Principles of sedimentology and stratigraphy / Sam Boggs
Por: Boggs, Sam [autor/a].
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Biblioteca Chetumal
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Acervo General | 552.5 B6 | Disponible | ECO030008175 |
Incluye bibliografía e índice: páginas 575-585
Preface.. Part I Origin and Transport of Sedimentary Materials.. Chapter I Weathering and Soils.. 1.1 Introduction.. 1.2 Subaerial Weathering Processes.. Physical Weathering.. Chemical Weathering.. 1.3 Submarine Weathering Processes and Products.. 1.4 Soils.. Soil-Forming Processes.. Soil Profiles and Soil Classification.. 1.5 Concluding Remarks.. Chapter 2 Transport and Deposition of Siliciclastic Sediment.. 2.1 Introduction.. 2.2 Fundamentals of Fluid Flow.. Laminar versus Turbulent Flow.. Reynolds Number.. Boundary Layers and Velocity Profiles.. Froude Number .. 2.3 Particle Transport by Fluids.. Particle Entrainment by Currents.. Role of Particle Settling Velocity in Transport.. Sediment Loads and Transport Paths.. Transport by Wind.. Transport by Glacial Ice.. Deposits of Fluid Flows.. 2.4 Particle Transport by Sediment Gravity Flows.. Turbidity Currents.. Turbidity Current Deposits.. Liquefied Flows.. Grain Flows.. Debris Flows and Mud Flows.. Part II Physical Properties of Sedimentary Rocks.. Chapter 3 Sedimentary Textures.. 3.1 Introduction.. 3.2 Grain Size.. Grain-Size Scales.. Measuring Grain Size.. Graphical and Mathematical Treatment of Grain-Size Data.. Application and Importance of Grain-Size Data.. 3.3 Particle Shape 56 Particle Form (Sphericity.. Fourier Shape Analysis.. Significance of Particle Shape.. Surface Texture.. 3.4 Fabric.. Grain Orientation.. Grain Packing, Grain-to-Grain Relations, and Porosity.. Chapter 4 Sedimentary Structures.. 4.1 Introduction.. 4.2 Kinds of Primary Sedimentary Structures.. 4.3 Stratification and Bedforms.. Bedding and Lamination.. Irregular Stratification.. 4.4 Bedding-Plane Markings.. Markings Generated by Erosion and Deposition.. Markings Generated by Deformation: Load Casts.. Biogenic Structures.. Bedding-Plane Markings of Miscellaneous Origin.. 4.5 Other Structures.. 4.6 Paleocurrent Analysis from Sedimentary Structures
Part III Composition, Classification, and Diagenesis of Sedimentary Rocks.. Chapter 5 Siliciclastic Sedimentary Rocks.. 5.1 Introduction.. 5.2 Sandstones.. Framework Mineralogy.. Mineral Cements.. Matrix Minerals.. Chemical Composition.. Classification of Sandstones.. Sandstone Maturity.. General Characteristics of Major Classes of Sandstones.. 5.3 Conglomerates.. Particle Composition.. Classification.. Origin and Occurrence of Conglomerates.. 5.4 Mudstones and Shales.. Terminology.. Composition.. Classification of Mudstones and Shales.. Origin and Occurrence of Mudstones and Shales.. 5.5 Diagenesis of Siliciclastic Sedimentary Rocks.. Stages and Realms of Diagenesis.. Major Diagenetic Processes and Effects.. 5.6 Provenance Significance of Mineral Composition.. Chapter 6 Carbonate Sedimentary Rocks.. 6.1 Introduction.. 6.2 Chemistry and Mineralogy.. 6.3 Limestone Textures.. Carbonate Grains.. Microcrystalline Calcite.. Sparry Calcite.. 6.4 Dolomite Textures.. 6.5 Structures in Carbonate Rocks.. 6.6 Classification of Carbonate Rocks.. 6.7 Origin of Carbonate Rocks.. Limestones.. Dolomite.. 6.8 Diagenesis.. Regimes of Carbonate Diagenesis.. Major Diagenetic Processes and Changes.. Summary Results of Carbonate Diagenesis.. Chapter 7 Other Chemical/Biochemical and Carbonaceous Sedimentary Rocks.. 7.1 Introduction.. 7.2 Evaporites.. Kinds of Evaporites.. Origin of Evaporite Deposits.. Diagenesis of Evaporites.. 7.3 Siliceous Sedimentary Rocks (Cherts.. Varieties of Chert.. Origin of Chert.. 7.4 Iron-Bearing Sedimentary Rocks.. Kinds of Iron-Rich Sedimentary Rocks.. Origin of Iron Formations and Ironstones.. 7.5 Sedimentary Phosphorites.. Mineralogy and Chemistry.. Distinguishing Characteristics.. Principal Kinds of Phosphorite Deposits.. Origin of Phosphorites.. Summary of Phosphorite Deposition.. 7.6 Carbonaceous Sedimentary Rocks: Coal, Oil Shale, Bitumens.. Kinds of Organic Matter in Sedimentary Rocks
