Communication in plants: neuronal aspects of plant life / František Baluška, Stefano Mancuso, Dieter Volkmann, (eds.)
Baluška, František [editor] | Mancuso, Stefano [editor/a] | Volkmann, Dieter [editor/a].
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Biblioteca Tapachula
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Acervo General | 581 C65 | Disponible | ECO020013155 |
Incluye bibliografía e índice: páginas 435-438
1 The Green Plant as an Intelligent Organism.. 1.1 Introduction.. 1.1.1 The Problems of Subjective Intelligence.. 1.1.2 An Ability to Integrate a Multiplicity of Information into a Response Is an Important Intelligent Capability.. 1.1.3 Experimental Circumstances Can Be Misleading.. 1.2 Intelligent Behaviour of Single Cells.. 1.2.1 Molecular Networks in Single Eucaryote Cells.. 1.2.2 Bacterial Intelligence and Phosphoneural Networks.. 1.2.3 Observations of Eucaryote Single Cell Intelligence.. 1.3 Other Forms of Biological Intelligence.. 1.4 The Intelligence of Green Plants.. 1.4.1 Decisions and Choice in Plant Development.. 1.4.2 Predictive Modelling to Improve Fitness.. 1.4.3 Internal Assessment of Present State Before Phenotypic Change.. 1.5 Conclusions and Future Prospects.. References.. 2 Neurobiological View of Plants and Their Body Plan.. 2.1 Introduction.. 2.2 Root Apex as the Anterior Pole of the Plant Body.. 2.3 Shoot Apex as the Posterior Pole of the Plant Body.. 2.4 Auxin as a Plant Neurotransmitter.. 2.5 Cellular End-Poles as Plant Synapses.. 2.6 Vascular Strands as Plant Neurons.. 2.7 Root Apices as "Brain-Like" Command Centres.. 2.8 Ancient Fungal-Like Nature of Roots.. 2.9 Conclusions and Future Prospects.. References.. 3 Charles Darwin and the Plant Root Apex: Closing a Gap in Living Systems Theory as Applied to Plants.. 3.1 Introduction.. 3.2 The Advancing Root Front and Brain System.. 3.3 The Location of the Plant Root-Brain.. 3.3.1 Clues from the Transition Zone.. 3.3.2 Clues from the Polarity of Auxin Flow.. 3.3.3 The Muscular Root-Brain.. 3.4 The Anterior Root-Brain.. 3.5 Closing a Gap in Living Systems Theory.. 3.6 Conclusions and Future Prospects.. References.. 4 How Can Plants Choose the Most Promising Organs?.. 4.1 Introduction: Developmental Selection of Branch Configurations.. 4.2 An Experimental Model Demonstrates Branch Competition.. 4.2.1 The Experimental System
4.2.2 Stress Increases Competition.. 4.2.3 Unequal Light Conditions.. 4.2.4 The Rate of Shoot Development and Leaf Removal.. 4.2.5 Hypothesis: Branches Compete.. 4.3 Mechanisms of Competition.. 4.4 Conclusions and Future Prospects.. References.. 5 The Role of Root Apices in Shoot Growth Regulation: Support for Neurobiology at the Whole Plant Level?.. 5.1 Introduction.. 5.2 The Comparative Need for Rapid Neurobiological Activity in Animals and Plants.. 5.3 Plants That Manage Without Roots, Root Apices and Vascular Tissues.. 5.4 Do Plant Shoot Responses to Environmental Stresses Require Rapid Root-to-Shoot Signaling?.. 5.5 Conclusions and Future Perspectives.. References.. 6 Signals and Targets Triggered by Self-Incompatibility in Plants: Recognition of "Self " Can Be Deadly.. 6.1 Introduction.. 6.1.1 Pollen-Pistil Interactions.. 6.1.2 Self-Incompatibility.. 6.2 The Actin Cytoskeleton and Self-Incompatibility.. 6.2.1 Actin as a Sensor of Environmental Stimuli.. 6.2.2 Actin as a Target for Self-Incompatibility Signals in Incompatible Pollen.. 6.2.3 Self-Incompatibility Stimulates Rapid and Sustained Depolymerization of F-Actin.. 6.2.4 Increases in Cytosolic Calcium Lead to Changes in F-Actin.. 6.2.5 Profilin and Gelsolin: Mediators of Actin Alterations?.. 6.2.6 PrABP80 is Poppy Gelsolin.. 6.3 Programmed Cell Death and Self-Incompatibility.. 6.3.1 Key Features of Programmed Cell Death.. 6.3.2 Programmed Cell Death is Triggered During the Papaver Self-Incompatibility Response.. 6.3.3 A Link Between Actin and Programmed Cell Death?.. 6.4 Conclusions and Future Perspectives.. References.. 7 Signal Perception and Transduction in Plant Innate Immunity.. Thorsten Nürnberger, Birgit Kemmerling 7.1 Introduction.. 7.2 PAMPs as Triggers of Nonplant Cultivar-Specific Innate Immune Responses.. 7.3 Plant Pattern Recognition Receptors Mediate PAMP Perception and Activation of Non-Cultivar-Specific Plant Defense
