The identity and distribution of Lophiaris carthagenensis (Orchidaceae, Oncidiinae): two centuries of confusion
Por: Cetzal Ix, William Rolando. Doctor [autor/a]
Balam Narváez, Ricardo [autor/a]
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Artículos | Biblioteca Electrónica Recursos en línea (RE) | ECOSUR | Recurso digital | ECO400507395164 |
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We recircumscribe Lophiaris carthagenensis (Jacq.) Braem, a species from northern Colombia and Venezuela, and L. oerstedii (Rchb. f.) R. Jiménez, Carnevali & Dressler, from northeastern Mexico to southwest Honduras and Nicaragua. Furthermore, we elevate Oncidium oerstedii var. crispiflorum Schltr. to the status of species as Lophiaris crispiflora (Schltr.) Balam & Cetzal, for populations treated formally as L. carthagenensis of eastern Honduras and central-northeastern Nicaragua to northwest of Panama. Lophiaris carthagenensis is distinguished from L. crispiflora and L. oerstedii by the white or greenish flowers with red brown, wine or magenta spots, characters of the callus, and its disjunct distribution. Finally, we describe and illustrate a new natural hybrid, Lophiaris × oerstelurida Cetzal & Balam. The proposed hybrid is known from a specimen collected in the Colonia Reforma, Acacoyagua, Chiapas, Mexico. Previously, this specimen had been incorrectly proposed as the first record of L. carthagenensis for Mexico; however, the floral morphology suggests it is a natural hybrid between L. oerstedii and L. lurida (Lindl.) Braem. eng
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