Classification of Carbonaceous Sedimentary Rocks.. Part IV Depositional Environments.. Chapter 8 Continental (Terrestrial Environments.. 8.1 Introduction.. 8.2 Fluvial Systems.. Alluvial Fans.. River Systems.. 8.3 Eolian Desert Systems.. Transport and Depositional Processes in Deserts.. Deposits of Modern Deserts.. Kinds of Eolian Systems.. Ancient Desert Deposits.. 8.4 Lacustrine Systems.. Origin and Size of Lakes.. Lake Settings and Principal Kinds of Lakes.. Factors Controlling Lake Sedimentation.. Characteristics of Lacustrine Deposits.. Ancient Lake Deposits.. 8.5 Glacial Systems.. Environmental Setting.. Transport and Deposition in Glacial Environments.. Glacial Facies.. Continental Ice Facies.. Facies of Proglacial and Periglacial Environments.. Marine Glacial Facies.. Vertical Facies Successions.. Ancient Glacial Deposits.. Chapter 9 Marginal-Marine Environments.. 9.1 Introduction.. 9.2 Deltaic Systems.. Delta Classification and Sedimentation Processes.. Physiographic and Sediment Characteristics of Deltas.. Delta Cycles.. Ancient Deltaic Systems.. 9.3 Beach and Barrier Island Systems.. Depositional Setting.. Beaches.. Barrier-lsland Systems.. Characteristics of Modern Beach and Barrier-lsland Systems.. Ancient Beach and Barrier-lsland Sediments.. 9.4 Estuarine Systems.. Physiographic, Hydrologie, and Sediment Characteristics of Estuaries.. Ancient Estuarine Facies.. 9.5 Lagoonal Systems.. General Characteristics.. Ancient Lagoonal Deposits.. 9.6 Tidal-Flat Systems.. Depositional Setting.. Sedimentary Processes and Sediment Characteristics of Tidal Flats.. Ancient Tidal-Flat Sediments.. Chapter 10 Siliciclastic Marine Environments.. 10.1 Introduction.. 10.2 The Shelf Environment.. Physiography and Depositional Setting.. Shelf Sediment Transport and Deposition.. Wave- and Storm-Dominated Shelves.. Tide-Dominated Shelves.. Shelves Affected by Intruding Ocean Currents.. Shelf Transport by Density Currents
Effects of Sea-Level Change on Shelf Transport.. Biological Activities on Shelves.. Ancient Siliciclastic Shelf Sediments.. 10.3 The Oceanic (Deep-Water Environment.. Depositional Setting.. Transport and Depositional Processes to and within Deep Water.. Sediment Plumes, Wind Transport, Ice Rafting, Nepheloid Transport.. Principal Kinds of Modern Deep-Sea Sediments.. Ancient Deep-Sea Sediments.. Chapter 11 Carbonate and Evaporite Environments.. 11.1 Introduction.. Carbonates.. Evaporites.. 11.2 Carbonate Shelf (Nonreef Environments.. Depositional Setting.. Sedimentation Processes.. Skeletal and Sediment Characteristics of Carbonate Deposits.. Examples of Modern Carbonate Platforms.. Examples of Ancient Carbonate Shelf Successions.. 11.3 Slope/Basin Carbonates.. 11.4 Organic Reef Environments.. Modern Reefs and Reef Environments.. Ancient Reefs.. 11.5 Mixed Carbonate-Siliciclastic Systems.. 11.6 Evaporite Environments.. Modern Evaporite Environments.. Ancient Evaporite Environments.. Part V Stratigraphy and Basin Analysis.. Chapter 12 Lithostratigraphy.. 12.1 Introduction.. 12.2 Types of Lithostratigraphic Units.. 12.3 Stratigraphic Relations.. Contacts Between Conformable Strata.. Contacts Between Laterally Adjacent Lithostratigraphic Units.. Unconformable Contacts.. 12.4 Vertical and Lateral Successions of Strata.. Nature of Vertical Successions.. Cyclic Successions.. Sedimentary Facies.. Walther's Law of Succession of Facies.. 12.5 Nomenclature and Classification of Lithostratigraphic Units.. Development of the Stratigraphic Code.. Major Types of Stratigraphic Units.. Formal Lithostratigraphic Units.. 12.6 Correlation of Lithostratigraphic Units.. Definition of Correlation.. Lithocorrelation.. Chapter 13 Seismic, Sequence, and Magnetic Stratigraphy.. 13.1 Introduction.. 13.2 Seismic Stratigraphy.. Early Development of Seismic Methods.. Principles of Reflection Seismic Methods..
