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Biodiversity and conservation of the Yucatán Peninsula / editores: Gerald Alexander Islebe, Sophie Calmé, Jorge L. León-Cortés, Birgit Schmook

Islebe, Gerald A [editor] | Calmé, Sophie [editora] | León Cortés, Jorge Leonel [editor] | Schmook, Birgit Inge [editora].
Tipo de material: Libro
  y electrónico  
  Libro impreso(a) y electrónico Editor: New York, New York, United States: Springer International Publishing, c2015Descripción: xiv, 401 páginas : fotografías, ilustraciones, mapas.Tipo de contenido: Texto Tipo de medio: Computadora Tipo de portador: Recurso en líneaISBN: 9783319065281.Tema(s): Conservación de la diversidad biológica | Historia ambiental | Fitogeografía | Disturbio ecológico | Relación insecto-planta | Zoogeografía | Mamíferos terrestres | Ungulados | Carnívoros | Primates | Especies en peligro de extinción | Anfibios | Reptiles | Aves | Cacería de subsistencia | Ecosistemas forestales | Ecosistemas costeros | Ecología de arrecifes coralinos | Manglares | Manejo de ecosistemas | Conservación de la vida silvestreDescriptor(es) geográficos: Yucatán (Península) (México) Formatos físicos adicionales: Biodiversity and conservation of the Yucatán PeninsulaClasificación: EE/333.951609726 / B5 Nota de acceso: Disponible para usuarios de ECOSUR con su clave de acceso Nota de bibliografía: Incluye bibliografía e índice: páginas 399-401 Número de sistema: 56544Contenidos:Mostrar Recomendación de contenido:

This book provides information relevant for the conservation of biodiversity and the sound management of the coastal and forest ecosystems of the Yucatan Peninsula in the face of global change. Various aspects of the biodiversity of the Yucatan Peninsula are analyzed in an integrative manner, including phenological, ecophysiological, ecological and conservation aspects of plants and animals and their relationships with humans in coastal and forest ecosystems.

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Incluye bibliografía e índice: páginas 399-401

1. Introduction: biodiversity and conservation of the Yucatán peninsula, Mexico.. Chapter 1. Physical setting and vegetation.. 2. Physical settings, environmental history with an outlook on global change.. 3. Distribution of vegetation types.. Chapter 2. Plants and environment.. 4. Vegetative and reproductive plant phenology.. 5. Physiological ecology of vascular plants.. 6. Bee-plant interactions: competition and phenology of flowers visited by bees.. 7. Natural and human induced disturbance in vegetation.. 8. Conservation and use.. Chapter 3. Fauna.. 9. Diversity and eco-geographical distribution of insects.. 10. Large terrestrial mammals.. 11. Amphibians and reptiles.. 12. Birds.. 13. Subsistence hunting and conservation.. Chapter 4. Ecosystems and conservation.. 14. Transverse coastal corridor: from freshwater lakes to coral reefs ecosystems.. 15. Forest ecosystems and conservation.. Index

Disponible para usuarios de ECOSUR con su clave de acceso

This book provides information relevant for the conservation of biodiversity and the sound management of the coastal and forest ecosystems of the Yucatan Peninsula in the face of global change. Various aspects of the biodiversity of the Yucatan Peninsula are analyzed in an integrative manner, including phenological, ecophysiological, ecological and conservation aspects of plants and animals and their relationships with humans in coastal and forest ecosystems. eng

Subscripción a ELSEVIER 26 de diciembre del 2013

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