Impact markers in the stratigraphic record [Libro electrónico] / editores: Christian Koeberl, Francisca C. Martínez-Ruiz
Koeberl, Christian [editor] | Martínez-Ruiz, Francisca C [editor/a].
Tipo de material:
Tipo de ítem | Biblioteca actual | Colección | Signatura | Estado | Fecha de vencimiento | Código de barras |
Libros | Biblioteca Electrónica Recursos en línea (RE) | Acervo General | Recurso digital | ECO400558827400 |
Incluye bibliografía
1. The stratigraphic record of impact events: a short overview.. 2. Application of stratigraphic nomenclature to terrestrial impact-derived and impact-related materials.. 3. Main geochemical signatures related to meteoritic impacts in terrestrial rocks: a review.. 4. Impact decompression melting: a possible trigger for impact induced volcanism and mantle hotspots?.. 5. Displacement of target material during impact cratering.. 6. Obscure-bedded ejecta facies from the popigai impact structure, Siberia: lithological features and mode of origin.. 7. Biostratigraphic indications of the age of the boltysh impact crater, Ukraine.. 8. Ejecta of the boltysh impact crater in the ukrainian shield.. 9. Stratigraphy and sedimentology of coarse impactoclastic breccia units within the cretaceous-tertiary boundary section, albion island, Belize.. 10. New geochemical insights from electron-spin- resonance studies of mn2+ and so3- in calcites: quantitative analyses of chicxulub crater ejecta from Belize and southern México with comparison to limestones from distal cretaceous-tertiary-boundary sites.. 11. Petrography and geochemistry of a deep drill core from the edge of the morokweng impact structure, south Africa.. 12. Stratigraphy, paleomagnetic results, and preliminary palynology across the permian-triassic (p-tr boundary at Carlton heights, southern Karoo basin (south Africa.. 13. Search for an extraterrestrial component in the late Devonian Alamo impact breccia (Nevada: results of iridium measurements.. 14. The osmussaar breccia in northwestern Estonia - evidence of a ~475 ma earthquake or an impact?.. Bibliography
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This volume is the third in a series of impact books resulting from the activities of the scientific programme, Response of the Earth System to Impact Processes (IMPACT), funded by the European Science Foundation. The volume begins with an overview of impact markers in the stratigraphic record, and is followed by three general papers on various aspects of impact cratering, ranging from a suggested nomenclature of impact product to a treatment of the hypothesis that impacts can trigger mantle plumes. Then follow 10 original contributions on various impact deposits in the stratigraphic record, ordered by increasing age, ranging from the Late Eocene Popigai impact crater to the K-T boundary to the J-K boundary and Late Devonian and Ordovician deposits. eng
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