7.4 Pathogen Recognition in Host Cultivar-Specific Resistance.. 7.5 Intracellular Signal Transduction in Plant Innate Immunity.. 7.6 Conclusions and Future Prospects.. References.. 8 Nitric Oxide Involvement in Incompatible Plant-Pathogen Interactions.. 8.1 Introduction.. 8.2 Activation of the Defense Response.. 8.3 NO Production During the Hypersensitive Disease Resistance Response.. 8.4 Experimental Approaches for Manipulation of Endogenous NO Levels.. 8.5 NO and Cell Death.. 8.6 NO Signaling in the Plant Defense Response.. 8.7 Systemic Acquired Resistance and NO.. 8.8 Conclusions and Future Prospects.. References.. 9 From Cell Division to Organ Shape: Nitric Oxide Is Involved in Auxin-Mediated Root Development.. 9.1 Introduction.. 9.1.1 Auxins Control Root Development.. 9.1.2 Nitric Oxide Is a New Player in Auxin-Mediated Root Development: Summary of Its Effects.. 9.2 Nitric Oxide Mediates Auxin-Induced Lateral Root Development.. 9.3 Nitric Oxide Is Required for Adventitious Root Formation.. 9.3.1 Nitric Oxide Acts Downstream of Auxins to Induce Adventitious Root Formation.. 9.3.2 Nitric Oxide Activates Cyclic GMP Dependent Pathways During Adventitious Root Formation.. 9.3.3 Nitric Oxide Induces Cyclic GMP Independent Pathways During Adventitious Root Formation.. 9.4 Conclusions and Future Perspectives.. References.. 10 Neurotransmitters, Neuroregulators and Neurotoxins in Plants.. 10.1 Neurotransmitters: Signaling Molecule in Plants?.. 10.2 Neuroregulators in Plants.. 10.3 Neurotoxins in Plants.. 10.4 Conclusions and Future Prospects.. References.. 11 Amino Acid Transport in Plants and Transport of Neurotransmitters in Animals: a Common Mechanism?.. 11.1 Introduction.. 11.2 Amino Acid Transport in Animals.. 11.2.1 Sodium Dicarboxylate Symporter Family (SDS, SLC1.. 11.2.2 The Sodium- and Chloride-Dependent Neurotransmitter Transporter Family (NTF, SLC6
11.2.3 Cationic Amino Acid Transporters and Heteromeric Amino Acid Transporters (SLC7.. 11.2.4 The Type I Phosphate Transporter Family (SLC17.. 11.2.5 The Vesicular Inhibitory Amino Acid Transporter Family (VIAAT, SLC32.. 11.2.6 The Proton/Amino Acid Transporter Family (PAT, SLC36.. 11.2.7 The Sodium-Coupled Neutral Amino Acid Transporter Family (SNAT, SLC38.. 11.3 Amino Acid Transport in Plants.. 11.3.1 Amino Acid-Polyamine-Choline Transporter Family.. 11.3.2 Amino Acid Transporter Family.. 11.4 Conclusions and Future Prospects.. References.. 12 GABA and GHB Neurotransmitters in Plants and Animals.. 12.1 Introduction.. 12.2 The GABA Shunt and GABA Signaling.. 12.2.1 Mammalian GABA Signaling.. 12.2.2 GABA Signaling in Plants.. 12.2.3 GABA Transporters.. 12.3 GHB, a By-Product of the GABA Shunt and a Neurotransmitter.. 12.3.1 From Elixir of Life to Date-Rape Drug.. 12.3.2 SSADH Inborn Deficiency: the Dark Side of GHB.. 12.3.3 The GABA Shunt and Redox Imbalance: From Bacteria to Humans.. 12.3.4 The GABA Shunt, GHB, and the Redox State in Plants.. 12.4 Conclusions and Future Perspectives.. References.. 13 The Arabidopsis thaliana Glutamate-like Receptor Family (AtGLR.. 13.1 Introduction.. 13.2 Roles (and Effects of Glutamate, Glycine and Interrelated Amino Acids in Plants.. 13.2.1 Effects of Amino Acids on Plant Development.. 13.2.2 Glutamate and Glycine as Signalling Molecules.. 13.3 Roles of AtGLR.. 13.3.1 Expression.. 13.3.2 Amino Acid Binding and AtGLR Regulation.. 13.3.3 Are AtGLRs Ion Channels?.. 13.3.4 C:N Signalling.. 13.3.5 Stress Responses.. 13.4 Conclusions and Future Perspectives.. 13.4.1 Expression.. 13.4.2 Ligand Binding and Regulation.. 13.4.3 Knockout and Overexpression Phenotyping.. 13.4.4 Heterologous Expression.. 13.4.5 NSCC Characterisation.. References.. 14 Similarities Between Endocannabinoid Signaling in Animal Systems and N-Acylethanolamine Metabolism in Plants
