garilleti, Ricardo [autor] | Ge, Bao Ming [autor/a] | Gendreau Berthiaume, Benoit [autor/a] | Gerard, Philippa J [autora] | Gheler Costa, Carla [autora] | Gilbert, Benjamin [autor] | Giordani, Paolo [autor] | Giordano, Simonetta [autora] | Golodets, Carly [autora] | Gomes, Laurens G. L [autora] | Gould, Rachelle K [autora] | Goulson, Dave [autor] | Gove, Aaron D [autor] | Granjon, Laurent [autora] | Grass, Ingo [autor/a] | Gray, Claudia L [autora] | Grogan, James [autor] | Gu, Weibin [autor/a] | Guardiola, Moisès [autor] | Gunawardene, Nihara R [autor/a] | Gutiérrez, Álvaro G [autor] | Gutiérrez Lamus, Doris L [autora] | Haarmeyer, Daniela H [autora] | Hanley, Mick E [autor/a] | Hanson, Thor [autor/a] | Hashim, Nor R [autor/a] | Hassan, Shombe N [autor/a] | Hatfield, Richard G [autor] | Hawes, Joseph E [autor] | Hayward, Matt W [autor] | Hébert, Christian [autor/a] | Helden, Alvin J [autor/a] | Henden, John André [autor] | Henschel, Philipp [autor/a] | Hernández, Lionel [autor] | Herrera, James P [autor] | Herrmann, Farina [autora] | Herzog, Félix [autor] | Higuera Díaz, Diego [autor] | Hilje, Branko [autor] | Höfer, Hubert [autor] | Hoffmann, Anke [autor/a] | Horgan, Finbarr G [autor/a] | Hornung, Elisabeth [autora] | Horváth, Roland [autor] | Hylander, Kristoffer [autor] | Isaacs-Cubides, Paola [autora] | Ishida, Hiroaki [autor/a] | Ishitani, Masahiro [autor/a] | Jacobs, Carmen T [autora] | Jaramillo, Víctor J [autor] | Jauker, Birgit [autora] | Jiménez Hernández, F [autor/a] | Johnson, McKenzie F [autor/a] | Jolli, Virat [autor/a] | Jonsell, Mats [autor/a] | Juliani, S. Nur [autor/a] | Jung, Thomas S [autor] | Kapoor, Vena [autor/a] | Kappes, Heike [autor/a] | Kati, Vassiliki [autor/a] | Katovai, Eric [autor] | Kellner, Klaus [autor/a] | Kessler, Michael [autor] | Kirby, Kathryn R [autora] | Kittle, Andrew M [autor] | Knight, Mairi E [autora] | Knop, Eva [autora] | Kohler, Florian [autor/a] | Koivula, Matti [autor/a] | Kolb, Annette [autora] | Kone, Mouhamadou [autor/a] | Kőrösi, Ádám [autor] | Krauss, Jochen [autor/a] | Kumar, Ajith [autor/a] | Kumar, Raman [autor/a] | Kurz, David J [autor] | Kutt, Alex S [autor/a] | Lachat, Thibault [autor/a] | Lantschner, Victoria [autora] | Lara Valencia, Francisco [autor]
| Lasky, Jesse R [autor/a] | Latta, Steven C [autor] | Laurance, William F [autor] | Lavelle, Patrick [autor/a]
| Le Féon, Violette [autora] | LeBuhn, Gretchen [autor/a] | Légaré, Jean-Philippe [autor] | Lehouck, Valérie [autora] | Lencinas, María V [autora] | Lentini, Pia E [autor/a] | Letcher, Susan G [autora] | Li, Qi [autor/a] | Litchwark, Simon A [autor] | Littlewood, Nick A [autor] | Liu, Yunhui [autor/a] | Lo Man Hung, Nancy [autora] | López Quintero, Carlos Alberto [autor] | Louhaichi, Mounir [autor/a] | Lövei, Gabor L [autor/a] | Lucas Borja, Manuel Esteban [autor] | Luja Molina, Víctor Hugo [autor]
| Luskin, Matthew S [autor/a] | Mac Swiney González, María Cristina [autora]
| Maeto, Kaoru [autor/a] | Magura, Tibor [autor/a] | Mallari, Neil Aldrin [autor/a] | Malone, Louise A [autor/a] | Malonza, Patrick K [autor/a] | Malumbres Olarte, Jagoba [autor/a] | Mandujano Rodríguez, Salvador [autor]
| Måren, Inger E [autor/a] | Marín Spiotta, Erika [autora]
