Aspects of fluvial sedimentation in the lower triassic buntsandstein of Europe [Libro electrónico] / edited by Detlef Mader
Mader, Detlef [editor].
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Tipo de ítem | Biblioteca actual | Colección | Signatura | Estado | Fecha de vencimiento | Código de barras |
Libros | Biblioteca Electrónica Recursos en línea (RE) | Acervo General | Recurso digital | ECO400556972034 |
Incluye bibliografía
1. Prologue.. 2. Spectrum of local sedimentary elements.. 3. Braidplain, floodplain and playa lake, alluvial-fan, Aeolian and palaeosol facies composing a diversified lithogenetical sequence in the permian and triassic of south Devon (England.. 4. Gravel bars in braided-river channels of the basal buntsandstein-facies conglomerates in the Cuenca province (southeastern Iberian ranges, central Spain.. 5. Depositional models of braidplains intertonguing with Aeolian dune fields.. 6. Aeolian sedimentation in the middle buntsandstein in the Eifel north-south depression zone.. 7. Depositional mechanisms and facies models of intertonguing aeolian environment and fluvial milieu in the middle buntsandstein of the mid-European Triassic basin.. 8. Sandy inland braidplain deposition with local Aeolian sedimentation in the lower and middle parts of the buntsandstein and sandy coastal braidplain deposition in the topmost zechstein in the sudetes (lower Silesia, Poland.. 9. Fluvial sedimentary styles and associated depositional environments in the buntsandstein west of river rhine in saar area and pfalz (f.r. Germany and vosges (France.. 10. Depositional models of braidplains with associated calcrete pedogenesis.. 11. Depositional mechanisms controlling formation of coarse fluvial conglomerates in the lower Triassic continental red beds of middle Europe.. 12. Sandy braidplain deposition with minor pedogenesis in the labyrinthodontidae beds (middle buntsandstein of the northeastern holy cross mountains (Poland.. 13. Minor pedogenesis and local aeolian influences in sandy to pebbly braidplain deposits of the solling-folge (upper buntsandstein in the hessian depression (hessen and lower Saxony, f.r. Germany.. 14. Depositional models of braidplains without coexisting non-fluvial environments..
15. Gravelly to sandy braidplain deposition in the czerwona góra beds and stryczowice beds (middle buntsandstein of the northeastern holy cross mountains (Poland.. 16. Gravelly to sandy braidplain deposition in the buntsandstein-facies bohdašin formation in northeastern bohemia (Czechoslovakia.. 17. Fluvial architecture of the buntsandstein-facies redbeds in the middle to upper triassic (ladinian-norian of the southeastern edge of the Iberian meseta (southern Spain.. 18. Bimodal palaeocurrents in braided-type inland fluvial environments in the buntsandstein of middle Europe and other continental formations.. 19. Depositional models of inland braidplains passing into coastal and marine milieu.. 20. Fluvial depositional environment evolving into deltaic setting with marine influences in the buntsandstein of northern Vosges (France.. 21. Fluvial braidplain evolving into lagoonal environment in the coarse marginal facies of the lower buntsandstein relicts in Saxony (German democratic republic.. 22. Fluvial braidplain passing into an intertidal belt at the margin of the Tethys sea in the alpine buntsandstein of the drauzug in Carinthia and eastern Tyrol (Austria.. 23. Evolution of fluvial style in the buntsandstein of the northeastern holy cross mountains (poland and comparison with the depositional history of the buntsandstein in the eifel (f.r. Germany and luxembourg.. 24. Evolution of fluvial style in the buntsandstein of the northeastern holy cross mountains (poland and comparison with the depositional history of the buntsandstein in the eifel (f.r. Germany and luxembourg.. 25. Gravelly and sandy braidplain evolving into floodplain and playa lake deposits and vice versa in the buntsandstein-facies sediments and marine incursions in the triassic of the lodève region (southern France..
26. Braidplain and alluvial-fan environmental history and climatological evolution controlling origin and destruction of Aeolian dune fields and governing overprinting of sand seas and river plains by calcrete pedogenesis in the Permian and Triassic of south devon (England.. 27. Postdepositional history.. 28. Diagenetic evolution of opaque and transparent heavy minerals reflecting colour genesis in continental fluvial buntsandstein red beds of the eifel (f.r. Germany.. 29. Fluvial-marine transitional depositional environment influencing the diagenesis in the buntsandstein of thuringia (german democratic republic.. 30. Provenance determination of buntsandstein artefacts from the early-medieval dorestad trading site (the netherlands: an example of the significance of geological-mineralogical analysis in archaeology.. 31. Epilogue.. Bibliography
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