Environmental management of solid waste: dredged material and mine tailings [Libro electrónico] / editores: Wim Salomons, Ulrich Förstner
Salomons, Wim [editor] | Förstner, Ulrich [editor/a].
Tipo de material:
Tipo de ítem | Biblioteca actual | Colección | Signatura | Estado | Fecha de vencimiento | Código de barras |
Libros | Biblioteca Electrónica Recursos en línea (RE) | Acervo General | Recurso digital | ECO400560154702 |
Incluye bibliografía e índice: páginas 393-396
Chapter 1. Prediction of effects and treatment.. 1. The predictive assessment of the migration of leachate in the subsoils surrounding mine tailing and dredging spoil sites.. 2. Pre-mine prediction of acid mine drainage.. 3. Methods for the treatment of contaminated dredged sediments.. 4. Classification and dewatering of sludges.. 5. Stabilization of dredged mud.. 6. Integrated biological systems for effluent treatment from mine and mill tailings.. 7. Ecological engineering: biological and geochemical aspects phase I experiments.. Chapter 2. Restoration and revegetation.. 8. Rehabilitation measures at the rum jungle mine site.. 9. Mine tailings reclamation. Inco limited's experience with the reclaiming of sulphide tailings in the Sudbury area, Ontario, Canada.. 10. Development of a revegetation programme for copper and sulphide-bearing mine wastes in the humid tropics.. 11. Biological engineering of marine tailings beds.. 12. Reclamation of pyritic mine spoil using contaminated dredged material.. Chapter 3. Management.. 13. Towards a long-term balance between economics and environmental protection.. 14. Rotterdam dredged material: approach to handling.. 15. Environmental management of new mining operations in developed countries: the regional copper-nickel study.. 16. Decision-making framework for management of dredged material disposal.. 17. Environmental management of new mining operations.. Subject Index
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Dredged Material and Mine Tailings are two of the same thing once they are deposited on land: they must be safe-guarded, wash-out must be prevented, and they must be protected by a plantcover. This comprehensive two-volume treatise covers both important aspects of their management: Environmental Management of Solid Waste turns to the practical applications, such as prediction, restoration and management, while in Chemistry and Biology of Solid Waste the principles and assessment are scientifically studied and discussed. Previously, dredged material was a commodity, it could be sold as soil, e. g. to gardeners. In the meantime, dredged material from the North Sea (e.g. the Rotterdam or Amsterdam harbor) must be treated as hazardous waste. Many environmentalists, managers and companies do not know how to solve the inherent problems. This new work deals with the chemical, physical and biological principles; the biological and geochemical assessment; the prediction of effects and treatment; and finally, with restoration and revegetation. It is written by many leading scientists in the various fields, and will prove invaluable for managers and politicians who are concerned with the present environmental situation. eng
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