14.1 Introduction and Overview of Mammalian Endocannabinoid Signaling.. 14.2 NAE Structure and Occurrence in Plants.. 14.3 NAE Metabolismin Plants.. 14.3.1 NAE Formation.. 14.3.2 NAE Hydrolysis.. 14.3.3 NAE Oxidation.. 14.3.4 NAPE Formation.. 14.4 Prospective Functions of NAE in Plants.. 14.4.1 NAEs in Plant Defense Responses.. 14.4.2 NAE in Seed Germination and Seedling Growth.. 14.5 Conclusions and Future Prospects.. References.. 15 Regulation of Plant Growth and Development by Extracellular Nucleotides.. 15.1 Introduction.. 15.2 Rapid Responses of Plants to Applied Nucleotides.. 15.2.1 Induced Changes in the Concentration of Cytoplasmic Calcium Ions.. 15.2.2 Induced Changes in Superoxide Production.. 15.3 Slower Growth Response Changes Induced by eATP.. 15.4 Conclusions and Future Perspectives.. References.. 16 Physiological Roles of Nonselective Cation Channels in the Plasma Membrane of Higher Plants.. 16.1 Introduction.. 16.2 Physiological Roles of Animal NSCC.. 16.3 Functional Classification of Plant NSCC.. 16.4 The Role of NSCC in Plant Mineral Nutrition.. 16.4.1 Potassium and Ammonium.. 16.4.2 Calciumand Magnesium.. 16.4.3 Microelements and Trace Elements.. 16.5 The Role of NSCC in Plant Signalling.. 16.6 The Role of NSCC in Plant Growth and Development.. 16.7 Conclusions and Future Perspectives.. References.. 17 Touch-Responsive Behaviors and Gene Expression in Plants.. 17.1 Specialized Plants - Touch Responses That Catch Attention.. 17.2 Thigmotropism- Vines, Tendrils and Roots.. 17.3 Thigmomorphogenesis - Plasticity of Shoot Growth.. 17.4 Mechanosensitive Gene Expression.. 17.5 Conclusions and Future Prospects.. References.. 18 Oscillations in Plants.. 18.1 Introduction.. 18.2 Diversity and Hierarchy of Plant Oscillators.. 18.2.1 Spatial and Temporary Hierarchy.. 18.2.2 Functional Expression.. 18.3 Advantages and Principles of Oscillatory Control
18.3.1 Feedback Control, Damping and Self-Sustained Oscillations.. 18.3.2 Advantages of Oscillatory Strategy.. 18.3.3 Deterministic Chaos and "Strange" Behaviour.. 18.3.4 Resonant Regimes.. 18.4 Conclusions and Future Perspectives.. References.. 19 Electrical Signals in Long-Distance Communication in Plants.. 19.1 Action Potentials.. 19.1.1 General Characteristics.. 19.1.2 Ion Mechanism of Action Potentials.. 19.1.3 Ways of Action Potential Transmission.. 19.1.4 Physiological Implication of Plant Excitation.. 19.2 Conclusions and Future Perspectives.. References.. 20 Slow Wave Potentials - a Propagating Electrical Signal Unique to Higher Plants.. 20.1 A New Effort to Decipher the Impact of Electrical Long-Distance Signals in Plants.. 20.2 Propagating Depolarization Signals in Plants.. 20.3 SWPs are Hydraulically-Induced Depolarizations.. 20.4 The Propagation of SWPs.. 20.5 The Ionic Mechanism of SWPs.. 20.6 The Effects of SWPs: Targeted Organs.. 20.7 WPs and SWPs.. References.. 21 Electrical Signals, the Cytoskeleton, and Gene Expression: a Hypothesis on the Coherence of the Cellular Responses to Environmental Insult.. 21.1 Introduction to the Hypothesis.. 21.2 Evidence for Our Hypothesis.. 21.2.1 Electrical Signals and Translation.. 21.2.2 Calcium, the Cytoskeleton, and Translation.. 21.2.3 Calcium Channels, the Cytoskeleton, and Transcription.. 21.3 Conclusions and Perspectives: The "Help! It's a Virus" Hypothesis.. References.. 22 Characteristics and Functions of Phloem-Transmitted Electrical Signals in Higher Plants.. 22.1 Introduction.. 22.2 Signal Perception and Short-Distance Electrical Signalling.. 22.3 Long-Distance Signalling via the Phloem.. 22.4 Characteristics of Phloem-Transmitted Action Potentials.. 22.5 Ion Channels of the Phloem.. 22.6 Functions of Electrical Signals in Higher Plants.. 22.7 Conclusions and Future Perspectives.. References
