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Highlights, challenges, and perspectives in basic and applied chemical ecology of triatomines

Manrique, Gabriel [autor] | Rojas, Julio C [autor] | Lorenzo Figueiras, Alicia N [autor] | Barrozo, Romina B [autor] | Guerenstein, Pablo G [autor].
Tipo de material: Artículo
 en línea Artículo en línea Tipo de contenido: texto Tipo de medio: computadora Tipo de portador: recurso en líneaTema(s): Triatominae | Enfermedad de chagas | Feromonas sexuales de insectos | Control de mosquitos | Ecología químicaTema(s) en inglés: Triatomines | Chagas disease | Insect sex pheromones | Mosquitoes control | Chemical ecologyNota de acceso: Disponible para usuarios de ECOSUR con su clave de acceso En: Current Opinion in Insect Science. Volumen 59, artículo número 101101 (October 2023), páginas 1-7. --ISSN: 2214-5753Número de sistema: 54409Resumen:
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Triatomines are vectors of Chagas disease. Due to failures in their control, there is an urgent need for more efficient and environmentally friendly monitoring and control tools. These hematophagous insects rely heavily on chemical information from the environment to detect hosts and cues/signals from conspecifics. Chemical ecology includes the elucidation of the functional role of chemicals mediating interactions between organisms. Studies on the chemical ecology of triatomines are leading to novel methods for their monitor and control. Thus, laboratory tests to develop chemical attractants and repellents are promissory and have led to the design of, for example, efficient baited traps. However, the monitoring and control tools proposed until now have not been as effective in the field.

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