Atmospheric ozone dynamics: observations in the Mediterranean Region [Libro electrónico] / editor: Costas Varotsos
Varotsos, Costas [editor].
Tipo de material:
Tipo de ítem | Biblioteca actual | Colección | Signatura | Estado | Fecha de vencimiento | Código de barras |
Libros | Biblioteca Electrónica Recursos en línea (RE) | Acervo General | Recurso digital | ECO400559959900 |
Incluye bibliografía
1. EUROTRAC: applications to photo-oxidants and the future project.. 2. The spatial variation of ozone depletion in Europe.. 3. Statistical analyses of total ozone spatial variability in the Mediterranean.. 4. Total ozone winter-spring deficiencies in the northern mid-latitudes.. 5. Regional modelling of tropospheric ozone distribution and budgets.. 6. Weather-pattern dependent total column ozone trends in central Europe.. 7. Ozone change in the polar atmosphere.. 8. Ozone and no2 monitoring in southern Spain: the 1994/95 winter record low.. 9. The middle atmosphere over Bulgaria at the time of strong geomagnetic storm on October 10-th 1988.. 10. Variations of stratospheric ozone at the time of extremely high solar activity.. 11. Total ozone variations and meteorological processes.. 12. Decrease in surface ozone related to car exhaust at high latitudes.. 13. The Portuguese ozone and UV-B monitoring stations.. 14. Photochemical air pollution: a regional scale problem.. 15. Re-evaluation of hohenpeissenberg ozone records.. 16. A review on greenhouse effect and ozone dynamics over Greece.. 17. AMFTRAN: a new Monte Carlo radiative transfer model for calculating air mass factors.. 18. Air pollution models and their role in environmental policy.. 19. A thermoluminescence dosemeter for solar ultraviolet irradiation.. 20. On the forecasting of intermonth total ozone variations.. 21. Analysis of stratospheric aerosols in the south-eastern Mediterranean region as deduced from SAGE I and SAGE II measurements.. 22. Atmospheric soundings in support of the definition of the tropopause region in the south-eastern Mediterranean region.. 23. Retrieval of height profiles of trace gases by optimal parameter estimation.. 24. Quality checks for satellite and ground-based total ozone observations.. 25. Airline crew, cosmic radiation and cancer. Status of the current Norwegian study and the proposed European study..
26. Regional distribution of total column ozone changes in central Europe.. 27. Determination of cloud properties and cloud type from DOAS-measurements.. Bibliography
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An increasing allllo~/allce because of the anthropogenically induced ozone depletion and relevant illcrca5e of the surface ultraviolet (UV) radiation (including erythemal part of the UV spectrum) has resulted in the growth of interest to total ozone (TOZ) surface and satellite observations, surface UV measurements (with an emphasis on UV -B) and. the interpretation of observation results to assess potential impacts of the UV radiation enhancement on man and biosphere. The significance of this phenomenon is diJIcrent in various cowltries. Special attention has been paid, for instance, to ozone depletion and UV radiation increase at high latitudes (this problem has also been discussed during the Workshop). It is equally clear, however, that low and mid-latitude environmental dynamics requires carefuU monitoring and assessment of environm(:ntal trends as well. Such a conclusion is especially true for the Mediterranean Region where numerous resort places are located and subject to excessive levels of Solar Ultraviolet Radiation. This is why the NATO Advanced Rcsearch Workshop "Ground-Level and Satellite Ozone Observations: Changes in the Mediterranean Region" was organized and took place in Athens (Grcccc) during the Lime period 31 October -4 November 1995. It should be pointed out, however, that presentations discussed during the Workshop went far beyond the regional scale of consideration. This has been very important, because it opened an opportwlity to analyse the Mediterrane:an environmental situation in the broader contcx1 of the European global changes. eng
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