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Biogeochemical investigations of terrestrial, freshwater and wetland ecosystems across the globe [Libro electrónico] / editores: R. Kelman Wieder, Martin Novák, Melanie A. Vile

Wieder, R. Kelman [editor] | Novák, Martin [editor/a] | Vile, Melanie A [editor/a].
Tipo de material: Libro
 en línea Libro en línea Editor: Dordrecht, Holland: Springer Netherlands, c2004Descripción: vii, 748 páginas : ilustraciones mapas ; 25 centímetros.ISBN: 1402018142; 9789401037518 (Print); 9789400709522 (Online).Tema(s): Environmental monitoring -- Congresses | Biogeochemistry -- Congresses | Ecology -- CongressesNota de acceso: Disponible para usuarios de ECOSUR con su clave de acceso Nota de bibliografía: Incluye bibliografía Número de sistema: 56629Contenidos:Mostrar Resumen:

Fifteen years have passed since a small group of researchers at the Czech Geo­ logical Survey boldly convened a conference called GEOMON, Geochemical Monitoring in Representative Basins, held in Prague in 1987. The focus of the original GEOMON conference was rather narrow - monitoring of element pools and fluxes on a small catchment scale. Signaling a desire to broaden the focus to a more biogeochemical orientation, the 1993 meeting, also in Prague, was renamed BIOGEOMON. Tofoster wider international participation and cooperation, in 1997 BIOGEOMON was held at Villanova University in Pennsylvania. The most recent iteration of BIOGEOMON was held at the University of Reading in the United BIOGEOMON meetings to date. At Kingdom and was the largest of the series of Reading, BIOGEOMON hosted 43 invited speakers, 96 contributed talks and over 150 poster presentations. Over 260 delegates came to Reading inAugust 2002 from 25 countries around the world. At Reading, themes that always have been strong at BIOGEOMON were con­ tinued: catchment monitoring and manipulations, catchment and regional-scale modeling, nitrogen transformations and processes, and stable and radiogenic iso­ topes in the environment. Beyond these traditionally emphasized themes, other sessions focused on mercury and metal dynamics, phosphorus, scaling of biogeo­ chemical processes, terrestrial DOC and soil organic matter, rhizosphere biogeo­ chemistry, biogeochemistry of restored ecosystems, and archives of global change on the continents. Most of these themes are represented in this Special Issue, a collection of peer-reviewed articles.

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1. Biogeochemistry: some opportunities and challenges for the future.. 2. Critical loads of acidity for surface waters in south-central Ontario, Canada: regional application of the first-order acidity balance (FAB model.. 3. Effects of climate events on elemental fluxes from forested catchments in Ontario, Canada: modelling drought-induced redox processes.. 4. Projecting regional patterns of future soil chemistry status in Swedish forests using safe.. 5. Sorption of CD in soils: pedotransfer functions for the parameters of the freundlich sorption isotherm.. 6. The development of a gis-based inventory of standing waters in great Britain together with a risk-based prioritisation protocol.. 7. Simulation of nitrogen dynamics and fluxes in contrasting catchments in Norway by applying the integrated nitrogen model for catchments (INCA.. 8. The use of a gis-based inventory to provide a regional risk assessment of standing waters in great Britain sensitive to acidification from atmospheric deposition.. 9. Integrated nitrogen modeling in a boreal forestry dominated river basin: n fluxes and retention in lakes and peatlands.. 10. Uncertainties in predictions of surface water acidity using the magic model.. 11. Modelling acidification and recovery of Swedish lakes.. 12. Integrated nitrogen and flow modelling (INCA in a boreal river basin dominated by forestry: scenarios of environmental change.. 13. Assessment of the water balance of European forests: a model study.. 14. Effects of climate and ecosystem disturbances on biogeochemical cycling in a semi-natural terrestrial ecosystem.. 15. Forest ecosystem responses to atmospheric pollution: linking comparative with experimental studies.. 16. Spectral analysis of chemical time series from long-term catchment monitoring studies: hydrochemical insights and data requirements.. 17. Neutralisation of sulphur dioxide deposition in a coniferous canopy..