Application of Reflection Seismic Methods to Stratigraphic Analysis.. 13.3 Sequence Stratigraphy.. Fundamental Principles.. Fundamental Units of Sequence Stratigraphy.. Methods and Applications of Sequence Stratigraphy.. Summary Remarks.. 13.4 Magnetostratigraphy.. General Principles.. Sampling, Measuring, and Displaying Remanent Magnetism.. Magnetic Polarity Time Scales.. Terminology in Magnetostratigraphy.. Applications of Magnetostratigraphy and Paleomagnetism.. Chapter 14 Biostratigraphy.. 14.1 Introduction.. 14.2 Fossils as a Basis for Stratigraphic Subdivision.. Principle of Faunal Succession.. Concept of Stage.. Concept of Zone.. 14.3 Biostratigraphic Units.. Principal Categories of Zones.. Rank of Biostratigraphic Units.. Naming Biostratigraphic Units.. 14.4 The Basis for Biostratigraphic Zonation: Changes in Organisms Through Time.. Evolution.. Taxonomic Classification and Importance of Species.. Changes in Species Through Time.. 14.5 Distribution of Organisms in Space: Paleobiogeography.. 14.6 Combined Effects of the Distribution of Organisms in Time and Space.. 14.7 Applications of Biostratigraphy.. 14.8 Biocorrelation.. Correlation by Assemblage Biozones.. Correlation by Abundance Biozones.. Chronocorrelation by Fossils.. Correlation by Taxon-Range and Interval Biozones.. Correlation by Biogeographical Abundance Biozones..
Chapter 15 Chronostratigraphy and Geologic Time.. 15.1 Introduction.. 15.2 Geologic Time Units.. 15.3 The Geologic Time Scale.. Purpose and Scope.. Development of the Geologic Time Scale.. 15.4 Chronocorrelation.. Event Correlation and Event Stratigraphy.. Correlation by Stable Isotope Events.. Problems with Isotopic Chronocorrelation.. Chapter 16 Basin Analysis, Tectonics, and Sedimentation.. 16.1 Introduction.. 16.2 Mechanisms of Basin Formation (Subsidence.. 16.3 Plate Tectonics and Basins.. 16.4 Kinds of Sedimentary Basins.. Basins in Divergent Settings.. Basins in Intraplate Settings.. Basins in Convergent Settings.. Basins in Strike-Slip/Transform-Fault-Related Settings.. Basins in Hybrid Settings.. 16.5 Sedimentary Basin Fill.. 16.6 Techniques of Basin Analysis.. Measuring Stratigraphic Sections.. Preparing Stratigraphic Maps and Cross Sections.. Silicidastic Petrofacies (Provenance Studies.. Geophysical Studies.. 16.7 Applications of Basin Analysis.. Interpreting Geologic History.. Economic Applications.. Appendices.. Appendix A Form and Roundness of Sedimentary Particles.. Appendix B Paleothermometry.. Appendix C North American Stratigraphic Code.. Appendix D Nomenclature of Global and Northern American Chronostratigraphic Units.. Appendix E Web Sites Pertaining to Sedimentology and Stratigraphy.. Bibliography.. Index
This concise treatment of the fundamental principles of sedimentology and stratigraphy highlights the important physical, chemical, biological and stratigraphic characteristics of sedimentary rocks. It emphasizes the ways in which the study of sedimentary rocks is used to interpret depositional environments, changes in ancient sea level, and other intriguing aspects of Earth's history. eng