Distylous traits in Cordia dodecandra and Cordia sebestena (Boraginaceae) from the Yucatan Peninsula
Por: Canché-Collí, César [autor/a].
Canto, Azucena [Coautor/a].
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La distilia es la separación recíproca entre estigma y anteras, entre plantas de una población, pudiéndose distinguir individuos con flores de estilo largo y anteras cortas e individuos con flores de estilo corto y anteras largas. Involucrados en este polimorfismo se encuentran rasgos morfológicos de las flores y una auto-incompatibilidad controlada por un sistema de dos alelos que resulta en una proporción de tipos fl orales uno a uno dentro de una población. En este trabajo se explora las características de distilia en dos especies cercanas de árboles tropicales que se distribuyen en la duna costera y en los remanentes de huertos mayas en Yucatán. El análisis de componentes principales mostró la segregación de dos grupos de individuos con diferente morfología floral en ambas especies. Los índices de reciprocidad señalaron que la hercogamia entre los órganos largos y cortos se ajusta de forma casi perfecta a lo esperado en un sistema distílico con autoincompatibilidad sexual en Cordia sebestena y C. dodecandra. Sin embargo, en esta última especie se observó una mayor variación en la precisión en la posición de los órganos recíprocos, pudiendo tener consecuencias en la exactitud con la que el polen es depositado sobre el estigma. Las pruebas de incompatibilidad realizadas únicamente en C. dodecandra mostraron que los individuos cuyas flores recibieron polen propio o de otro individuo de su mismo morfo floral no produjeron frutos y por el contrario, produjeron frutos si recibieron polen de individuos del otro morfo. La proporción uno a uno entre morfos florales en poblaciones de especies con distilia fue observada solo en una de las especies, lo que destaca la posible disrupción de procesos como la dispersión de semillas y establecimiento de nuevos individuos en C. dodecandra. spa
Distyly is a genetically-controlled polymorphism with two floral morphs exhibiting spatial, reciprocal separation between stigmas and anthers; one morph presents styles above anthers, and the other styles below anthers. Distyly is usually linked to a self-incompatibility system that prevents self-pollination and crosses between plants of the same morph, thereby ensuring symmetrical mating and equal morph ratios within populations. This study is the first description of distylous traits in the tropical tree species Cordia dodecandra and C. sebestena from the Yucatan Peninsula. Principal components analysis of flower morphological traits identified segregation into two groups with characteristically distylous morphology. Estimation of reciprocal herkogamy using indices showed almost perfect reciprocity in the distance between long and short sexual organs in the two flower morphs of both species. Reciprocity between organs was lower in C. dodecandra, suggesting less accuracy in pollen transference between morphs. Self-incompatibility was observed for C. dodecandra, but could not be confirmed for C. sebestena. However, a 1:1 floral morph ratio within the sampled C. sebestena populations suggests the existence of a distylous, self-incompatibility system in this species. Morph distribution in C. dodecandra did not follow a typically distylous distribution, suggesting a disruption in population processes such as seed dispersion and seedling establishment in this species. The reported data confirm the existence of the distyly syndrome in the two Cordia species. eng
Distyly is a genetically-controlled polymorphism with two floral morphs exhibiting spatial, reciprocal separation between stigmas and anthers; one morph presents styles above anthers, and the other styles below anthers. Distyly is usually linked to a self-incompatibility system that prevents self-pollination and crosses between plants of the same morph, thereby ensuring symmetrical mating and equal morph ratios within populations. This study is the first description of distylous traits in the tropical tree species Cordia dodecandra and C. sebestena from the Yucatan Peninsula. Principal components analysis of flower morphological traits identifi ed segregation into two groups with characteristically distylous morphology. Estimation of reciprocal herkogamy using indices showed almost perfect reciprocity in the distance between long and short sexual organs in the two flower morphs of both species. Reciprocity between organs was lower in C. dodecandra, suggesting less accuracy in pollen transference between morphs. Self-incompatibility was observed for C. dodecandra, but could not be confirmed for C. sebestena. However, a 1:1 floral morph ratio within the sampled C. sebestena populations suggests the existence of a distylous, self-incompatibility system in this species. Morph distribution in C. dodecandra did not follow a typically distylous distribution, suggesting a disruption in population processes such as seed dispersion and seedling establishment in this species. The reported data confi rm the existence of the distyly syndrome in the two Cordia species. eng
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