18. Recent recovery of lake water quality in southern Québec following reductions in sulfur emissions.. 19. Fire effects on carbon and nitrogen budgets in forests.. 20. Growth and nitrogen availability of red pine seedlings under high nitrogen load and elevated ozone.. 21. Acidification trends and the evolution of neutralization mechanisms through time at the bear brook watershed in Maine (BBWM, U.S.A.. 22. Dynamics of p, al, and fe during high discharge episodic acidification at the bear brook watershed in Maine, U.S.A.. 23. A biogeochemical comparison of two well-buffered catchments with contrasting histories of acid deposition.. 24. Validating a new model for n sequestration in forest soil organic matter.. 25. Nitrate leaching from moorland soils: can soil c:n ratios indicate n saturation?.. 26. Nutrients on asphalt parking surfaces in an urban environment.. 27. Nitrogen turnover and nitrate leaching after bark beetle attack in mountainous spruce stands of the Bavarian forest national park.. 28. Effects of long-term application of ammonium sulphate on nitrogen fluxes in a beech ecosystem at solling, Germany.. 29. Nitrous oxide emissions from two riparian ecosystems: key controlling variables.. 30. Nitrous oxide in agricultural drainage waters following field fertilisation.. 31. Nitrate leaching from a mountain forest ecosystem with gleysols subjected to experimentally increased n deposition.. 32. Radiogenic lead isotopes and time stratigraphy in the hudson river, New York.. 33. Measuring aerosol and heavy metal deposition on urban woodland and grass using inventories of 210pb and metal concentrations in soil.. 34. The transit of 35so4 2- and 3h2o added in situ to soil in a boreal coniferous forest.. 35. The missing flux in a 35s budget for the soils of a small polluted catchment.. 36. Δ13c of tree-ring lignin as an indirect measure of climate change..

37. Isotopic assessment of sources of surface water nitrate within the oldman river basin, southern Alberta, Canada.. 38. Assessment of heavy metal and pah contamination of urban streambed sediments on macroinvertebrates.. 39. Post-glacial lead dynamics in a forest soil.. 40. Residual cadmium and lead pollution at a former soviet military airfield in Tartu, Estonia.. 41. Mercury and Methylmercury in runoff from a forested catchment - concentrations, fluxes, and their response to manipulations.. 42. Deposition and fate of lead in a forested catchment, lesni potok, central czech republic.. 43. Trace metals in different crop/cultivation systems in Greece.. 44. Assessing changes in phosphorus concentrations in relation to in-stream plant ecology in lowland permeable catchments: bringing ecosystem functioning into water quality monitoring.. 45. Removal of phosphorus in constructed wetlands with horizontal sub-surface flow in the Czech republic.. 46. Scaling and mapping regional calculations of soil chemical weathering rates in Sweden.. 47. Finnish lake survey: the role of catchment attributes in determining nitrogen, phosphorus, and organic carbon concentrations.. 48. Carbon storage in tagus salt marsh sediments.. 49. Levels and characteristics of toc in throughfall, forest floor leachate and soil solution in undisturbed boreal forest ecosystems.. 50. Biomass and nutrient dynamics of restored neotropical forests.. Bibliography

Disponible para usuarios de ECOSUR con su clave de acceso

Fifteen years have passed since a small group of researchers at the Czech Geo­ logical Survey boldly convened a conference called GEOMON, Geochemical Monitoring in Representative Basins, held in Prague in 1987. The focus of the original GEOMON conference was rather narrow - monitoring of element pools and fluxes on a small catchment scale. Signaling a desire to broaden the focus to a more biogeochemical orientation, the 1993 meeting, also in Prague, was renamed BIOGEOMON. Tofoster wider international participation and cooperation, in 1997 BIOGEOMON was held at Villanova University in Pennsylvania. The most recent iteration of BIOGEOMON was held at the University of Reading in the United BIOGEOMON meetings to date. At Kingdom and was the largest of the series of Reading, BIOGEOMON hosted 43 invited speakers, 96 contributed talks and over 150 poster presentations. Over 260 delegates came to Reading inAugust 2002 from 25 countries around the world. At Reading, themes that always have been strong at BIOGEOMON were con­ tinued: catchment monitoring and manipulations, catchment and regional-scale modeling, nitrogen transformations and processes, and stable and radiogenic iso­ topes in the environment. Beyond these traditionally emphasized themes, other sessions focused on mercury and metal dynamics, phosphorus, scaling of biogeo­ chemical processes, terrestrial DOC and soil organic matter, rhizosphere biogeo­ chemistry, biogeochemistry of restored ecosystems, and archives of global change on the continents. Most of these themes are represented in this Special Issue, a collection of peer-reviewed articles. eng

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Subscripción a ELSEVIER 26 de diciembre del 2013

Con tecnología Koha