Frontiers in ecology, evolution and complexity / Mariana Benítez, Octavio Miramontes and Alfonso Valiente-Banuet (editors)
Benítez Keinrad, Mariana [editora] | Miramontes, Octavio [editor] | Valiente Banuet, Alfonso [editor].
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Tipo de ítem | Biblioteca actual | Colección | Signatura | Estado | Fecha de vencimiento | Código de barras |
Libros | Biblioteca Electrónica Recursos en línea (RE) | Acervo General | Recurso digital | ECO400535066941 |
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Authors & Affiliations.. Prologue.. Introduction.. Geographic patterns of biodiversity.. 1 Abstract.. 2 Resumen.. 3 Introduction.. 4 Description of patterns and correlations.. 5 Mechanistic theories of biodiversity.. 6 Null and stochastic simulation models.. 7 Bibliography.. Plant community ecology.. 1 Abstract.. 2 Resumen.. 3 Introduction.. 4 Historical background.. 5 The framework.. 6 Regional species pool and ecological connections.. 7 Niche conservatism and phylogenetic community structure.. 8 The role of plant-plant interactions in structuring communities.. 9 From pair-wise interactions to community approaches: ecological networks.. 10 Multiple ecological processes acting synergistically.. 11 Implications on biodiversity maintenance and sustainable development.. 12 Concluding remarks.. 13 Bibliography.. Flower complexity and fractals.. 1 Abstract.. 2 Resumen.. 3 Introduction.. 4 Methods.. 5 Results.. 6 Concluding remarks.. 7 Bibliography.. Community dynamics: lessons from a skeleton.. 1 Abstract.. 2 Resumen.. 3 Community dynamics: lessons from a skeleton.. The skeleton of the interaction matrix.. Understanding the dynamical properties from the skeleton.. 4 Bibliography.. Plant-pollination interactions in ecosystem restoration.. 1 Abstract.. 2 Resumen.. 3 Introduction 4 The role of anthropogenic perturbations in pollination.. Landscape fragmentation.. Climate change.. 5 The role of landscape in pollination.. 6 Experimental studies on plant-pollinator interactions in restoration.. 7 How to restore the pollination interactions in a degraded area?.. 8 Bibliography.. Networks in agroecology.. 1 Abstract.. 2 Resumen.. 3 Agroecological communities: multiscale nonlinear interactions.. The milpa as a model system in agroecology.. Dynamic network models in the study of agroecosystems.. 4 Box 1. Glossary.. 5 Bibliography.. Pan-genomics: unmasking hidden gene diversity in bacteria.. 1 abstract.. 2 Resumen.. 3 Bacterial Pan-genomics.. 4 Bibliography.. The coming of age of microbial ecology.. 1 Abstract.. 2 Resumen.. 3 Introduction.. 4 Overcoming difficulties in the study of microbial communities.. 5 Problematic definition of species.. 6 Use of a theoretical framework.. 7 The coming of age, towards a predictive science.. 8 Bibliography.. The complexity of cancer ecosystems.. 1 Abstract.. 2 Resumen.. 3 Introduction.. 4 Metazoa as coherent multicellular ecosystems.. Organ's tissues as cellular networks building networks of patches.. 5 Neoplastic progression and the adaptive phases of cancer.. The control of proliferation within microscopic patches.. The emergence of Neoplastic progression.. The development of heterogeneous tumors.. 6 Metastasis, dispersal and invasion of secondary cell communities.. 7 Final remarks.. 8 Bibliography.. Game of Life: simple interactions ecology.. 1 Abstract.. 2 Resumen.. 3 Introduction.. 4 Computation, Cellular Automata and Conway's Game of Life.. 5 Simple Rules and Pattern Formation.. 6 Conclusions.. 7 Bibliography.. Non-Linearity in population ecology.. 1 Abstract.. 2 Resumen.. 3 Non-Linearity in population ecology.. 4 Concluding remarks.. 5 Bibliography.. Randomness in Biology.. 1 Abstract.. 2 Resumen.. 3 Introduction.. 4 Chaos and Time Series.. 5 Attractor Reconstruction.. 6 Discussion.. 7 Bibliography
Bridging genotype and phenotype.. 1 Abstract.. 2 Resumen.. 3 Introduction.. 4 Darwin's Legacy.. From Natural Selection to Natural Variation.. Implicit Assumptions in Evolution.. 5 From Genes to Networks.. Fundamental Sources of Natural Variation.. 6 Evolutionary Systems Biology Approaches.. Epigenetic(Attractors Landscape Evolution.. Multicellular morphogenetic processes unfold naturally in the EL.. 7 Conclusion and Challenges.. 8 Bibliography.. Criticality in gene networks.. 1 Abstract.. 2 Resumen.. 3 Introduction.. 4 Boolean networks and criticality.. 5 Waddington Epigenetic landscape.. 6 Criticality of the attractor landscape.. 7 Evolution towards criticality.. 8 Discussion.. 9 Bibliography.. Multi-scale modeling of dynamic systems for evolution.. 1 Abstract.. 2 Resumen.. 3 Introduction: Changing the paradigm, multi-scale modeling approaches.. 4 Multi-scale models of non-evolutionary biological processes.. 5 Multi-scale models of evolutionary processes.. 6 Discussion and conclusions.. 7 Bibliography.. A sound of flower: evolutionary teachings from complex systems.. 1 Abstract.. 2 Resumen.. 3 Introduction.. 4 A case for Shellock Holmes.. 5 Spices: self-organization, complex systems, and chaos.. 6 A, B, C, D, E, F, Genes.. 7 The oracle speaks.. 8 The symphony of flowers.. 9 Coda.. 10 Bibliography.. Evolution of modularity.. 1 Abstract.. 2 Resumen.. 3 The role of modularity in adaptive evolution.. 4 Evolutionary scenarios for the origin of modularity.. 5 Conclusion.. 6 Bibliography.. Evolution and complexity: developmental constrains.. 1 Abstract.. 2 Resumen.. 3 Introduction.. Delimiting "the possible" in Nature.. A textbook example of functionalism: the limbs of tetrapods.. 4 Structuralism in Biology.. The utility of monsters and the origins of order.. Pattern formation in tetrapod limbs.. 5 Towards a structuralist biology.. 6 Bibliography.. Social evolution: new horizons.. 1 Abstract.. 2 Resumen.. 3 Introduction.. 4 Cooperation at the dawn of life.. 5 Social evolution: the past.. The old uncrossed frontier for the ideas on sociality.. 6 Social evolution: the future.. Emergent properties of grouping behaviour.. Non-randomness and interaction dynamics.. Mobility: come and stay together.. Stay together then interact.. 7 Bibliography.. The ecology of human linguistic groups.. 1 Abstract.. 2 Resumen.. 3 Introduction.. 4 Linguistic and biological taxonomy.. 5 Diversity and latitude.. 6 Population abundance and range sizes.. 7 Prospects.. 8 Bibliography
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