Mechanics problems in geodynamics: part II [Libro electrónico] / edited by Ren Wang, Keiiti Aki
Wang, Ren [editor] | Aki, Keiiti [editor/a].
Tipo de material:
Tipo de ítem | Biblioteca actual | Colección | Signatura | Estado | Fecha de vencimiento | Código de barras |
Libros | Biblioteca Electrónica Recursos en línea (RE) | Acervo General | Recurso digital | ECO400556721285 |
Incluye bibliografía
1. Introduction.. 2. Seismic excitation of the polar motion, 1977-1993.. 3. Faulting in zones of lithospheric extension: quantitative analysis of natural and experimental data.. 4. Dynamic interactions between crustal shortening, extension, and magmatism in the north American cordillera.. 5. Thermal modeling of the southern alps, new Zealand.. 6. Stress field and seismicity in the Indian shield: effects of the collision between India and Eurasia.. 7. (∂µ/∂tp of the lower mantle.. 8. Thermal convection in a cylindrical annulus with a Non-Newtonian outer surface.. 9. Mantle flow with existence of plates and generation of the toroidal field.. 10. Constraints on melt production rate beneath the mid-ocean ridges based on passive flow models.. 11. Dynamics of the mid-ocean ridge plate boundary: recent observations and theory.. 12. The upper mantle flow beneath the north china platform.. 13. Toward a physical understanding of earthquake scaling relations.. 14. Reflection of waves from the boundary of a random elastic semi-infinite medium.. 15. An effective approach to determine the dynamic source parameters.. 16. Source process of the 1990 gonghe, china, earthquake and tectonic stress field in the northeastern qinghai-xizang (Tibetan plateau.. 17. Aseismic fault slip and block deformation in north china.. Bibliography
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Geodynamics concerns the dynamics of the earth's global motion, of the earth's interior motion and its interaction with surface features, together with the mechanical processes in the deformation and rupture of geological structures. Its final object is to determine the driving mechanism of these motions. It is highly interdisciplinary. In providing the basic geological, geophysical infromation required for a comprehensive mechanical analysis, there are also many mechanical problems involved, which means the problem is coupled intricately with geophysics, rock mechanics, seismology, structural geology, etc. This is Part II of the Proceedings of an IUTAM/IASPEI Symposium on Mechanics Problems in Geodynamics held in Beijing, September 1994. It discusses different aspects of mechanics problems in geodynamics involving the earth's rotation, tectonic analyses of various parts of the world, mineral physics and flow in the mantle, seismic source studies and wave propagation and application of the DDA method in tectonic analysis. eng
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