Forensic entomology: an introduction / Dorothy Gennard
Por: Gennard, Dorothy E [autor/a].
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Tipo de ítem | Biblioteca actual | Colección | Signatura | Estado | Fecha de vencimiento | Código de barras |
Libros | Biblioteca Electrónica Recursos en línea (RE) | Acervo General | Recurso digital | ECO400577205560 | ||
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Biblioteca Tapachula
Texto colocado en la configuración de la biblioteca Tapachula |
Acervo General | 614.1 G4 | Disponible | ECO020013548 |
Incluye bibliografía: páginas 216-240 e índice: páginas 241-249
Glosario: páginas 205-213
List of plates.. List of figures.. List of tables.. Preface.. Acknowledgements.. 1 The scope of forensic entomology.. 1.1 Forensic entomology in urban contexts.. 1.2 Stored product infestation and forensic entomology.. 1.3 Forensic entomology in the medico-legal context.. 1.4 The history of forensic entomology.. 1.5 Professional associations for forensic entomologists.. 1.6 The UK regulator for forensic science.. 1.7 Web addresses of relevant organizations.. 2 Forensic entomology, DNA and entomotoxicology.. 2.1 Preparation of specimens for molecular analysis.. 2.2 Methods of analysis and sources of information.. 2.3 Alternative methods.. 2.4 Validity of methodologies.. 2.5 The use of other molecular means of insect species determination.. 2.6 Insects and entomotoxicology.. 2.7 Forensic applications of arthropod behaviour for chemical analysis.. 3 Insects and decomposition.. 3.1 Indicators of 'time of death'.. 3.2 Stages of decomposition of a body.. 3.3 Volatiles released from the body during decomposition.. 3.4 Decomposition in specific circumstances.. 4 Identifying flies that are important in forensic entomology.. 4.1 What is a fly and how do I spot one?.. 4.2 The fly lifecycle.. 4.3 Forensically important families of flies.. 4.4 Members of other orders that have forensic relevance in aquatic cases.. 4.5 Review technique: larval spiracles or mouthparts - preparation of whole slide mounts.. 5 Key for the identification of European and Mediterranean blowflies (Diptera, Calliphoridae of medical and veterinary importance - adult flies.. 5.1 Introduction.. 5.2 Key.. 6 Identifying beetles that are important in forensic entomology.. 6.1 What do beetles look like?.. 6.2 The life stages of the beetles.. 6.3 Selected forensically relevant families of beetles.. 6.4 Features used in identifying forensically important beetle families.. 6.5 Identification of beetle families using DNA
6.6 Key to selected forensically relevant families in the order Coleoptera.. 7 Sampling at the crime scene.. 7.1 Entomological equipment to sample from a corpse.. 7.2 Catching adult flying insects at the crime scene.. 7.3 The sampling strategy for the body.. 7.4 Sampling at aquatic crime scenes.. 7.5 Obtaining meteorological data at the crime scene.. 8 Rearing insects and other laboratory investigations.. 8.1 Transporting entomological evidence to the laboratory.. 8.2 Laboratory conditions for fly rearing.. 8.3 Methods of maintaining and rearing insects - terrestrial species.. 8.4 Dietary requirements of insects reared in the laboratory.. 8.5 Beetle rearing in the laboratory.. 8.6 Methods of maintaining aquatic species.. 9 Calculating the post mortem interval.. 9.1 Working out the base temperature.. 9.2 Accumulated degree data.. 9.3 Calculation of accumulated degree hours (or days from crime-scene data.. 9.4 Sources of error.. 9.5 Use of larval growth in length to determine post mortem interval (isomegalen diagrams and isomorphen diagrams.. 9.6 Calculating the post mortem interval using succession.. 9.7 The effects of hymenopteran parasitoids on post mortem interval determination.. 9.8 Review technique: interpretation of data from a crime scene case study.. 9.9 Further reading.. 10 Ecology of forensically important flies.. 10.1 Ecological relationships of some forensically relevant families.. 10.2 Specific family features.. 10.3 Fly infestation of the living.. 10.4 Flies influencing the crime scene.. 11 The ecology of some forensically relevant beetles.. 11.1 Ecology of carrion beetles (Silphidae.. 11.2 Ecology of skin, hide, and larder beetles (Dermestidae.. 11.3 Ecology of clown beetles (Histeridae.. 11.4 Ecology of chequered or bone beetles (Cleridae.. 11.5 Ecology of rove beetles (Staphylinidae.. 11.6 The ecology of dung beetles and related families.. 11.7 Ecology of ground beetles (Carabidae
12 Investigations in an aquatic environment.. 12.1 Decomposition and submergence in water.. 12.2 The nature of the water bodies in which submergence may take place.. 12.3 Methods of establishing time since corpse submergence - indicator species.. 12.4 Attractants to the corpse.. 12.5 Methods of culturing aquatic insects.. 12.6 Algae an alternative source of determining time since submergence.. 13 The forensic entomologist in court.. 13.1 The expert's report.. 13.2 The content of the expert's report.. 13.3 The forensic expert in the courtroom.. 13.4 Communicating entomological facts in court.. 13.5 Physical evidence: its continuity and integrity.. 13.6 The code of practice for experts.. 13.7 Use of single joint experts.. 13.8 Practical assignment - writing an expert report using the post mortem calculations generated from Chapter 9.. 13.9 Further reading on presentation in court.. 13.10 Web site addresses.. Appendices.. Glossary.. References.. Index
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Forensic Entomology provides undergraduates with a concise introduction to the subject. The book is written with the clarity necessary for students starting out in entomology yet authoritative enough to prove useful for more experienced researchers. Worked examples of the necessary mathematics, including how to use excel to process data, coupled with lab protocols and self-assessment questions make the book an essential starting point in the subject. Assuming little prior knowledge of either biology or entomology the book provides information on identification, life cycles and ecology of insects presented in a forensic context. Information is conveyed in an accessible style with practical tasks and suggestions for further reading included in each chapter. Fully revised and updated to include new research in the field New chapter on aquatic forensic entomology New pictorial key to aid identification of species contributed by Dr. Krzysztof Szpila, Nicolaus Copernicus University, Poland Further coverage of civil applications of forensic entomology Practical tasks and further reading included to aid understanding Colour plate section and improved illustrations throughout to assist in the identification of insects associated with the corpse Approaches the topic from the dual perspectives of basic entomology and its forensic applications Covers the contributions to forensic investigations of both flies and beetles Provides information on culturing insects collected from crime scenes Guides students through the processes of writing entomological court reports and presenting in court alongside the scientific topics Extended coverage of PMI calculations, role of professional associations for forensic entomologists and sampling at the crime scene New sections to discuss the identification of traces of explosives found in larvae, puparia and pupae and DNA sampling from insects eng
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Subscripción a EBSCOhost Julio del 2016