The shorebird guide / Michael O´Brien, Richard Crossley and Kevin Karlson
Por: O'Brien, Michael [autor].
Crossley, Richard [autor] | Karlson, Kevin [autor].
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Biblioteca Campeche
Texto en la configuración de la biblioteca Campeche |
Acervo General | C 598.33 O2 | Disponible | ECO040005941 |
Incluye bibliografía: páginas 465-468, e índice: páginas 473-477
Glosario: páginas 462-464
Apéndice: páginas 455-461
Crédito de fotografías: páginas 469-472
Preface.. The Road from Confusion to Clarity.. Acknowledgments.. Introduction.. What Are Shorebirds?.. Shorebird Migration.. Threats to Shorebird Populations.. How to Identify Shorebirds: A Simplified Approach.. Shorebird Topography.. Shorebird Molt.. Shorebird Aging.. How to Use This Guide.. Photographic Section.. Domestic Shorebirds.. Rarities.. Species Accounts.. Thick-knees (Family Burhinidae.. Double-striped Thick-knee.. Lapwings and Plovers (Family Charadriidae.. Northern Lapwing.. Black-bellied Plover.. European Golden-Plover.. American Golden-Plover.. Pacific Golden-Plover.. Lesser Sand-Plover.. Greater Sand-Plover.. Collared Plover.. Snowy Plover.. Wilson's Plover.. Common Ringed Plover.. Semipalmated Plover.. Piping Plover.. Little Ringed Plover.. Killdeer.. Mountain Plover.. Eurasian Dotterel.. Oystercatchers (Family Haematopodidae.. Eurasian Oystercatcher.. American Oystercatcher.. Black Oystercatcher.. Stilts and Avocets (Family Recurvirostridae.. Black-winged Stilt.. Black-necked Stilt.. American Avocet.. Jacanas (Family Jacanidae.. Northern Jacana.. Sandpipers, Phalaropes, and Allies (Family Scolopacidae.. Common Greenshank.. Greater Yellowlegs.. Lesser Yellowlegs.. Marsh Sandpiper.. Common Redshank.. Spotted Redshank.. Wood Sandpiper.. Green Sandpiper.. Solitary Sandpiper.. Willet.. Wandering Tattler.. Gray-tailed Tattler.. Common Sandpiper.. Spotted Sandpiper.. Terek Sandpiper.. Upland Sandpiper.. Little Curlew.. Eskimo Curlew.. Whimbrel.. Bristle-thighed Curlew.. Far Eastern Curlew.. Slender-billed Curlew.. Eurasian Curlew.. Long-billed Curlew.. Black-tailed Godwit.. Hudsonian Godwit.. Bar-tailed Godwit.. Marbled Godwit.. Ruddy Turnstone.. Black Turnstone.. Surfbird.. Great Knot.. Red Knot.. Sanderling.. Semipalmated Sandpiper.. Western Sandpiper.. Red-necked Stint.. Little Stint.. Temminck's Stint.. Long-toed Stint.. Least Sandpiper.. White-rumped Sandpiper.. Baird's Sandpiper
Pectoral Sandpiper.. Sharp-tailed Sandpiper.. Purple Sandpiper.. Rock Sandpiper.. Dunlin.. Curlew Sandpiper.. Stilt Sandpiper.. Spoon-billed Sandpiper.. Broad-billed Sandpiper.. Buff-breasted Sandpiper.. Ruff.. Short-billed Dowitcher.. Long-billed Dowitcher.. Jack Snipe.. Common Snipe.. Wilson's Snipe.. Pin-tailed Snipe.. Eurasian Woodcock.. American Woodcock.. Wilson's Phalarope.. Red-necked Phalarope.. Red Phalarope.. Coursers and Pratincoles (Family Glareolidae.. Oriental Pratincole.. Appendix.. Glossary.. Bibliography.. Photo credits.. Index
Join the experts in birding by impression, a revolutionary approach to bird identification. Experienced birders use the most easily observed characteristics - size, structure, behavior, and general color patterns - to identify birds even before looking carefully at plumage details. Now birders at all levels can learn how to identify shorebirds quickly and simply. This guide includes more than 870 stunning color photographs, starting with a general impression of the species and progressing to more detailed images of the bird throughout its life cycle. Quiz questions in the captions will engage and challenge all birders and help them benefit from this simplified, commonsense approach to identification. eng