Gravity wave processes: their parameterization in global climate models [Libro electrónico] / editor: Kevin Hamilton
Hamilton, Kevin [editor].
Tipo de material:
Tipo de ítem | Biblioteca actual | Colección | Signatura | Estado | Fecha de vencimiento | Código de barras |
Libros | Biblioteca Electrónica Recursos en línea (RE) | Acervo General | Recurso digital | ECO400559919033 |
Incluye bibliografía e índice: páginas 403-404
1. Some problems relating to the observed characteristics of gravity waves in the middle atmosphere.. 2. Gravity-wave parameters in the lower stratosphere.. 3. Measurements of intermittency in the upper stratosphere and mesosphere.. 4. Climatology and hydrodynamic sources of internal gravity waves in the middle and upper atmosphere.. 5. Observational studies of gravity waves associated with convection.. 6. Experimental constraints on gravity wave parameterization from in situ measurements of temperature and turbulence.. 7. Analysis of intermittency in aircraft measurements of velocity, temperature and atmospheric tracers using wavelet transforms.. 8. Observations of gravity waves with the UARS microwave limb sounder.. 9. Maintainance of the tropical oscillations of zonal-mean winds in the middle atmosphere by convectively-forced gravity waves.. 10. Numerical modelling of inertia-gravity wave emission by fronts and jets.. 11. A model of non-stationary gravity waves in the stratosphere and comparison to observations.. 12. The propagation and breaking of gravity waves excited by forcing in the troposphere.. 13. Estimate of atmospheric dissipation derived from UARS/HRDI measurements.. 14. On the nonlinear interactions between gravity waves in shear flows.. 15. Gravity wave spectral models and the shapes of gravity wave spectra at low vertical wavenumbers.. 16. Nonlinearity of the saturation spectrum.. 17. Sensitivity studies using the Hines and fritts gravity wave drag parameterizations.. 18. Modeling the seasonal cycles and equatorial oscillations with a parameterization of the Doppler spread gravity wave theory.. 19. The representation of sub-grid scale orography in GCMs.. 20. The effect of parameterized gravity wave drag on simulations of the middle atmosphere during northern winter 1991/1992 - general evolution..
21. The parameterization of gravity wave drag based on the nonlinear diffusion of wave spectra.. 22. Effects of gravity wave drag in the Berlin troposphere-stratosphere-mesosphere GCM.. 23. The role of parameterized drag in a troposphere-stratosphere-mesosphere general circulation model.. 24. Seasonal simulations with the Canadian middle atmosphere model: sensitivity to a combination of orographic and Doppler spread parameterizations of gravity wave drag.. 25. Middle atmosphere simulations with the ECHAM4 Model: Sensitivity to the Doppler spread gravity wave parameterization.. 26. The mesosphere in the extended UGAMP GCM.. Subject Index
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The subject of this volume is the observation and modelling of the gravity wave field in the atmosphere. The focus is on the question of how to include the effects of small-scale gravity waves in sophisticated global climate models. The book comprises 26 chapters, including contributions from distinguished experts in observation and theory, along with results from studies of gravity wave parameterization within comprehensive climate models. eng
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Subscripción a ELSEVIER 26 de diciembre del 2013