Global gravity field and its temporal variations: symposium no. 116, Boulder, Co, USA, July 12, 1995 [Libro electrónico] / editores: Richard H. Rapp, Anny A. Cazenave, R. Steven Nerem
Rapp, Richard H [editor] | Cazenave, Anny A [editor/a] | Nerem, R. Steven [editor/a].
Tipo de material:
Tipo de ítem | Biblioteca actual | Colección | Signatura | Estado | Fecha de vencimiento | Código de barras |
Libros | Biblioteca Electrónica Recursos en línea (RE) | Acervo General | Recurso digital | ECO40056007122 |
Incluye bibliografía e índice
1. Applications of global gravity field models in geodesy and oceanography.. 2. Marine gravity from satellite altimetry over ocean and sea ice.. 3. The role and capability of absolute gravity measurements in determining the temporal variations in the earth's gravity field.. 4. Temporal variability of earth's gravitational field from satellite laser ranging.. 5. The use of GPS data for global gravity field determination.. 6. Accuracy estimates of geopotential models and global geoids.. 7. The 1995 GFZ high resolution gravity model.. 8. The altimetry derived gravity anomalies to be used in computing the joint DMA/NASA earth gravity model.. 9. The development of a global surface gravity data base to be used in the joint DMA/GSFC geopotential model.. 10. Preliminary results from the joint GSFC/DMA gravity model project.. 11. Alternative estimation techniques for global high-degree gravity modeling.. 12. Methods to reduce aliasing in spherical harmonic analysis.. 13. Gravity research missions reviewed in light of the indirect ocean tide potential.. 14. Temporal variations of the gravity field from lageos 1 and lageos 2 observations.. 15. Secular variations of the zonal harmonics and polar motion as geophysical constraints.. 16. Simulation of stochastically estimating j2 and j3 variations using lageos SLR data.. 17. Temporal variation of the terrestrial gravity field due to internal/external volume and surface forces: functional relations between generalized love-shida functions.. 18. High degree and order spherical harmonic models for the moon from clementine and historic s-band data.. 19. On the improvement of geopotential model using gravity data in china.. 20. The accuracy of contemporary geopotential models and the accuracy of predicted positions of artificial earth satellites.. 21. Global high resolution mean sea surface based on ERS-1 35- and 168- day cycles and topex data..
22. Investigation of methods for global gravity field recovery from the dense ers-1 geodetic mission altimetry.. 23. New 5' x 5' digital gravity and terrain models of the earth.. Author Index
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In July 1995 the XXI General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics was held in Boulder, Colorado. At this meeting the International Association of Geodesy (lAG) organized a number of symposia to discuss scientific developments and future directions in a number of areas. One of these symposia was G3, Global Gravity Field and Its Temporal Variations. This symposium consisted of four invited and 36 contributed papers. The contributed papers were given as oral or poster presentations. This proceedings volume represents the written contributions of the four invited papers (appearing as the first four papers in the volume) and 19 additional papers. The authors were asked to limit the length of their paper to approximately ten pages, which, in some cases, did limit what an author wanted to say. The papers in this volume have been placed in the same order as they were presented at the ruGG meeting. A key theme of the symposium is given in the paper by Nerem, Klosko, and Pavlis where they discuss applications of gravity field information in geodesy and oceanography. The significant achievements in determining the gravity field in the ocean areas from satellite altimeter data is discussed by Sandwell, Yale, McAdoo, and Smith. A review of time changes of the Earth's gravity field from terrestrial measurements is given by Lambert et aI. , and from satellite perturbation techniques by Eanes and Bettadpur. A description of new geopotential models is given in the paper by Tapley et al. eng
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