| Marsh, Charles J [autor/a] | Marshall, E. J. P [autor/a] | Martínez, Eliana [autora] | Martínez Pastur, Guillermo [autor] | Moreno Mateos, David [autor] | Mayfield, Margaret M [autora] | Mazimpaka, Vicente [autor] | McCarthy, Jennifer L [autora] | McCarthy, Kyle P [autor/a] | McFrederick, Quinn S [autor/a] | McNamara, Sean [autor/a] | Medina, Nagore G [autor/a] | Medina, Rafael [autor] | Mena, José L [autor] | Mico, Estefania [autora] | Mikusinski, Grzegorz [autor/a] | Milder, Jeffrey C [autor/a] | Miller, James R [autor] | Miranda Esquivel, Daniel R [autor] | Moir, Melinda L [autora] | Morales, Carolina L [autora] | Muchane, Mary N [autora] | Muchane, Muchai [autor/a] | Mudri Stojnic, Sonja [autor/a] | Munira, A. Nur [autor/a] | Muñoz Alonso, Luis Antonio [autor]
| Munyekenye, B. F [autor/a] | Naidoo, Robin [autor] | Naithani, A [autor/a] | Nakagawa, Michiko [autor/a] | Nakamura, Akihiro [autor/a] | Nakashima, Yoshihiro [autor/a] | Naoe, Shoji [autor/a] | Nates Parra, Guiomar [autor/a] | Navarrete Gutiérrez, Darío Alejandro [autor]
| Navarro Iriarte, Luis [autor] | Ndang'ang'a, Paul K [autor] | Neuschulz, Eike L [autor/a] | Ngai, Jacqueline T [autor] | Nicolás, Violaine [autor/a] | Nilsson, Sven G [autor/a] | Noreika, Norbertas [autor/a] | Norfolk, Olivia [autora] | Noriega, Jorge Ari [autor] | Norton, David A [autor] | Nöske, Nicole M [autora] | Nowakowski, A. Justin [autor] | Numa, Catherine [autor] | O'Dea, Niall [autor/a] | O'Farrell, Patrick J [autor] | Oduro, William [autor] | Oertli, Sabine [autor/a] | Ofori Boateng, Caleb [autor/a] | Oke, Christopher Omamoke [autor/a] | Oostra, Vicencio [autor] | Osgathorpe, Lynne M [autor/a] | Otavo, Samuel Eduardo [autor] | Page, Navendu V [autor/a] | Paritsis, Juan [autor] | Parra H., Alejandro [autor] | Parry, Luke [autor/a] | Pe'er, Guy [autor/a] | Pearman, Peter B [autor] | Pelegrin, Nicolás [autor] | Pélissier, Raphaël [autor] | Peres, Carlos A [autor] | Peri, Pablo L [autor] | Persson, Anna S [autora] | Petanidou, Theodora [autora] | Peters, Marcell K [autor/a] | Pethiyagoda, Rohan S [autor/a] | Phalan, Ben [autor/a] | Philips, T. Keith [autor/a] | Pizarro Araya, Jaime [autor] | Plumptre, A. J [autor/a] | Poggio, Santiago L [autor] | Politi, Natalia [autora] | Pons, Pere [autor/a] | Poveda, Katja [autor/a] | Power, Eileen F [autor/a] | Presley, Steven J [autor] | Proença, Vânia [autora] | Quaranta, Marino [autor] | Quintero, Carolina [autora] | Rader, Romina [autor] | Ramesh, B. R [autor/a] | Ramírez Pinilla, Martha Patricia [autora]
| Ranganathan, Jai [autor/a] | Rasmussen, Claus [autor/a] | Redpath Downing, Nicola A [autor] | Reid, J. Leighton [autor/a] | Reis, Yana T [autora] | Rey Benayas, José María [autor]
| Rey Velasco, Juan Carlos [autor] | Reynolds, Chevonne [autor/a] | Bandini Ribeiro, Danilo [autor] | Richards, Miriam H [autora] | Richardson, Barbara A [autora] | Richardson, Michael J [autor] | Macip Ríos, Rodrigo [autor] | Robinson, Richard [autor] | Robles, Carolina A [autor] | Römbke, Jörg [autor/a] | Romero Duque, Luz Piedad [autora] | Rös, Matthias [autor] | Rosselli, Loreta [autora] | Rossiter, Stephen J [autor] | Roth, Dana S [autora] | Roulston, T'ai H [autor/a] | Rousseau, Laurent [autora] | Rubio, André V [autor/a] | Ruel, Jean Claude [autor] | Sadler, Jonathan P [autor] | Sáfián, Szabolcs [autor/a] | Saldaña Vázquez, Romeo A [autor] | Sam, Katerina [autora] | Samnegård, Ulrika [autora] | Santana, Joana [autora] | Santos, Xavier [autor] | Savage, Jade [autora] | Schellhorn, Nancy A [autora] | Schilthuizen, Menno [autor] | Schmiedel, Ute [autor/a] | Schmitt, Christine B [autor/a] | Schon, Nicole L [autora] | Schüepp, Christof [autor] | Schumann, Katharina [autora] | Schweiger, Oliver [autor] | Scott, Dawn M [autor/a] | Scott, Kenneth A [autor/a] | Sedlock, Jodi L [autor/a] | Seefeldt, Steven S [autor] | Shahabuddin, Ghazala [autor/a] | Shannon, Graeme [autor/a] | Sheil, Douglas [autor] | Sheldon, Frederick H [autor] | Shochat, Eyal [autor/a] | Siebert, Stefan J [autor/a] | Silva, Fernando A. B [autor] | Simonetti, Javier A [autor] | Slade, Eleanor M [autora] | Smith, Jo [autor/a] | Smith Pardo, Allan H [autor] | Sodhi, Navjot S [autor/a] | Somarriba, Eduardo J [autor] | Sosa, Ramón A [autor] | Soto Quiroga, Grimaldo [autor] | St Laurent, Martin Hugues [autor] | Starzomski, Brian M [autor] | Stefanescu, Constanti [autor/a] | Steffan Dewenter, Ingolf [autor/a] | Stouffer, Philip C [autor] | Stout, Jane C [autora] | Strauch, Ayron M [autor/a] | Struebig, Matthew J [autor/a] | Su, Zhimin [autor/a] | Suárez Rubio, Marcela [autora] | Sugiura, Shinji [autor/a] | Summerville, Keith S [autor/a] | Sung, Yik Hei [autor/a] | Sutrisno, Hari [autor/a] | Svenning, Jens Christian [autor] | Teder, Tiit [autor/a] | Threlfall, Caragh G [autor/a] | Tiitsaar, Anu [autor/a] | Todd, Jacqui H [autor/a] | Tonietto, Rebecca K [autora] | Torre, Ignasi [autor/a] | Tóthmérész, Béla [autor/a] | Tscharntke, Teja [autor/a] | Turner, Edgar C [autor/a] | Tylianakis, Jason M [autor] | Uehara Prado, Marcio [autor] | Urbina Cardona, Nicolas [autor] | Vallan, Denis [autor/a] | Vanbergen, Adam J [autor] | Vasconcelos, Heraldo L [autor] | Vassilev, Kiril [autor/a] | Verboven, Hans A. F [autor/a] | João Verdasca, Maria [autora] | Verdú, José R [autor] | Vergara, Carlos H [autor] | Vergara, Pablo M [autor] | Verhulst, Jort [autor/a] | Virgilio, Massimiliano [autor] | Van Vu, Lien [autor/a] | Waite, Edward M [autor] | Walker, Tony R [autor] | Wang, Hua Feng [autor/a] | Wang, Yanping [autor/a] | Watling, James I [autor] | Weller, Britta [autora] | Wells, Konstans [autor/a] | Westphal, Catrin [autor/a] | Wiafe, Edward D [autor] | Williams, Christopher D [autor] | Willig, Michael R [autor] | Woinarski, John C. Z [autor] | Wolf, Jan Hendrik Diederik [autor/a]
| Wolters, Volkmar [autor/a] | Woodcock, Ben A [autor/a] | Wu, Jihua [autor/a] | Wunderle, Joseph M [autor] | Yamaura, Yuichi [autor/a] | Yoshikura, Satoko [autor/a] | Yu, Douglas W [autor] | Zaitsev, Andrey S [autor/a] | Zeidler, Juliane [autor/a] | Zou, Fasheng [autor/a] | Collen, Ben [autor/a] | Ewers, Rob M [autor/a] | Mace, Georgina M [autora] | Purves, Drew W [autor/a] | Scharlemann, Jörn P. W [autor/a] | Purvi, Andy [autor/a].
Tipo de material: 

Tipo de ítem | Biblioteca actual | Colección | Signatura | Estado | Fecha de vencimiento | Código de barras |
Artículos | Biblioteca Electrónica Recursos en línea (RE) | ECOSUR | Recurso digital | ECO400580437884 |
Acceso en línea sin restricciones
The PREDICTS project-Projecting Responses of Ecological Diversity In Changing Terrestrial Systems ( collated from published studies a large, reasonably representative database of comparable samples of biodiversity from multiple sites that differ in the nature or intensity of human impacts relating to land use. We have used this evidence base to develop global and regional statistical models of how local biodiversity responds to these measures. We describe and make freely available this 2016 release of the database, containing more than 3.2 million records sampled at over 26,000 locations and representing over 47,000 species. We outline how the database can help in answering a range of questions in ecology and conservation biology. To our knowledge, this is the largest and most geographically and taxonomically representative database of spatial comparisons of biodiversity that has been collated to date; it will be useful to researchers and international efforts wishing to model and understand the global status of biodiversity. eng