Origin of granite batholiths: geochemical evidence based on a meeting of the geochemistry group of the mineralogical society [Libro electrónico] / M. P. Atherton, J. Tarney
Atherton, M. P [editor] | Tarney, J [editor/a].
Tipo de material:
Tipo de ítem | Biblioteca actual | Colección | Signatura | Estado | Fecha de vencimiento | Código de barras |
Libros | Biblioteca Electrónica Recursos en línea (RE) | Acervo General | Recurso digital | ECO400554668417 |
Incluye bibliografía e índice: páginas 134-148
1. Comments on the geological environments of granites.. 2. Compositional variation in the Galloway plutons.. 3. Isotope and trace element evidence for the origin and evolution of Caledonian granites in the Scottish highlands.. 4. Granite magmatism in the tin belt of south-east Asia.. 5. The geochemical character of the segmented Peruvian coastal batholith and associated volcanics.. 6. Petrogenetic relationships of volcanic and intrusive rocks of the Andes.. 7. 1 4 3nd/1 4 4nd, 8 7sr/8 6sr and trace element characteristics of magmas along destructive plate margins.. 8. Trace element constraints on the origin of cordilleran batholiths.. 9. The changing pattern of batholith emplacement during earth history.. 10. An emplacement mechanism for post-tectonic granites and its implications for their geochemical features.. 11. Isotopic analysis of trace sulphur from some s- and i-type granites: heredity or environment?.. Index
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This book is for undergraduates, postgraduates and research workers who wish to gain an insight into present ideas and speculations on the origin of granite batholiths. It is a summary of the proceedings of a one-day meeting of the Geochemistry Group of the Mineralogical Society held at the University of liverpool on the 2nd May 1979, entitled The Origin of Granite Batholiths: Geochemical Evidence. It was felt that relevant new geochemical and isotopic data with associated field and petrological observations would be helpful in clarifying the main issues connected with the origin of granitic rocks. The speakers who participated contri buted a wealth of data and ideas to the problem, based on many years' experience of granitic rocks in various parts of the world. The popularity of the meeting indicated that a summary of the talks might be welcomed by a wider audience; hence this book. For reasons of length and cost, authors have been limited to presenting only the essential results necessary to develop their arguments and ideas. The comprehensive reference list will, however, assist those who wish to pursue specific aspects in greater detail. Inevitably, the cost and speed of publication may have resulted in some errors and inconsistencies which would not have occurred in a book produced over a longer time-span, but the editors hope that the rapid and up-to-date publication will offset this. The controversy over the origin of granite is as old as the science of geology. eng
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Subscripción a ELSEVIER 26 de diciembre del 2013