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Aboveground biomass and carbon stock of a medium stature semievergreen tropical forest in the Intensive Carbon Monitoring Site of Calakmul-Campeche, Mexico / Sandra Lorena Santamaria Rojas

Por: Santamaria Rojas, Sandra Lorena [autor/a].
Lindner, André [first supervisor] | Esparza Olguín, Ligia Guadalupe [second supervisor].
Tipo de material: Tesis TesisEditor: Dresden, Germany: Dresden University of Technology, Faculty of Environmental Sciences, Institute of International Forestry and Forest Products, 2014Descripción: vi, 39 hojas : fotografías, ilustraciones, mapas.Tema(s): Captura de carbono | Biomasa forestal | Ciclo del carbono (Biogeoquímica) | Bosques tropicalesDescriptor(es) geográficos: Dos Lagunas, Calakmul (Campeche, México) Nota de acceso: Disponible para usuarios de ECOSUR con su clave de acceso Nota de disertación: Thesis Master of Science Dresden University of Technology, Faculty of Environmental Sciences, Institute of International Forestry and Forest Products 2014 Nota de bibliografía: Bibliografía: hoja 30-34 Número de sistema: 5246Contenidos:Mostrar Resumen:

The understanding of AGB and carbon stocks is important when trying to assess the role of tropical forest in the global carbon cycle as well as the performance of market-based mechanisms such as REDD+. The Peninsula of Yucatan has been described as a high biomass cluster among the tropical forest of South Mexico (De Jong, 2013). This study characterizes the living aboveground biomass and carbon stock of the Intensive Carbon Monitoring Site of Campeche-Mexico, by exploring AGB patterns across the different successional gradients and comparing the obtained estimates with previous studies in the region. The total AGB in the ICMS of Campeche was 163.59±3.63 Mg ha-1 while the estimated carbon stock was 81.79 Mg C ha-1. Successional gradients were strong predictors of biomass density showing an increasing pattern with age, with a difference of 84.41 Mg between the lowest biomass density for young secondary forest and the largest value for lowland mature forest. Diametric classes in turn were not a good predictor of AGB density. The biggest AGB density was for medium size trees (77.56±5.97 Mg ha-1) followed by large trees and the lowest density for small trees (37.36±5.66 Mg ha-1). Basal area by size classes was not a good predictor of AGB density as well. Even though the basal area of small trees (7.35 m2 ha-1) was significant larger (p < 0.0001) than the one of the large trees, AGB density was lower for small trees (37.36±5.66 Mg ha-1). In overall this study estimates were slightly lower than previous studies for the mature forest and significantly larger for secondary forest (Table 12). This analysis is novel in that it is the initial step to establish an intensive monitoring of carbon stocks and dynamics through the operation of an ICMS in the area of Calakmul, which ecologic conditions are of high interest.

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Thesis Master of Science Dresden University of Technology, Faculty of Environmental Sciences, Institute of International Forestry and Forest Products 2014

Bibliografía: hoja 30-34

List of Figures.. List of Tables.. Abbreviations.. 1. Introduction.. 1.1. Research objectives.. 2. Theoretical Framework.. 2.1. Live Aboveground Biomass (AGB and carbon stock.. 2.2. Tree Allometry and AGB estimation.. 2.3. Field measurements for AGB estimation.. 2.4. Intensive Carbon Monitoring Sites (ICMS.. 3. Methods.. 3.1. Study site.. 3.2. Sampling design.. 3.3. Clusters and sampling units design.. 3.4. Field measurements.. 3.5. Establishment of monitoring site.. 3.6. Data processing and analysis.. 3.6.1. Descriptive statistics.. 3.6.2. Quality control for well-represented species.. 3.7. Biomass estimation.. 3.8. Ratio estimators.. 3.9. Uncertainity.. 4. Results.. 4.1. Forest structure and composition.. 4.2. Basal Area and tree height.. 4.3. Successional stages.. 4.4. Forest disturbance.. 4.5. Wood Specific Gravity.. 4.6. Estimates of AGB and carbon stock.. 5. Discussion.. 5.1. AGB and carbon stock estimates.. 5.2. Successional stages.. 5.3. Wood Specific Gravity.. 5.4. Comparison with previous estimates.. 6. Conclusions.. 7. References.. Appendices

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The understanding of AGB and carbon stocks is important when trying to assess the role of tropical forest in the global carbon cycle as well as the performance of market-based mechanisms such as REDD+. The Peninsula of Yucatan has been described as a high biomass cluster among the tropical forest of South Mexico (De Jong, 2013). This study characterizes the living aboveground biomass and carbon stock of the Intensive Carbon Monitoring Site of Campeche-Mexico, by exploring AGB patterns across the different successional gradients and comparing the obtained estimates with previous studies in the region. The total AGB in the ICMS of Campeche was 163.59±3.63 Mg ha-1 while the estimated carbon stock was 81.79 Mg C ha-1. Successional gradients were strong predictors of biomass density showing an increasing pattern with age, with a difference of 84.41 Mg between the lowest biomass density for young secondary forest and the largest value for lowland mature forest. Diametric classes in turn were not a good predictor of AGB density. The biggest AGB density was for medium size trees (77.56±5.97 Mg ha-1) followed by large trees and the lowest density for small trees (37.36±5.66 Mg ha-1). Basal area by size classes was not a good predictor of AGB density as well. Even though the basal area of small trees (7.35 m2 ha-1) was significant larger (p < 0.0001) than the one of the large trees, AGB density was lower for small trees (37.36±5.66 Mg ha-1). In overall this study estimates were slightly lower than previous studies for the mature forest and significantly larger for secondary forest (Table 12). This analysis is novel in that it is the initial step to establish an intensive monitoring of carbon stocks and dynamics through the operation of an ICMS in the area of Calakmul, which ecologic conditions are of high interest. eng

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