Monitoring the comprehensive nuclear-test-ban treaty: sourse location [Libro electrónico] / edited by Frode Ringdal, Brian L. N. Kennett
Ringdal, Frode [editor] | Kennett, Brian L. N [editor/a].
Tipo de material:
Tipo de ítem | Biblioteca actual | Colección | Signatura | Estado | Fecha de vencimiento | Código de barras |
Libros | Biblioteca Electrónica Recursos en línea (RE) | Acervo General | Recurso digital | ECO400556506298 |
Incluye bibliografía
1. Monitoring the comprehensive nuclear-test-ban treaty.. 2. Introduction.. 3. Locating seismic events in the ctbt context.. 4. Location calibration data for ctbt monitoring at the prototype international data center.. 5. Source specific station corrections for regional phases at fennoscandian stations.. 6. Analysis of the ims location accuracy in northern Eurasia and north America using regional and globalpn travel-time tables.. 7. Application of 3-d crustal and upper mantle velocity model of north America for location of regional seismic events.. 8. Relocation of wyoming mine production blasts using calibration explosions.. 9. Seismic location calibration of the European arctic.. 10. Earthquake location accuracies in Norway based on a comparison between local and regional networks.. 11. A study of small magnitude seismic events during 1961-1989 on and near the Semipalatinsk test site, Kazakhstan.. 12. Precise relative location of 25-ton chemical explosions at balapan using ims stations.. 13. On the use of calibration explosions at the former semipalatinsk test site for compiling a travel-time model of the crust and upper mantle.. 14. Improving regional seismic event location in china.. 15. Seismic event location: nonlinear inversion using a neighbourhood algorithm.. 16. Best practice in earthquake location using broadband three-component seismic waveform data.. 17. Hyposat -an enhanced routine to locate seismic events.. 18. Global event location with full and sparse data sets using three-dimensional models of mantle p-wave velocity.. 19. Improving seismic event location: an alternative to three-dimensional structural models.. 20. Robust bearing estimation for three-component stations.. 21. Slowness corrections - one way to improve idc products.. 22. Definition of exclusion zones using seismic data.. Bibliography
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In September 1996, the United Nations General Assembly adopted the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT), prohibiting nuclear explosions worldwide, in all environments. The treaty calls for a global verification system, including a network of 321 monitoring stations distributed around the globe, a data communications network, an international data centre (IDC), and on-site inspections, to verify compliance. This volume contains research papers focusing on seismic ecent location in the CTBT context. The on-site inspection protocol of the treaty specifies a search area not to exceed 1000 square km. Much of the current research effort is therefore directed towards refining the accuracy of event location by including allowances for three-dimensional structure within the Earth. The aim is that the true location of each event will lie within the specified source zone regarding postulated location. The papers in this volume cover many aspects of seismic event location, including the development of algorithms suitable for use with three-dimensional models, allowances for regional structure, use of calibration events and source-specific station corrections. They provide a broad overview of the current international effort to improve seismic event location accuracy, and the editors hope that it will stimulate increased interest and further advances in this important field. eng
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Subscripción a ELSEVIER 26 de diciembre del 2013