23 Long-Distance Signal Transmission in Trees.. 23.1 Introduction.. 23.2 Transmission of Chemicals.. 23.2.1 From Where Does ABA Come?.. 23.2.2 How Much ABA Is Involved in the Response of Trees to Drought?.. 23.2.3 ABA and Xylem Sap pH.. 23.3 Hydraulic Signals.. 23.4 Integration of Chemical and Hydraulic Signals.. 23.5 Electrical Signals.. 23.6 Airborne Flow of Volatile Messengers.. 23.7 Colour Signals.. 23.8 Conclusions and Future Prospects.. References.. 24 Electrophysiology and Phototropism.. 24.1 Introduction.. 24.2 Phototropism and Photosensors.. 24.3 Electrochemical Circuits.. 24.4 Measuring of Action, Graded, and Variation Potentials in Plants.. 24.5 Light-Induced Electrophysiological Signaling in Plants.. References.. 25 Hydro-Electrochemical Integration of the Higher Plant - Basis for Electrogenic Flower Induction.. 25.1 State of the Art in Photoperiodic Control of Flowering in Short- and Long-Day Plants.. 25.2 Rhythms in SER as Markers of Photoperiodic Control and Interorgan Communication in a Longand a Short-Day Plant.. 25.3 Early Changes at the Shoot Apical Meristem During Flower Induction.. 25.4 Evolution of Circadian Frequencies - Timing of Metabolic Controls.. 25.5 Circadian Rhythmic Organisation of Energy Metabolism in C. rubrum and the Gating of Photoreceptor (Phytochrome Action.. 25.6 Hydraulic-Electrochemical Integration of the Whole Plant.. 25.7 Electrophysiological Integration of Activity of the Whole Plant - Monitoring of Surface Sum Potentials.. 25.8 Substitution of Photoperiodic Flower Induction by Electrogenic Flower Induction.. 25.9 Conclusions and Future Perspectives.. References.. 26 Signals and Signalling Pathways in Plant Wound Responses.. 26.1 Introduction.. 26.2 Patterns of Proteinase Inhibitor Activity and Electrical Activity Following a Variety of Wounding Protocols Applied to Tomato Seedlings.. 26.3 Conclusions and Future Prospects.. References
27 Root Exudation and Rhizosphere Biology: Multiple Functions of a Plant Secondary Metabolite.. 27.1 Introduction.. 27.2 C. maculosa Invasion Ecology.. 27.3 (±-Catechin, Allelopathy, and Cell Death.. 27.3.1 Identification of the Allelochemical.. 27.3.2 Catechin Induces Reactive Oxygen Species and Ca2+-Mediated Cell Death.. 27.3.3 Catechin Exposure Leads to Genome-Wide Changes in Arabidopsis.. 27.3.4 (±-Catechin Is Present at Phytotoxic Concentrations in C. maculosa Soils.. 27.3.5 The Role of (±-Catechin in C. maculosa Invasion.. 27.4 (±-Catechin and C. maculosa Autoinhibition.. 27.5 (±-Catechin Effects on Soil Communities.. 27.6 (±-Catechin, Soil Processes, and Nutrient Availability.. 27.7 Conclusions and Future Prospects.. References.. 28 Communication Between Undamaged Plants by Volatiles: the Role of Allelobiosis.. 28.1 Introduction.. 28.1.1 Plant-Plant Communication via Volatiles - a Complex Language.. 28.1.2 Experimental Considerations in Plant-Plant Communication.. 28.2 Allelobiosis in Barley.. 28.2.1 Barley Plant Responses to Plant Volatiles.. 28.2.2 Allelobiosis and Plant Responses.. 28.3 Allelobiosis and Insect Responses.. 28.3.1 Allelobiosis and Aphid Response.. 28.3.2 Allelobiosis and Ladybird Searching Behaviour.. 28.4 Conclusions and Future Prospects.. References.. Subject Index
Plant neurobiology is a newly emerging field of plant sciences. It covers signalling and communication at all levels of biological organization - from molecules up to ecological communities. In this book, plants are presented as intelligent and social organisms with complex forms of communication and information processing. Authors from diverse backgrounds such as molecular and cellular biology, electrophysiology, as well as ecology treat the most important aspects of plant communication, including the plant immune system, abilities of plants to recognize self, signal transduction, receptors, plant neurotransmitters and plant neurophysiology. Further, plants are able to recognize the identity of herbivores and organize the defence responses accordingly. The similarities in animal and plant neuronal/immune systems are discussed too. All these hidden aspects of plant life and behaviour will stimulate further intense investigations in order to understand the communicative plants in their whole complexity. eng