Dynamic modeling [Libro electrónico] / Bruce Hannon, Matthias Ruth
Por: Hannon, Bruce [autor/a].
Ruth, Matthias [autor/a].
Tipo de material:
Tipo de ítem | Biblioteca actual | Colección | Signatura | Estado | Fecha de vencimiento | Código de barras |
Libros | Biblioteca Electrónica Recursos en línea (RE) | Acervo General | Recurso digital | ECO400554655796 |
Incluye bibliografía e índice: páginas 243-244
Chapter 1. Introduction.. Chapter 2. Some general methods for modeling.. Chapter 3. Chemistry models.. Chapter 4. Genetics models.. Chapter 5. Ecological models.. Chapter 6. Economic models.. Chapter 7. Engineering models.. Chapter 8. Conclusion.. Index
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Computer models offer a means of interpreting and analyzing the dynamics of real-world systems ranging from population growth to ozone depletion. Dynamic Modeling introduces an approach to modeling that makes it a more practical, intuitive endeavor. The book enables readers to convert their understanding of a phenomenon to a computer model, and then to run the model and let it yield the inevitable dynamic consequences built into the structure of the model. Dynamic Modeling uses STELLA II software to develop simulation models. Part I provides an introduction to modeling dynamic systems. Part II offers general methods for modeling. Parts III through VIII apply these methods to model real-world phenomena from chemistry, genetics, ecology, economics, and engineering. To develop and execute dynamic simulation models, Dynamic Modeling comes with STELLA II run-time software for Windows-based computers, as well as computer files of sample models used in the book. Dynamic Modeling offers a clear, approachable introduction to the modeling process, and will be of interest in any field where real problems can be illuminated by computer simulation. eng
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Subscripción a ELSEVIER 26 de diciembre del 2013